
Source of the series

Records of the Inspectorate General of Social Security (IGSS).

Title of the series

Home paid employment.

Organization responsible

Data collection:

Inspectorate General of Social Security.

Statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Central Statistics and Economic Studies Service (Service central de la Statistique et des Etudes économiques - STATEC).

Main topics covered


Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

A full month.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of economic activity.


all establishments employing one person and more.


all persons covered by the concept of home paid employment (see below).


data are not collected by occupation or occupational group.

Concepts and definitions


home paid employment covers all employees with a contract of employment with a resident institutional entity, whether or not they are resident in the territory of the Grand Duchy, and subject to the general Social Security regime. They include foreign cross-border workers, homeworkers, interim, temporary or seasonal workers who fit the definition, apprentices and career members of the armed forces. Luxembourg citizens working in a neighbouring country and officials of international organizations considered to be extra-territorial are excluded.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community. NACE, Rev. 1.

Number of groups used for coding:

publication to 2-digit level, subject to statistical secrecy.

Applied to:

home paid employment.

Link to ISIC and level:

compatibility between NACE, Rev.1 and ISIC, Rev.3 (1990) at section level (two-digit).

Status in employment:

within the concept of home employment, a distinction is made between paid employment (the subject of this series) and non-wage employment (self-employed workers).

Other classifications:

by sex.

Data collection

Size and coverage of the administrative system:

the administrative records of the social security system cover all employees, in all establishments employing at least one employee.

Data collection method:

as regards workers and employees in the private sector, the IGSS and the Social Security Information Technology Centre use the integrated files of the social security agencies (health and pension funds). As regards civil servants and the like (officials of the State, municipalities, railways), the responsible authorities process the files electronically.

The IGSS is responsible for checking the data and every month transmits the global data to STATEC, and annually by branch of activity. STATEC makes the necessary statistical adjustments (see below) and is responsible for disseminating the data.

Data processing, editing and consistency checks

The data are processed manually and electronically.


STATEC makes the following adjustments:

(a) at global level, taking account of volunteers in the army (not included in social security records); (b) at branch level, adjustment of employment figures for large enterprises operating in several branches of activity, as social security records are based on the employer and not the economic activity.

Part-time workers and persons with more than one job each count as one person under the European System of Integrated Economic Accounts (ESA-95).

Types of estimates

Monthly totals and yearly averages.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

considered to be exhaustive for employees covered by the above definition.

Conformity with other sources:

the employment estimates taken from the IGSS records are compared with the results of the labour force sample survey, STATEC surveys of enterprises and administrative data supplied by certain sectors such as the Luxembourg Metal Industries Group, the Luxembourg Monetary Institute, the Association of Luxembourg Insurance Companies, etc.

Available series

Paid employment, monthly and annual average, by branch of economic activity and sex.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:


Major changes and revisions:

there was a break in 1983, when the social security records for manual workers and employees were merged and checked for double counting. STATEC re-estimated total paid employment for years prior to 1983.

Documentation and dissemination


STATEC: Note trimestrielle de Conjoncture, la Situation économique au Grand-Duché (Luxembourg);

Idem: Annuaire Statistique du Luxembourg (ibid.); published about five months after the statistical reference year. Also contains methodological notes.


on Internet:

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following statistics are published in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics:

Estimates of total employment by economic activity, partly based on this administrative source.

Paid employment by economic activity.

Other administrative sources of data:

Since April 1988, the administrative records of the social security system have been the main source of data for the harmonized statistics on earnings, in conjunction with a half-yearly survey of enterprises. Methodological information on the use of this source for the purposes of the Harmonized Statistics on Average Gross Earnings (October) are available in:

ILO: Sources and Methods - Labour Statistics, Volume 2,: Employment, wages, hours of work and labour cost (establishments surveys) (second edition, Geneva, 1995).