National Statistical Office (ONS), 8-10 rue des Moussebiline, Algiers.
1948 and 1954 (before independence), 1966, 1977, 1987 and 1998. The present description relates to the 1998 census (held from 25 June to 9 July).
Whole country.
Entire population.
The week preceding the census day.
(a) Total population, by sex and age: yes
Economically active population by:
(b) Sex and age: yes
(c) Industry: n/a
(d) Occupation: yes
(e) Status in employment: yes
(f) Highest educational level: yes
(g) Hours of work: no
(h) Other characteristics: yes.
Re (a): The age is defined in terms of age at last birthday.
Re (h): The census also collected information on migration; language written and read; disabled population; number of live births per woman; date of first marriage; legal sector.
It comprises all persons aged 16 years and over who during the reference week were either employed or unemployed, according to the definitions given below.
Considered as employed are all persons who during the reference week worked or performed any activity for payment in cash or in kind, on a regular or non-regular basis. To determine whether a person should be counted as employed, questions were asked on personal circumstances, main job and status in employment.
It is reported that the following categories are included:
i) persons doing unpaid work in a family firm or business;
ii) persons engaged in production for own consumption;
iii) persons temporarily absent from work;
iv) working students with a part-time job;
v) seasonal or occasional workers;
vi) conscripts for military/civilian service;
vii) apprentices and trainees.
Considered as unemployed are all persons of working age (16 to 59 years) who during the reference week did not work, who had or had not previously worked, and who were looking for work.
Based on the question: What is your main job? For coding occupation, the national classification was used.
Based on the question: What is your employment status? For coding this variable, the following groups were used: employer; self-employed person; full-time employee; part-time employee; apprentice; family helper; other.
Based on the question: What was the last grade attended in general education? For coding level of education, the following groups were used: primary; lower and upper secondary; higher levels 1 and 2, post-graduate; no schooling.
The final census results were published in September 1998 in Les principaux résultats du sondage au 1/10ème and Les résultats du RGPG 1998 par wilaya (48 wilayas).
The organization responsible for publication of the final census results is the National Statistical Office (ONS), 8 et 10 rue des Moussebiline, Algiers.
The results are also available in the form of CD-ROMs and on the Internet site (