
Title and source of the series

Title: Daily Wage Rates of Farm Workers in the Philippines.

Source: Agricultural Wages Survey (ALS).

List of tables published by the ILO

A. Year Book of Labour Statistics


Wages in agriculture

B. Bulletin of Labour Statistics

This series is not published in the Bulletin.

Organisation responsible for the series

Economic Research Division, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture.


Geographical: Whole country.

Industrial: Selected food and commercial crops such as rice (palay), corn, coconut and sugar-cane.

Occupational: Farm workers.

Establishment: Not applicable.

Persons covered: All farm workers (male and female) from 15 to 65 years of age.


The survey is quarterly and started in 1966.


Employment: Not applicable.

Hours of work: They refer to normal hours of work per day (eight hours). These data are not collected by the ILO.

Wages: Data on wages refer to average gross daily wage rates corresponding to a normal day of work before deductions for social security, taxes, etc. They correspond to the prescribed amount payable to an employee for a time unit of work (a day); they include basic pay and guaranteed or regularly paid allowances and bonuses, but exclude overtime payments, bonuses and gratuities, family allowances and other social security payments made by the employers, as well as payments in kind.

Reference period

The months of January, April, June and October of each year.

Methods of data collection, estimation and adjustment

Data are collected by personal interviews.

Since the last quarter of the 1984/1985 crop year a quota sampling method is used to derive the data. The survey covers four major types of farming: rice (palay) corn, sugar-cane, and coconut. Except for the province of Batanes, all provinces are covered for palay and corn while only major producing provinces are covered for coconut and sugar-cane. For rice and corn farms, at least 30 farmers are retained for sampling per province. Larger samples are drawn for bigger farms, with a minimum of ten for each type of farming in each province. For coconut and sugar-cane, at least 15 farmers are retained for sampling in the major coconut and sugar-cane producing provinces.

Changes in the series

From 1968 to 1978, the survey on farm wages was incorporated in the Integrated Agricultural Survey. From 1979 to 1983 a special farm wages survey was conducted; the results of this special survey were incorporated in the final report of the Regular Wages Survey.


Bureau of Agricultural Economics: "Daily wage rates of farm workers, second quarter 1984" in "Economics Research Report No. 9" (Quezon City, August 1985).

idem: "Wages received by salary farmers for off-farm and non-farm activities crop year 1984 - 1985" in "Economics Research Report No. 24" (Quezon City, November 1986).