Saint Lucia

Title and source of the series

Title: Basic Wage Rates.

Source: Administrative records.

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


Wages in agriculture

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

The series is annual and therefore not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

The Statistical Department, Ministry of Finance in collaboration with the Labour Department, Ministry of Health, Housing and Labour.


Geographical: Whole country.

Industrial: Agriculture; quarrying; manufacturing; electricity; construction; commerce; transport, storage and communication; finance, insurance, real estate; government and community services.

Occupational: Not available.

Establishment: Establishments of all sizes.

Persons covered: All types of workers.


The series is annual.


Employment: Not applicable.

Hours of work: Not applicable.

Wages: Data on wages refer to minimum hourly wage rates. In ILO publications, data on wages relate to agriculture only and cover males and females separately. The minimum hourly wage rates did not change between 1979 and 1985.

Reference period

Data are collected annually and refer to the calendar year.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Data are obtained from administrative records held by private firms and by Government ministries. No estimation or adjustment of the data is carried out.

Changes in the series

Not available.


Labour Department: "Annual Statistical Digest" (Castries, 1985). This issue contains 1985 data.