
Organization responsible for the statistics

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for collecting information.

Objectives and users

Not available.


Not applicable.

Types of data collected

No statistics are available on work stoppages due to labour disputes. Disputes are settled and solved in a friendly manner or through the courts.

Concepts and definitions

Work stoppage due to a labour dispute

Collective conflicts affecting the common interest of workers which may arise between them and employers in one or more enterprises, or in one or more occupations or industries, and which lead to a divergence of views regarding the application of the Labour Law, implementing instructions issued under it or individual contracts of employment. Such conflicts constitute labour disputes when the parties are unable to reach a friendly settlement. The definition comes from Labour Law No. 71 of 1987.

Methods of measurement

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

Reference period and periodicity

Not applicable.

Analytical measures

Not applicable.

Historical background of the series

Not available.


Series available

Not available.

Bibliographic references


Data published by the ILO



Not available.

International standards

Not available.

Methods of data collection

A legal obligation exists to report work stoppages due to labour disputes. Both the employer or the trade union concerned may inform the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs and the Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions of the conflict. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is responsible for collecting the information.