Title: General Minimum Wages and Rural Workers' Minimum Wages (Salario Mínimo General y para Trabajadores del Campo).
Source: National legislation.
These data are not published in the Bulletin.
National Commission on Minimum Wages (Comisión Nacional de los Salarios Mínimos).
Geographical: Whole country.
Industrial: Agriculture and other unspecified economic activities.
Occupational: Certain occupations (not specified).
Establishment: Establishments of all sizes.
Persons covered: All workers without distinction between skill levels. In ILO publications the data refer to agricultural workers.
Half-yearly and annual since 1946. From 1987 onwards, data are revised quarterly as salary increases are required or granted.
Employment: Not applicable.
Hours of work: Not applicable.
Wages: They refer to national averages of wage rates in force in the various groups of wage zones. In ILO publications, the data refer to minimum daily wage rates of regular daily workers in agriculture.
Not applicable.
Data are derived from the statutory provisions concerning labour according to which minimum wage increases are established. Wages are calculated and revised taking into account the expected inflation.
Not available.
The data published by the ILO are prepared specifically for the ILO and are received directly from Mexico.