Organization responsible for the statistics
The statistics are collected by the craft unions and are compiled
and published by Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (ÖGB)
(Austrian trade union federation).
Objectives and users
Not available.
Strikes and lockouts
The statistics cover:
- constitutional or official strikes
- sympathetic strikes
- political or protest strikes
- general strikes
- rotating or revolving strikes
Unofficial or wildcat strikes (those not organized by
trade unions) and lockouts (work stoppages initiated by
employers) are not included in the statistics, nor are working to
rule, go-slows, overtime bans or sit-ins.
Minimum threshold:
Economic activities
No particular branches of economic activity or sectors are
Workers directly involved only. The statistics refer to regular
paid employees, and include seasonal workers. No distinction is
made between part-time and full-time workers. Temporary and
casual workers, unpaid family workers, workers laid off, and
workers absent on sick or annual leave, or absent for any other
reason are not included.
No particular occupational groups are excluded.
Geographic areas
Whole country.
Types of data collected
- number of strikes
- craft union or trade union concerned
- number of economic units involved
- number of workers involved
- duration
- time not worked
- cause of dispute
- outcome of dispute
Concepts and definitions
A work stoppage wilfully affected by a group or groups of workers
(the statistics cover only those organized by trade unions).
A work stoppage wilfully affected by a group or groups of
These are working definitions.
Methods of measurement
Strikes and lockouts
The basic unit of measurement used to record a strike is in
principle the economic unit (Wirtschaftseinheit) i.e. the
establishment (Betrieb) or the enterprise composed of
several establishments.
If the strike covers the whole branch of economic activity,
the stoppages in the various establishments or enterprises may
(but need not) be counted as one strike at the branch level,
which is then counted separately. Public service is an
exception; in this case, as the State is the employer, the
branch (and not the department) is the unit of measurement.
Work stoppages arising from the same case of dispute,
occurring simultaneously in different establishments of the same
firm are counted as separate strikes. Those resulting from the
same case of dispute, occurring simultaneously in establishments
of different firms or enterprises, are in principle counted
separately, but they can be counted as one strike if a whole
branch is affected. If work stoppages occur in different units
of an enterprise and these are in one branch of economic
activity, they are counted as one strike in the enterprise. If
an entrepreneur has a number of enterprises which belong to the
same branch of economic activity, work stoppages in the various
enterprises are counted as one strike in the federal strike
statistics covering the whole of Austria. If the enterprises are
in different federal Länder and the statistics are broken down
according to the federal Länder, one strike per enterprise is
Work stoppages arising from the same case of dispute,
occurring at different times either in different establishments
of the same firm, or in establishments of different firms or
enterprises, are counted as separate strikes.
A strike interrupted which later resumes, still due to the
same case of dispute, is counted as a new strike when it resumes.
Economic units involved
The economic unit is the establishment (Betrieb), defined
as a unit of persons and productive equipment jointly operating
to produce goods and services. A Betrieb may consist of
several local units and belong to an enterprise or form an
enterprise by itself.
Workers involved
The number of workers involved is the average of the number of
full-day absences during the period of the strike. Part-time
workers are counted as individuals on the same basis as full-time
The duration is measured in terms of workhours.
Time not worked
Total time not worked is measured in workhours as the product of
the number of workers involved and the duration. The shorter
working hours of part-time workers are taken into account as time
not worked by each person is measured in workhours. Overtime is
not taken into account.
Cause of dispute
- wage claims
- working time
- dismissals
- other
Outcome of dispute
- successful
- partially successful
- unsuccessful
Branch of economic activity
The data are classified according to the 15 areas covered by the
craft unions:
- agriculture and forestry and garden workers
- building and woodworkers
- chemical workers
- workers in the printing and paper industries
- railway workers
- municipal workers and employees
- trade, transport and traffic
- hotel, restaurant, domestic and personal service workers
- art, media, liberal professions
- food and beverage workers
- workers in the metal trade, mining, energy sectors
- public service
- post office and telephone workers
- private employees
- workers in the textiles, clothing and leather sectors.
Type of dispute
- strike
- lockout
- open strike
- wage earners or salaried employees
Reference period and periodicity
The statistics are compiled and published for periods of a year.
They refer to strikes beginning during the particular reference
period plus those continuing from the previous period.
Analytical measures
Historical background of the series
Not available.
Series available
Not available.
Bibliographic references
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (ÖGB): Gewerkschaftlicher
Nachrichtendienst (weekly);
Idem: Pressedienst (when required);
Idem: Tätigkeitsbericht (annual).
Österreichische Bundeskammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte, und
ÖGB: Arbeit und Wirtschaft (monthly).
Data published by the ILO
The number of strikes, the number of workers involved, the number of days not worked and rates of days
not worked,by economic activity.
Not available.
International standards
Not available.
Methods of data collection
There is no legal obligation to report the occurrence of a
strike. A standard form is used to report the strike to the
craft union and to the ÖGB-Landesexekutive concerned; the
reports are transmitted to the ÖGB which compiles and publishes
the data.