
Source of the series

Social Security records and returns from Government and Parastatal Offices.

Title of the series

Formal Employment and Average Monthly Earnings of Formal Employees.

Organization responsible

Data collection, statistical processing and publication/dissemination of the statistics:

Ministry of Information Technology & Communication, Management & Information Systems Division, Statistics and Database Administration Section.

Main topics covered

Employment and earnings.

Periodicity or frequency of availability of the statistics


Reference period


the last working day of each month of the periods January to June and January to December;


the whole month.

Coverage of the statistics


the whole country.


all divisions of economic activity. Separate data are available for the public, parastatal and private sectors, and for all three sectors together.


all types and sizes of formal establishments affiliated to the social security system.


employees formally employed and affiliated to the social security system.

Excluded are domestic workers in private households, family workers and the self-employed.


data are not collected by occupation or occupational group.

Concepts and definitions


employees are all those who are engaged in formal employment and pay social security contributions.


refer to average gross monthly earnings, including overtime payments, bonuses and allowances, annual leave and redundancy payments.


Branch of economic activity (industry):

Title of the classification:

not available.

Number of groups used for coding:


Applied to:

employment and earnings.

Link to ISIC and level:

not fully compatible either with Rev.2 or with Rev.3.

Other classifications:

by sector (private, parastatal and public).

Data collection

Size and coverage of the administrative system:

covers all formal employees.

Data collection method:

the data are obtained from social security returns covering the private sector and from parastatal and Government returns collected by the Statistics and Database Administration Section of the Management & Information Systems Division.

Updating of the administrative system:

on a continuous basis.

Data processing, editing and consistency checks

The data are recorded and processed by computer in EXCEL spreadsheets.



Types of estimates

Total and average number of employees and average gross monthly earnings.

Construction of indices


Indicators of reliability of the estimates

Coverage of the administrative system:

assumed to be exhaustive in terms of formal employees.

Conformity with other sources:

the data for the public and parastatal sectors are checked against the records held by Government establishments.

Available series

Monthly and annual series of formal employment and average monthly earnings by industry and sector.

History of the statistics

Starting date of the statistical series:


Major changes and revisions:

since 1988, all employees in formal employment are exempted from Income Tax. As a result, earnings for 1988 onwards cannot be compared to previous years’ data.

Documentation and dissemination


Ministry of Information Technology & Communication, Management & Information Systems Division: Statistical Bulletin (Mahe, half yearly);

Idem: Statistical Abstract (annual).

No methodological publication has been released.


employment data are available on the Management and Information Systems Division’s web-site:

Data supplied to the ILO for dissemination

The following data are supplied to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics:

Paid employment by branch of economic activity;

Average monthly earnings of employees, by branch of economic activity.

The corresponding monthly statistics are published in the Bulletin of Labour Statistics.