Department for Statistical and Sociological Research of the Republic of Moldova, 124 Blvd. Stefan cel Mare, 2001, Kishinau.
1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989. A pilot population census was conducted in November 1998 and it is planned to conduct the next population census, originally planned for 2001, in 2003. The present description relates to the methodology applied to the pilot census, which is likely to be applied to the 2003 population census.
Whole country.
All persons of all ages.
One day.
(a) Total population, by sex and age: yes
Economically active population by:
(b) Sex and age group: yes
(c) Industry: yes
(d) Occupation: yes
(e) Status in employment: yes
(f) Educational level: yes
(g) Hours of work: no
(h) Other characteristics: no
Re (a): The age will be defined in terms of day, month and year of birth.
The economically active population will comprise all persons aged 15 years and over who, during the reference period, will be either employed or unemployed, according to the definitions given below. All members of the armed forces will be included in the definition.
Based on the question: AEconomic situation? 1) Occupied; 2) Not occupied, looking for a job; 3) Not occupied, looking for a first job; 4) Student; 5) Pensioner or retired; 6) housekeeping; 7) dependant on state (institutional population); 8) Pensioned by the government; 9) Other@.
It is reported that the following categories will be included:
i) persons doing unpaid work in a family firm or business;
ii) persons engaged in the production of goods for own consumption;
iii) employed persons, temporarily absent from work;
iv) working students with a part-time job;
v) seasonal workers not at work during the off-season;
vi) regular members of the armed forces;
vii) conscripts on military/civilian service;
viii) apprentices and trainees;
ix) persons temporarily laid-off (with formal job attachment).
Only persons belonging to category (i) will be identified separately.
Considered as unemployed will be all persons aged 15 to 65 years for men, and 15 to 60 years for women, who, during the reference period, have been without work and looking for a job. Students seeking work and future starts will be excluded from the definition. It is reported that persons temporarily laid-off (without formal job attachment) and discouraged workers will be included in the definition.
Both employed persons and unemployed persons will be classified by educational level. Only employed persons will be classified by industry, by occupation and by status in employment.
Based on the question: APlease indicate the economic activity of your enterprise: full name of the enterprise, organization, association and affiliated branch in which the respondent is working@. For coding industry, 138 groups of the national classification will be used. Links to ISIC Rev.3 will be established at the group (3-digit) level.
Based on the question: APlease indicate your position and the work executed@. For coding occupation, 435 groups of the national classification will be used. Links to ISCO-88 will be established at the unit group (4-digit) level.
This variable will be coded according to the following six groups: Employee; Employer; Own account worker (i.e. working on own means and own responsibility); Unpaid worker in a family enterprise; Member of a production cooperative; and Other status.
The national classification of education level is still being developed. For coding level of education, the following groups will be used: Higher; Higher with shortened period of education; Specialized secondary; Uncompleted secondary; General secondary; Primary; Uncompleted primary; and Illiterate. No links to ISCED will be established.
In 1989, questions concerning economic characteristics of the persons were asked only to a population sample (25% of dwellings).
The category of unemployment and the status in employment classification have been introduced. The definition of employment has been revised on the basis of international recommendations.
It is planned to publish the final results two years after the census.
The organization responsible for the publication will be the Department for Statistical and Sociological Research of the Republic of Moldova, 124 Blvd. Stefan cel Mare, 2001, Kishinau.
The final census data should be available in various forms.