
Organization responsible for the statistics

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (SOSR).

Objectives and users

To give information to major users.

Major users: Government and central bodies.


Strikes and lockouts: The statistics cover:

Minimum threshold: None.

Economic activities: All economic activities and sectors.

Workers: Employees.

Geographic areas: Whole country.

Types of data collected

a) number of strikes and lockouts;

b) number of establishments involved;

c) number of workers involved;

d) duration;

e) amount of time not worked ("time lost");

f) other: amount of wages not paid as a result of strikes and lockouts.

Concepts and definitions

(Source: Act of the Slovak National council No. 2/1991 on collective negotiation).

The terms used and their definitions conform to those included in the Resolution of the 15th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (1993).

Methods of measurement

Strikes and lockouts: The basic unit of measurement used to identify a strike or lockout is the establishment. The resumption of a strike or lockout that is interrupted but later begins again, still due to the same case of dispute, is counted as a new strike or lockout.

Establishments: An establishment is an internal organizational unit within a legal entity which carries out a homogeneous economic activity in one place and for which separate information is available.

The number of establishments involved is counted for all types of strikes and lockouts.

Workers involved: The number of workers involved relates to workers directly involved and workers indirectly involved. It is counted as the total employment in the establishments involved. Part-time workers are counted as individuals on the same basis as full-time workers. As well as regular paid employees, the statistics cover temporary, casual and seasonal workers and workers laid off during a strike. Workers absent on sick or annual leave during the strikes or lockout are not included.

Duration: The duration is measured in workhours, as the number of hours during which there was a work stoppage.

Time not worked ("time lost"): Time not worked is measured in workhours by determining the total amount of time not worked on each day of the strike or lockout and summing the totals. Overtime is not taken into account in the estimate of time not worked.


a) cause of dispute;

b) outcome of dispute;

c) method of settlement: not applicable;

d) economic activity;

e) occupational group: not applicable;

f) number of establishments involved;

g) number of workers involved;

h) duration;

i) time not worked: not applicable.

Reference period and periodicity

The statistics are compiled for periods of a month. They refer to strikes and lockouts beginning during the particular reference period and those continuing from the previous period.

The amount of time not worked is included is the statistics for each of the periods in which time was not worked.

Information on strikes and lockouts ending during the reference period are compiled separately. Statistics are published on a monthly basis.

Analytical measures

Historical background of the series

The statistics were first compiled in 1992.


Series available: not available.

Bibliographic references: The data are published in:

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic: Monitor of the Economy of the Slovak Republicts (annual).

The data are available on diskette.

Data published by the ILO: The following data are furnished regularly to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics, relating to strikes: number of strikes and lockouts, number of workers involved, number of days not worked and rates of workdays not worked per 1,000 workers, by economic activity.

Confidentiality: There are no restrictions on the publication of the data.

International standards

The current international statistical standards and guidelines were followed when the concepts, definitions and methods used for compiling the statistics were revised.

Representatives of workers' and employers' organizations were consulted for this purpose.

Methods of data collection

There is a legal obligation applying to employers to report the occurrence of a strike or lockout to the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. Information is provided concerning the labour dispute, the establishment, the workers involved and wages not paid. Data are collected by means of a report form.