National Statistical Institute attached to the Ministry of Planning and Development, Avenida Boyacá, Edificio Fundación La Salle, Maripérez, Caracas.
1950, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1990 and 2001. The present description relates to the population census held in October and November 2001.
Whole country.
All persons usually resident in the country. Excluded are Venezuelans living abroad permanently or on diplomatic service and foreigners temporarily in the country on holiday or business or for other reasons.
Two census operations were carried out:
- the Population and Housing Census, which covered all persons usually resident in the country;
- the Indigenous Communities Census, which covered persons living in indigenous communities within the country.
For subsequent analyses and studies, the date fixed as the census reference date was the day when one half of the population had been surveyed, which was established on the basis of the interview date for each dwelling recorded on the census questionnaire. That day was 22 October 2001.
(a) Total population, by sex and age: yes
Economically active population by:
(b) Sex and age group: yes
(c) Industry: yes
(d) Occupation: yes
(e) Status in employment: yes
(f) Highest educational level: yes
(g) Hours of work: yes
(h) Other characteristics: yes.
Re (a): The age is defined in terms of date of birth and age at last birthday.
Re (g): Hours of work refer to total hours worked in the week preceding the interview date (or in the last week worked).
Re (h): The census collected information on 59 variables, which included: literacy; incapacity; State or private educational establishments; vocational training; monthly income from work and income payment method; monthly income from sources other than work; microenterprises; nationality and place of birth; name and size of business, organization or enterprise; membership of indigenous people and indigenous language; commercial registration of businesses; employer sector.
All persons aged 10 years and over who in the week preceding the interview date (Sunday to Saturday) furnished or were available to furnish the supply of labour for the production of goods and services intended for the market. Both employed persons and unemployed persons are included in this category.
Considered as employed are persons aged 10 years and over who, in answer to the question: Last week were you …?, indicated: at work or with a job but not at work; in addition, persons aged 10 years and over who, having stated: performing household tasks, studying but not working, non-working pensioner or retiree, permanently unfit for work or other, also answered yes to the question: Last week did you perform inside or outside your own home any activity for which you received or will receive payment in cash or in kind? or who answered no to that question.
Considered as unemployed are all persons aged 10 years and over who during the week preceding the interview date were in either of the following situations: seeking work and having previously worked (i.e. out-of-work persons who during the week preceding the interview were taking steps to find work), or looking for work for the first time (i.e. persons who had never worked and during the week preceding the interview took steps to find work).
Both employed persons and unemployed persons with job experience were classified by industry, by occupation and by status in employment.
The question used to determine industry was: What activity is carried on in the business, organization or enterprise where you have (or had) your main job (for example, passenger transport, furniture manufacture, coffee growing, higher education, etc.)? Industry tabulations are based on the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC Rev.3).
The question used to determine occupation was: What is the trade or type of main work which you perform (or performed) in the business, organization or enterprise where you work (or worked) (for example, taxi driver, lawyer, farmer, health visitor, teacher, secretary, etc.)? Occupation tabulations are based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88), adapted to the national situation.
The question used to determine status in employment was: In this job are (or were) you: (1) a salaried employee or wage earner (permanent, hired or casual); (2) an own-account worker (with no employees); (3) an employer or owner; (4) a member of a cooperative; (5) an unpaid family helper; (6) a domestic service worker? For coding this variable, the above six groups were used.
The question used to determine level of education was: What was the last grade, year or semester you successfully completed and at what educational level: none; (indicate grade or year): pre-school; basic (1-9) / primary (1-6); special education; lower secondary (1-2); technical lower secondary (1-3); upper secondary (1-5); (indicate year / semester): technical higher; university? The following questions were also asked: Have you obtained any higher education qualification? and Have you pursued post-graduate studies? For processing purposes, the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-97) was used.
- Duration of the census: In 1990, there was one day of mass enumeration whereas, in 2001, the census was conducted in October and November.
- Questionnaire: In 1990, two questionnaires were produced: a basic questionnaire covering the entire population and an extended questionnaire covering 20 per cent of the population (sample). In 2001, a single questionnaire was used for the entire population and there was no sample.
- Economic activity: In 1990, the labour force status of the population aged 12 years and over was surveyed and the other economic characteristics were recorded for only 20 per cent of the population. In 2001, all economic characteristics of the population aged 10 years and over were surveyed;
- Variables surveyed: In 2001, questions were asked on the informal economy, hours worked, place of work, commercial registration and type of educational establishment (State or private), whereas these topics were not surveyed in 1990.
In November 2002, the basic results of the 2001 Census were presented at the municipal, state and full national levels. In 2003, work was completed on the analysis at small geographical scales and of alphabetic or literal variables (industry, occupational group, higher education qualification, foreign country and province, and municipalities of country of emigration).
The organization responsible for publication of the census results is the National Statistical Institute attached to the Ministry of Planning and Development, Avenida Boyacá, Edificio Fundación La Salle, Maripérez, Caracas.
The census results are also available on the INE website (