
Source of the series

Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Monthly report on the eligible population.

Title of the series

Permanent and temporary insured workers registered with the IMSS; average contributory wage of the permanent and temporary urban contributing population.

Organization responsible

Data collection and statistical processing:

Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).

Publication/dissemination of the statistics:

National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Information Technology (INEGI) and Secretariat of Labour and Social Security.

Main topics covered

Employment and wages.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

The month.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all branches of economic activity.


all types and sizes in the private and public sectors.


permanent and temporary urban employees registered with the IMSS. Groups for whom insurance is optional, students, voluntary continuation and family health insurance are excluded.


data are not collected for individual occupations.

Concepts and definitions


covers insured persons who are permanent and temporary urban employees. Permanent insured persons are those who work in a factory, commercial undertaking or any type of company. They are entitled to insurance because they are workers (employees) of the establishment. Urban insured are persons who work in businesses or enterprises established in an urban context whose economic activity may be comprised in the following groups: farming, industrial, commercial or services.

Temporary urban insured are mainly persons working in the construction industry and other industries and not in establishments. Temporary or rural workers are persons who work seasonally in agricultural.

The series published by the ILO only cover permanent workers.


they refer to average wages of the permanent contributing population. The basic contributory wage consists of actual payment in cash of daily wages, gratuities, allowances, food, housing, bonuses, commissions, benefits in kind and any other amount of benefit provided to the worker in return for his/her services.

Daily wages that are lower than the general minimum wage of the relevant region or higher than the equivalent of 25 times the general minimum wage of the Federal District are not taken into consideration.

Hours of work:

not collected.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

List of Activities for the Classification of Enterprises in Occupational Risks Insurance.

Number of groups used for coding:

nine main divisions, 55 groups and 276 categories of economic activity.

Applied to:

all data.

Link to ISIC and level:

Rev.2, 1968.


permanent and temporary urban workers.

Other classifications:

by sector of economic activity, geographical area (urban and rural) and federal entity.

Data collection

Data collection method:

the information is obtained from data files based on IMSS documents, such as membership applications and employers' and employees' pay documents provided by IMSS collection agencies.

The numbers of insured persons are compiled from membership applications, adding old members and re-entrants, and subtracting leavers, from the monthly balance of the file called "Insured persons master file".

Updating of the administrative system:


Data processing, editing and consistency checks

Not available.


Not available.

Types of estimates

Totals of insured workers by category, total and average remuneration.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

the employment series covers the total population of workers registered with the IMSS. The average contributory wage is that reported by employers to determine health and maternity insurance contributions.

Available series

Monthly series of:

Insured workers by category (permanent, urban and rural) and annual rates of change;

Insured workers in the construction industry by category and annual rates of change.

Permanent insured workers by branch of economic activity and region.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:

January 1977.

Major changes and revisions:

not available.

Documentation and dissemination


INEGI: Mexican Bulletin of Statistical Information (Mexico, quarterly); the data are published two months after the month to which they refer.


on the Website of the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security (Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social): and the INEGI Website:

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following series are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics.
  • paid employment by economic activity;
  • employees' average daily earnings by economic activity.