Regional sickness insurance funds (fifteen) and
large State enterprises.
Compilation and publication:
Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés
(CNAMTS) (National Sickness Insurance Fund for Paid
In 1995, approximately 14,795,000 employees were covered.
Statistics on occupational diseases are compiled and published separately from those of occupational injuries.
regardless of its cause, where it occurred, or the type of work involved, an accident arising out of or in connection with work sustained by any paid employee or person working for one or more employers or heads of enterprise. (This definition, provided by jurisprudence, recognizes an event as an accident if it meets three criteria: that it be external in origin and characterized by violence and suddenness. In practice, however, the only criteria used is that of suddenness, which helps to distinguish between accidents and diseases.)
information not available.
accidents leading to either the grant of a permanent disability pension or to death.
Minimum period of absence from work:
one full day, not including the day on which the accident
Maximum period for death to be considered a fatal occupational injury:
not applicable. However, the only cases included in the
statistics are those in which the injured person died before
stabilization of his/her condition, that is, before determination
of a rate of permanent disability and settlement of a pension.
Deaths occurring after stabilization of the injured person's
condition do not appear in the data.
(a) personal characteristics of persons injured:
sex, age, nationality, occupational qualification;
(b) amount of worktime lost:
lost workdays;
(c) characteristics of accidents:
place of accident, agency;
(d) characteristics of injuries:
part of body injured, type of injury;
(e) characteristics of employers or workplaces:
economic activity;
(f) other characteristics:
regional sickness insurance fund.
(a) fatal or non-fatal accidents;
(c) economic activity;
type of injury:
fracture, burn, frostbite, amputation, wound
(cut, abrasion, other wound) excluding puncture wound, puncture
wound, contusion, inflammation, sprain, dislocation, asphyxia,
concussion, presence of a foreign body, hernia, pain,
overexertion, lumbago, poisoning, dermatitis, visual function
disorder, hearing disorder, muscle or tendon tear, nerve injury,
multiple injuries, other, unspecified;
location of injury:
head (excluding eyes), eyes, upper limbs
(excluding hands), hand, trunk, lower limbs (excluding feet),
foot, multiple body parts, internal locations, unspecified;
place of accident:
journey from home to the workplace and vice
versa; journey made during working hours on behalf of employer;
usual workplace (workshop or construction site); worker's
material agency:
traffic and working
surfaces (accidents on the same
level); traffic and working surfaces (accidents involving a fall
from heights or into depths); objects being handled; objects
being transported manually; objects, substances, particles moved
accidentally; lifting and handling equipment; lifting, mooring,
gripping machines and equipment; vehicles (excluding handling
trolleys listed under item 6); power transformers and prime
movers; transmission machinery (inside or outside machine);
grinding, crushing, pulveriying or dividing machines; kneading or
mixing machines; sifting, screening or separating machines; power
presses and pounders; pressing, molding and injecting machines;
cylinder machines for laminating, stretching, planing, printing,
mixing; cutting, slicing, unrolling, fiber separating machines
(other than saws); saws; metal punching, drilling, rotating,
reaming, polishing machines; punching, rotating, spinning, or
planing machines for wood and similar materials; milling,
buffing, polishing machines; welding machines and equipment;
sewing, stapling or eyeletting machines; filling, packing,
wrapping, seasoning or nailing machines; tearing, opening,
beating, carding machines; spinning, weaving, cable-making, and
finishing machines (other than those listed in item 25);
equipment and machines for earth-moving and related jobs;
miscellaneous machines not falling under any of the foregoing
categories (11-27); machines not specified in the accident
report; hand-held or guided mechanical tools (power driven,
pneumatic or other means of electrical power); individual hand
tools; pressure vessels; equipment or implements for processing
hot substances, furnaces, kilns, cooking equipment, etc.;
refrigerating equipment and plants; equipment and implements for
handling caustic, corrosive, toxic substances; harmful vapours,
gases and dusts; inflammable substances on fire; explosive
substances; electricity; ionizing or non-ionizing radiations;
agencies other than those listed above: workplace fires, brawls,
games and sports, animals, lightening; reports not classified due
to insufficient data; unspecified;
An injury is included in the statistics for the period (year) in which it is recognized as resulting from an occupational accident and in which the claim is accepted by the insurance fund.
In the case of fatal injuries, the year the claim is accepted is the year in which the occupational nature of the accident that caused the death is recognized.
Worktime lost is included in each period (year) in which worktime is lost.
Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs
Salariés: Statistiques financières et technologiques des
accidents du travail
Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques
(INSEE): Annuaire statistique de la France
Methodological notes appear in each of these publications along with the data.
Yearbook of Labour Statistics, relating to compensated injuries according to major division of economic activity: number of persons fatally injured; total number of persons injured; number of workdays lost by persons injured with lost workdays; rates of fatal injuries. The number of persons at risk (total number of persons employed) is also supplied and stored in the LABORSTA database.
Any occupational injury resulting from an employment accident must be reported by the employer to the primary sickness insurance fund to which the injured person belongs within 48 hours (not including Sundays and holidays) of the accident or of the time the employer was informed of the accident in cases occurring outside the enterprise.