1. Name and address of the organization
responsible for the census:
Dirección General de Estadística,
Encuestas y Censos, Naciones Unidas y Saavedra, Fernando de la Mora Zona Norte,
Casilla de Correo No. 1118, Asunción.
2. Population censuses conducted since 1945
1950, 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992 and 2002. The
description below refers to the 2002 population census (carried out on 28
3. Coverage of the census:
a) Geographical scope: The whole country.
b) Persons covered: The whole population.
4. Reference period:
The week preceding the date of the census.
5. Main topics:
a) Total
population, by sex and age: yes
active population by:
b) Sex and age
group: yes
c) Industry: yes
d) Occupation:
e) Status in
employment: yes
f) Highest
educational level: yes
g) Hours of work:
h) Other characteristics:
Re. a): Age was defined in terms of age at
last birthday.
Re. h): Working
in the public or private sector, permanent or contract worker, size of
enterprise ranked in six categories.
6. Concepts and definitions:
a) Economically active population: Comprises all persons aged 10 and over who, during the
reference week, were either employed or unemployed according to the definitions
below. The definition excludes conscripts but includes career military
b) Employment: Considered as employed are all persons who worked at
least one hour during the reference week. The questions used are: “(1) During
the last week (from Sunday to Saturday) did you do any work, even if only for
one hour? (2) During the last week did you have a job, but did not go to work
because you were ill, on leave, on holiday or other reasons? (3) During the
last week did you do any odd jobs or produce any product at home or outside the
home for sale, or provide any service or help anyone in their work, business or
It is reported
that the following categories were included:
persons doing unpaid work in a family enterprise or business;
employed persons temporarily absent from work.
Both the above
categories can be identified separately.
c) Unemployment: Considered as unemployed are persons who, in the last
four weeks, were seeking work, having worked before, or looking for their first
job. The questions used are: “(1) Did you look for work during the last four
weeks? (2) Have you worked before?”.
7. Classifications used:
Both employed persons and unemployed
persons were classified by industry, by occupation and by status in employment.
a) Industry: Based on the question “What activity does your workplace
(or former workplace) engage in or what does it produce? (Examples: cotton
growing, housing construction, small shop, garment making, poultry raising,
sale of plastic chairs, shoe repair, baking, livestock transport, cattle, school,
hospital, supermarket, Ministry of Finance, family household)”. For coding
industry, ten groups of the Classification of Economic Activities for Social
and Demographic Surveys (CAES) of MERCOSUR were used. CAES-MERCOSUR is based on
the International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities
(ISIC) Rev. 3. (The tabulation category, consisting of an alphabetical digit,
corresponds to that of ISIC Rev. 3. At the division level, consisting of two
numerical digits, there are links to ISIC Rev. 3 with one exception: wholesale
and retail trade).
b) Occupation: Based on the question: “What is (or was) your main
occupation at work? Specify the task. (Examples: farmer, horticulturalist,
agricultural labourer, shopkeeper, dressmaker, mason, car mechanic, truck
driver, chipa (cheese bun) vendor, supermarket cashier, building electrician,
schoolteacher, printing press operator)”. For coding occupation the
International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) was used at the
four-digit level.
c) Status in employment: Based on the question “In this job are (or were) you:
self-employed; unpaid family worker; employer; domestic worker; employee or
labourer?” For coding this variable the six abovementioned groups were used.
d) Level of education: Based on the questions: “(1) Did you attend or are
you attending regular school or educational establishment? (2) What is the
highest level and grade or course passed? (i) special education; (ii) adult
basic education; (iii) none; (iv) preschool; (v) primary or basic education;
(vi) secondary education; (vii) non-university higher education; (viii)
university.” For coding this variable, the national classification, linked to
ISCED-97, was used. To classify non-university higher education and university
education, a classification was developed based on ISCED-97; ten groups were
8. Main differences compared with the previous
In the 1992 census, the reference period
used in the question was: most of last
week. Now there are three filter questions and the reference period is: worked at least one hour in the week
preceding the census.
Size of
enterprise and public sector employment, as well as the nature of such
employment, were added.
9. Publication of the census results:
The preliminary data of the Paraguay
Indigenous and Urban Area Census were published in December 2002, and the
preliminary results for the Rural Areas and Whole Country were published in
April 2003.
The exact title of the publication
containing the total preliminary results is Paraguay Total: resultados
The organization responsible for the publication
is Dirección General de Estadística, Encuestas y Censos, Naciones Unidas y
Saavedra, Fernando de la Mora Zona Norte, Casilla de Correo No. 1118, Asunción.
The results of the census are available in print,
on the web page ( and
on magnetic support.