1. Name and address of the organization responsible for the census:

National Statistics Office, R. Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa, Manila.

2. Population censuses conducted since 1945 (years):

1948, 1960, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000.  The present description relates to the 2000 population census (held on 1 May).

3. Coverage of the census:

(a) Geographical scope:  Whole country.

(b) Persons covered:  All persons of all ages except citizens of foreign countries who expect to reside in the Philippines for less than a year from the date of their arrival; citizens of foreign countries who were attached and residing within the compounds of an embassy, ministry, legation, chancellery or consulate, irrespective of the length of their stay; foreign military and non-military personnel and their families, residing within the military base, irrespective of the duration of their stay; citizens of foreign countries who are chiefs and officials of international organizations like the United Nations, ILO or USAID and who are subject to reassignment to their countries after their tour of duty in the Philippines, and members of their families.

4. Reference period:

The year preceding the census day for economic activities.

5. Main topics:

(a) Total population, by sex and age:  yes

Economically active population by:

(b) Sex and age group:  yes

(c) Industry:  yes

(d) Occupation:  yes

(e) Status in employment:  no

(f) Highest educational level:  yes

(g) Hours of work:  no

(h) Other characteristics:  yes


Re (a): The age is defined in terms of date at last birthday.


Re (h): The census also collected information on: ability to speak English/Tagalog; ethnicity; literacy; school attendance, place and type of school; disability; place of work; place of residence five years prior to the conduct of the census; religious affiliation.

6. Concepts and definitions:

(a) Economically active population:  It comprises all persons aged 10 years and over who, during the reference period, were gainful workers, i.e. persons whose usual activity/occupation was not housekeeper, student or idle.  Only those considered as household population, including military officers and members of their households aged 10 years and over residing in housing units within military camps or installations, were asked questions on economic activity.  Hence soldiers and other military personnel residing in military barracks/camps without the other members of their households were enumerated as institutional population and were not asked questions on economic activity, and are therefore excluded from the definition. 

Questions concerning economic activity were asked of ten per cent of persons in municipalities of more than 1,500 households, 20 per cent of persons in municipalities with 500 to 1,500 households and to all persons in municipalities of less than 500 households. 

Data published on the economically active population relate only to persons aged 15 years and over.

(b) Employment:  Not included in the census.

(c) Unemployment:  Not included in the census.

7. Classifications used:

Household members aged 15 years and over in the samples are classified by industry and by occupation.  No classification by status in employment was made.

(a) Industry:  Based on the question: “In what kind of business or industry did this person work during the past 12 months?”.  The industry classification used in the Census of Population is based on the 1994 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC). It was patterned after the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), Rev. 3 of the United Nations, up to 3-digit level, but with modifications to suit national situations and circumstances.

(b) Occupation:  Based on the question: “What was this person’s usual activity/occupation during the past 12 months?”.   For coding occupation, the 1992 Philippines Occupational Classification has been used to the unit group (4-digit) level. It was patterned after the 1988 International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) of the International Labor Organization with modifications to suit the national context.

(c) Status in employment:  No classification was made.

(d) Level of education:  Based on the question “What is the highest grade/year completed by this person?”.  For coding this variable the 2000 Codebook, based on ISCED-97, has been used to the 2-digit level.   

8. Main differences compared with the previous census:

-           In the 1995 census, questions were asked only on the characteristics of the population;             there were no questions on housing. 


-           In the 2000 census questions were also included to determine the following information:  Place of residence five years prior to the conduct of the census; Birth registration status; Ability to speak English/Tagalog; Religious affiliation; Literacy; Place of work; Family nucleus; School attendance, place and type of school; Fertility.

-           In the 2000 census no specific question on trade skill was asked.

9. Publication of the census results:

The title of the publication containing the final results is “2000 Census of Population and Housing, Reports Nos. 1 – Population by Province, City/Municipality and Barangay; 2 – Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics; 3 – Population, Land Area and Density; 4 – Urban Population of the Philippines by Category, Region, Province, City/Municipality and Barangay; 5) Institutional Population”. 


The organization responsible for the publication is the National Statistics Office, R. Magsaysay Boulevard, Sta. Mesa, Manila.


The census results are also available in the form of printed volumes by province and highly urbanized cities, unpublished tables, as well as public use files and tables on CDs. Selected Census 2000 data are also available for consultations at


Technical notes on the 2000 Census of Population and Housing  are available at