
Organization responsible for the statistics

Országos Munkaügyi És Munkabiztonsági Fofelüugyeloség (National Inspectorate of Labour and Labour Safety, NILLS).


Compilation: monthly in the counties and in the capital; quarterly at the NILLS.

Publication: quarterly.


Reports of occupational accidents made by employers to the National Inspectorate of Labour and Labour Safety.

Objectives and users

To reveal the chain of causes of occupational accidents, so as to determine the direction of national investigations for prevention.

Major users:

the NILLS, the sectoral ministries, trade unions, etc.



All persons employed.

About 3,600,000 workers are covered.

Economic activities:

All economic activities and sectors.

Geographic areas:

Whole country.

Persons involved in occupational accidents outside the country, but who are normally resident in the country, are covered. Persons normally resident outside country but who are involved in occupational accidents in the country are also covered.


All types and sizes of establishments.


Other limitations on the coverage of the statistics arise from the Law of Labour Safety.

Types of occupational accidents covered

The statistics cover all types of reported injuries resulting from occupational accidents.

Occupational diseases and commuting accidents are excluded.

Concepts and definitions

(Source: Law of Labour Safety)

Occupational accident:

an accident which occurred in the course of the work activity or in connection with the work activity, or on the way to or from the workplace irrespective of the place and time of the accident.

Fatal occupational accident:

an occupational accident in which death occurred within 90 days, as attested by a medical report.

Minimum period of absence from work: three days.

Maximum period for death to be considered a fatal occupational injury: 90 days following the day of the accident.

Types of information compiled

(a) personal characteristics of workers injured;

(b) amount of worktime lost;

(c) characteristics of accidents;

(d) characteristics of injuries;

(e) characteristics of employers or workplaces.

Measurement of worktime lost

Worktime lost is measured in calendar days.


(a) fatal or non-fatal accidents;

(b) extent of disability;

(c) economic activity:

using a classification scheme based on the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Revision 3, at the level of tabulation categories;

(d) occupation;

(e) type of injury;

(f) cause of accident:

(for fatal accidents only) vehicle; burning, explosion, poisoning, suffocation; fall of persons; fall of objects; machine tools; cutting tools, stabbing tools, hand- tools; other;

(g) duration of absence from work:


(h) characteristics of workers:

(for fatal accidents only) type of worker: skilled workers, semi-skilled workers, unskilled workers, manual workers, persons with intellectual professions, apprentices and others;

(i) characteristics of accidents:


(j) characteristics of employers or workplaces:



not available.

Reference period




Rates of fatal injuries, serious injuries and injuries causing permanent incapacity per 1,000 and 100,000 manual workers.

Historical background of the series

The original objective of collecting the data was for research into the causes of occupational accidents.

Since 1986, the following have been excluded from occupational accidents:


Series available:

The following tables are published:

Bibliographic references:

The data are published in:

Országos Munkaügyi És Munkabiztonsági Fofelüugyeloség Tájékoztató a munkabalesetek alakulásárol (quarterly).

Statisztikai Evkonyv (Central Statistical Office): Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (Statistical Yearbook of Hungary) (annual).

A few methodological notes are included in these publications.

Not all the data are published, but they can be requested from the NILLS, on paper and on diskette.

Data published by ILO:

The following data are furnished regularly to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics, relating to reported injuries according to economic activity: number of persons fatally injured, number of persons injured with lost workdays, total of these two groups; rates of fatal injuries (for manual workers). The number of persons at risk (total number of manual workers in units with more than 10 employees) is also supplied and stored in the LABORSTA database.


There are no restrictions beyond the protection of individual rights.

International standards

The representative organizations of employers and workers and other users were consulted when the concepts, definitions and methods used for compiling were designed and last revised.

Method of data collection


Law of Labour Safety.

All occupational injuries must be reported: serious injuries immediately, those with lost worktime exceeding three days before the 8th of the month following the month of the accident.


The employer is required to notify the National Inspectorate of Labour and Labour Safety. A standard form is used for this purpose, and is accompanied by instructions.

Data reported:

Not available.

Changes planned:
