French Polynesia

Source of the series

Social Security, Tax administration, and French Representation.

Title of the series

Employment and wages.

Organization responsible

Data collection:

Social Provident Fund (Caisse de Prévoyance Sociale (CPS)), High Commissioner (Haut commissariat).

Statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Statistical Institute of French Polynesia (Institut de la Statistique de Polynésie Française (ISPF)).

Main topics covered

Employment, earnings, income and hours of work.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period

The full month.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole territory (all archipelagos and districts).


all divisions of economic activity.


all types and sizes of establishments.


since 2000, all employed persons (employees and self-employed persons), who are obliged to be covered by the territorial social security insurance scheme, except French civil servants working in French Polynesia.

Prior to 2000, the self-employed who chose a private social insurance were excluded from the scheme and the statistics, together with French civil servants working in French Polynesia.


data are not collected by occupation or occupational group.

Concepts and definitions


for the purpose of the statistics, persons employed include employees and the self-employed (own-account workers) covered by the compulsory territorial social security insurance scheme, whose earnings are above the minimum wage.

Full-time workers are those who work the full legal working time (169 hours per month). Part-time workers are those who work less than the full legal working time.

Young workers in the age group 16-18 years can be separately identified.


gross cash monthly earnings above the minimum wage, including overtime payments which can be separately identified on the basis of data on hours of work. The amount of reported earnings is limited to the ceiling fixed for social security contributions.

Hours of work:

hours paid for, including overtime, as declared by the employer.

Income related to paid employment:

not applicable. As there is no income tax in French Polynesia, not all the components of income are declared.

Income related to self-employment:

in principle, net income after deduction of fixed capital consumption. In practice, employment related income of own-account workers relates to the total value of sales after deduction of all charges related to the economic activity. Reported income is limited to income above the minimum wage and to the income ceiling fixed for social security contributions.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

Nomenclature des activités françaises (NAF).

Number of groups used for coding:

4 groups, 17 sections, 31 sub-sections, 60 divisions, and 697 posts.

Applied to:

all data collected.

Link to ISIC:


Status in employment:

employees and own-account workers.

Other classifications:

employment and earnings/income are classified according to sex, age group, hours of work and localization of the employer (archipelago or district). Employment data are also distributed according to levels of earnings/income.

Data collection

Size and coverage of administrative system:

not available.

Data collection method:

data on employment and earnings of insured persons are reported monthly by employers to the territorial social security insurance. They are transmitted each quarter to the Statistical Institute, within three months after the reporting quarter.

Updating of the administrative system:


Data processing, editing and consistency checks

Data are processed by computer and consistency checks are made on wage levels, hours of work, age groups, etc.



Types of estimates


totals and distributions;


totals, averages and distributions.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

some 99 percent of all persons employed since the new legislation was introduced at the end of 2001, retroactively to 2000.

Non-sampling errors:

Not available.

Conformity with other sources:

some comparisons are made with the results of the population census, and some will be made with the results of the latest survey on family budget (2001).

Available series

Number of employees classified by: sex, age group, level of income, economic activity, sector of activity, archipelago or district of the employer, legal status of the employer, number of hours worked;

Average monthly earnings classified by: sex, age group, economic activity, sector of activity, archipelago or district of the employer, legal status of the employer and number of hours worked;

Average hourly earnings classified by: sex, age group, economic activity, sector of activity, archipelago or district of the employer and legal status of the employer.

All series are available monthly and annually, subject to confidentiality rules.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:

1987 for the major part of the series, and 1995 for all available series.

Major changes and revisions:

prior to 1995, employment and earnings data were collected by the social security insurance and reported globally. Since 1995, monthly details are available for each insured person.

Documentation and dissemination


not available before 2003.


on the following website:

Results which do not appear on the website can be made available upon request.

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following statistics are published in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics:

Annual average of employees.