National Statistical Institute, Av. António José de Almeida, 1000-043 Lisbon.
1950, 1960, 1970, 1981, 1991 and 2001. The present description relates to the 2001 census (held on 12 March).
Whole country.
Entire population with the exception of nationals living abroad for one year or more and foreigners living in Portugal for less than one year.
The week preceding the census (i.e. from 5 to 11 March 2001).
However, with regard to unemployment, different intervals have been applied (less than one month, one month to less than four months, four to eleven months, twelve months or more).
(a) Total population, by sex and age: yes
Economically active population by:
(b) Sex and age group: yes
(c) Industry and sex: yes
(d) Occupation and sex: yes
(e) Status in employment and sex: yes
(f) Highest educational level: yes
(g) Hours of work: yes
(h) Other characteristics: yes.
Re (a): The age is defined in terms of date of birth.
Re (g): Employed persons were asked to specify the number of hours worked in their main job during the reference week.
Re (h): The census also collected information on other topics, in particular: place of work; time of travel to place of work and means of transport used; main source of income over the last 12 months.
It comprises all persons aged 15 years and over who during the reference week were either employed or unemployed, according to the definitions given below. All members of the armed forces (career members and conscripts) are included in the definition.
Considered as employed are all persons who during the reference week performed any job, occupation or economic activity.
It is reported that the following are included in this definition:
i) persons doing unpaid work in a family firm or business;
ii) persons engaged in the production of primary products for own consumption;
iii) employed persons, temporarily absent from work;
iv) working students with a part-time job;
v) seasonal or occasional workers, if they were at work at the time of the census;
vi) conscripts for military/civilian service; however, only persons subject to compulsory military service are identified separately;
vii) apprentices and trainees.
Only categories (i), (iii) and (vi) above can be identified separately.
Considered as unemployed in the broad sense are all persons who during the reference week were without work and willing to work. Considered as unemployed in the strict sense are all persons who during the reference week were without work and seeking work and had looked for work during the last 30 days. Seasonal or occasional workers who were without work at the time of the census are also counted as unemployed.
Both employed persons and unemployed persons who have previously worked are classified by industry, by occupation and by status in employment.
Based on the question: Where do you (did you last) perform your main job? For coding industry, use was made of NACE Rev.1 at the class (4-digit) level.
The question asked relates to the main job performed. For coding occupation, ISCO-88 was used but with adaptations at the unit group level to expand the groups.
Employed persons and unemployed persons who had previously worked were asked a question in order to determine whether they performed or had performed their main activity as: employers; own-account workers; employees; unpaid family workers; active members of producers’ cooperatives; conscripts (compulsory military service); other. For coding this variable, the above seven categories were used.
Based on the questions: (i) Do you attend or have you attended the education system?; (ii) At what educational level are you attending or, if you are not studying, what is the highest level at which you attended? and (iii) Did you complete the educational level indicated in reply to the previous question? For coding level of education, ten groups were used. The classification groups used are compatible with ISCED-97.
The 2001 census retained the same question structure but different intervals were applied for answers to the question on unemployment, i.e.: Are you seeking or have you already sought work: - during the last 30 days? – for 1 month and less than 4 months? – for 4 months and less than 11 months? – for 12 months or more?
The final data on the economically active population and its components were published in 2002.
The organization responsible for publication is the National Statistical Institute, Av. António José de Almeida, 1000-043 Lisbon.
The 2001 census results are also available in the form of tables published at the national and regional levels, on the INE Internet site (, on CD-ROM and in the form of unpublished tables.