1. Name and address of the organization responsible for the census:

Singapore Department of Statistics, 100 High Street, 05-01, The Treasury, Singapore 179434.

2. Population censuses conducted since 1945 (years):

1947, 1957, 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000.  The present description relates to the 2000 census (held on 30 June).

3. Coverage of the census:

(a) Geographical scope:  Whole country.  Key demographic data for the 2000 register-based census were obtained from the Household Registration Database.  Detailed data were collected for a 20 per cent sample of households.

4. Reference period:

The week preceding the interview.

5. Main topics:

(a) Total population, by sex and age:  yes

Economically active population by:

(b) Sex and age group:  yes

(c) Industry:  yes

(d) Occupation: yes

(e) Status in employment:  yes

(f) Highest educational level:  yes

(g) Hours of work:  yes

(h) Other characteristics:  yes


Re (a): The age is defined in terms of a person's date of birth (the person's age was computed thus: census date - date of birth).


Re (h): The census also collected information on other topics, such as: wages and salaries, including bonuses, average monthly earnings or profits (for self-employed persons) and mode of transport to workplace.

6. Concepts and definitions:

(a) Economically active population:  It comprises all persons who were working and those who were actively looking for work, if not working, during the reference period.


(b) Employment:  Considered as employed are all persons who during the reference period, worked for pay or profit.  Included are all those who had a job but were on leave during the census, serving national service, as well as those who worked in a family business without fixed pay.


(c) Unemployment:  An unemployed person is one who was not working during the reference period but was actively looking for work or planning to start his/her own business.  An unemployed person who had a job or business prior to the reference period is classified as ‘Unemployed – previously worked’.  A person who had never worked in any job or business prior to the reference period and was actively looking for his/her first job is classified as ‘Unemployed – never previously worked’.

7. Classifications used:

Only employed persons are classified by industry, by occupation and by status in employment.


(a) Industry:  Based on the question:  “What is the main type of business or activity this person’s firm is engaged in and main type of product(s)/service(s)?”.  For coding industry, 152 minor groups (3-digit), 323 unit groups (4-digit) and 1072 items (5-digit codes) of the Singapore Standard Industrial Classification, 2000 (SSIC 2000) were used.  Links to ISIC-rev.3 have been established to the tabulation category (1-digit) level.


(b) Occupation:  Based on the questions: “What is this person’s job title?” and “What are this person’s main tasks and duties?”.  For coding occupation, 119 minor groups (3-digit), 274 unit groups (4-digit) and 993 occupations (5-digit codes) of the Singapore Standard Occupational Classification (SSOC 2000) were used.  Links to ISCO-88 have been established to the major group (1-digit) level.


(c) Status in employment:  Based on the question:  “Indicate this person’s occupational status:   (i) self-employed without paid help;  (ii) self-employed with paid help; (iii) helping in family business without fixed or regular pay;  (iv) working as an employee for wages or salaries;  (v) serving National Service”.  For coding status in employment, the above five categories were used.


(d) Level of education:  Based on the question:  “If this person is not a full-time student, what is his/her Highest grade passed or Qualification attained?”.  For coding the data the following groups were used:  (i) No qualification;  (ii) Primary;  (iii) Lower Secondary;  (iv) Secondary;  (v) Upper Secondary;  (vi) Polytechnic Diploma;  (vii) Other Diploma; (viii) University.  The Singapore Standard Educational Classification (SSEC) was drawn up based on Singapore’s current educational system and formal educational qualifications awarded.

8. Main differences compared with the previous census:

In the 2000 census data on economic characteristics were based on a 20 per cent sample of households, whilst in the 1990 census data were based on a complete population count. 

9. Publication of the census results:

The final data relating to the 2000 census was published in the publication entitled “Census of Population 2000, Statistical Release 3 - Economic Characteristics”.


The organization responsible for this publication is the Census of Population Office, Department of Statistics, Singapore.


The census results are not available in other forms.