Norway (2)

Source of the series

Sentralt Tjenestemannsregister for Skoleverket (STS) (Central Register of Government Employees in the School System).

Title of the series

Statistics of employment and wages in the school system (publicly maintained schools).

Organization responsible

Data collection, statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

since 2002: Statistics Norway; prior to 2002: Ministry of Labour and Government Administration (AAD).

Main topics covered

Employment, earnings, wage rates and hours of work.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

Employment and wage rates:

1st October of each year;

Earnings and hours of work:

the pay period which includes 1st October.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


publicly-maintained schools, i.e. all municipal and central government primary schools, county municipal and central government upper secondary schools (including Labour Market Training), central government centers for special education expertise and folk high schools (boarding schools for upper secondary and college level students), both county municipal and private.


all types and sizes as described under "Industrial coverage".


all employees in teaching occupations.


for each type of schools (see under Classifications), the following occupations are identified:
  • Head masters
  • Educational school principals
  • School principals
  • Lecturers (in secondary and higher level schools)
  • Teachers with university degree with advancement
  • Teachers with university degree
  • Teachers
  • Teachers without required training (in primary and lower secondary schools)
  • Other occupations.

    Concepts and definitions


    refers to all employees in teaching occupations in the institutions described under "Industrial coverage", who at 1st October of the reference year were employed in accordance with agreements made between the central government and the civil servants’ organisations, regardless of the type of contract (permanent positions, positions subject to dismissal, temporary and fixed-term positions).

    Employees in private education (Section M of the Standard Industrial Classification) are not included in the statistics, but covered by a separate statistical series (Lonnprivund). Employees with a minimum of 33 hours worked per week are considered as full-time employees; those with fewer hours are considered to be part-time employees.


    gross monthly earnings refer to total cash salaries according to salary scales as of 1st October of the census year, plus additional fixed and variable allowances and stand-by payments earned in September and paid in October. They exclude the value of payments in kind and any overtime payments.

    Wage rates:

    refer to wage and salary rates actually paid per month, excluding guaranteed and regularly paid allowances and payments in kind.

    Hours of work:

    normal hours of work which are fixed in collective agreements, laws and regulations.


    Branch of economic activity (industry):

    Title of the classification:

    Standard Industrial Classification (SIC94), Section M: publicly-maintained schools.

    Number of groups used for coding:

    seven: primary schools; combined primary and lower secondary schools; lower secondary schools; schools for handicapped children (primary schools); upper secondary schools; folk high schools; and other type of schools.

    Applied to:

    all data.

    Link to ISIC:



    Title of the classification:

    the classification is in accordance with the central government salary scales as at 1st October of each year. It is not necessarily in accordance with the Standard Classification of Occupations (C521).

    Number of groups used for coding:

    see the above list of occupations.

    Applied to:

    all data.

    Link to ISCO:


    Other classifications:

    employment, earnings, wage rates and hours of work: by sex and employee category, such as fulltime/part-time and adults/youths.

    The statistics are also classified by education level. Information about the education of individuals is obtained from Statistics Norway’s register on the Population’s Highest Level of Education (BHU). Education is classified according to length of education as follows: lower secondary education; upper secondary education; third level education (4 years or less); third level education (more than 4 years); unknown or not completed education.

    There is a one-year time lag in education data.

    Data collection

    Size and coverage of the administrative system:

    In 2001 the register included 99 074 employees in publicly-maintained schools.

    Data collection method:

    The Ministry of Labour and Government Administration (AAD) receives individual records from schools in electronic form (diskettes) or on paper and sends the information in electronic form to Statistics Norway, in accordance with the Statistics Act, Section 3-2.

    Updating of the administrative system:

    The Central Register of Government Employees in the School System (STS) is updated once a year by the Ministry of Labour and Government Administration.

    Data processing, editing and consistency checks

    Data are processed both manually and by computer. Wage data are checked manually and by computer at both the AAD and Statistics Norway.



    Types of estimates

    Totals and averages.

    Construction of indices


    Indicators of reliability of the estimates

    Coverage of the administrative system:

    exhaustive, based on an annual census of all employees in the relevant groups as of 1st October of each year.

    Non-sampling errors:

    incorrect reporting by the respondents to the AAD and/or processing errors by both the AAD and Statistics Norway are possible. In addition, the register of the Population’s Highest Education may contain errors in coding of level of education.

    Conformity with other sources:

    these statistics are comparable with other wages statistics since 1997.

    Available series

    Total employment and average monthly earnings, wage rates and weekly hours of work.

    History of the statistics

    Starting date of the statistical series:


    Major changes and revisions:

    none. The statistics are comparable back to 1973.

    Documentation and dissemination


    Statistics Norway: NOS Wage Statistics (Oslo, annual); also contains methodological information;

    Idem: Statistical Yearbook (ibid., annual), issued within 6 months after the statistics reference year.

    The statistics were published by Statistics Norway for 1959, 1963, 1967 and annually since 1973.


    on Statistics Norway’s website: (Available in English and Norwegian).

    Data which do not appear in national publications or on the website can be made available upon request.

    Wages statistics for employees in private education (based on a sample of enterprises) are released on:

    Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

    The following statistics are published in Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices – October Inquiry results, and disseminated through the LABORSTA database.

    Average monthly earnings for the following occupations:

  • No.147 - Teacher in language and literature (second level)
  • No.148 - Mathematical teacher (second level)
  • No.150 - First level education teacher.

    Data for occupation No.151 - Kindergarten teacher, is derived from the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities, and for occupation No. 149 - Technical education teacher (second level), from the State Central Register of Government employees (universities and equivalent institutions). Other administrative sources of data: see description No. 3 for Norway.