Employees with a minimum of 33 hours worked per week are considered as full-time employees; those with fewer hours are considered as part-time employees.
Idem: Statistical Yearbook (ibid., annual), issued within 6 months after the reference year.
Statistics Norway has published statistics for the years 1959, 1963 and 1967, then annually since 1973.
Normal hours of work and average monthly earnings for the following occupations:
(1) The End of year certificate register, held by the Tax Administration: it provides statistics on total and average gross earnings of all employed persons (Lonnssummer fra lonns-og trekkoppgaveregisteret). Total gross earnings include all wages and salaries for time worked, work done and off-duty periods, vacation pay, bonuses and other remunerations paid out during the income year. The data are classified by branch of economic activity, sex, age group, size of establishment and region.
The data are derived from the end-of-year certificates that employers have to fill in for each of their employees at the beginning of each year with reference to the previous full year, and to transmit to the Tax Administration. The income data are verified by the Tax Administration and a copy of the cleaned files is provided to Statistics Norway for further consistency checks and statistical processing. The statistical series started in 1990 and is annual. The data are available on Statistics Norway's website: www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/05/lonnltreg_en/.
(2) Income statistics for persons and families are compiled annually on the basis of various administrative registers and statistical data sources (e.g. tax returns, the Tax Register, the End-of-year Certificate Register, the National Insurance Administration, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the State Educational Loan Fund, education statistics, etc.) for the whole population as of 31st December of the fiscal year. They provide detailed information on incomes from various sources (e.g. employment income, pensions, capital), including income that is not taxable but is found on the registers, such as housing allowance, social assistance, scholarships and cash benefits for parents of small children. The current statistical units are the person and the family and statistics are compiled on the distribution of income and levels for various population groups and geographic areas. The database is also used to obtain income information for other statistical surveys, such as the Surveys of Living Conditions and the Population and Housing Census 2001.
Statistics and methodological information are available on Statistics Norway’s website: www.ssb.no/english/subjects/05/01. They are published in: NOS C649 Income Statistics for Persons and Families 1993-1998.
(3) The Register of employers and employees provides annual data on the number of employees and their expected weekly working hours. Included are all employees whose expected duration of employment is more than six days and expected working hours per week is more than three hours. Employment data are classified by branch of economic activity according to the New Standard Industrial Classification since 1995 (prior to 1995, according to the Standard Industrial Classification), sex, age group, education level, region, country of birth and the number of years of residence in Norway; hours of work are classified by region and sex.
This register is held by the National Insurance Institution, which transmits a copy to Statistics Norway once a year and weekly updates throughout the year. Consistency checks are made against the Central Population Register and adjustments are made for double-counting of multiple-job workers. Statistical series are available since 1983. Starting in1992, seamen were included; in 1994, the reference period changed from the 2nd to the 4th quarter of each year and in 1995 the New Standard Industrial Classification was introduced. The statistics are published in:
Statistics Norway: Labour Market Statistics (Oslo, annual), and available on the website: http://www.ssb.no/english/subjects/06/01/.
Methodological information is available on Statistics Norway’s website, under "About the statistics".