
Organization responsible for the statistics

Collection and compilation: Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) (National Social Security Fund).

Publication: Ministère de la Fonction Publique et du Travail (Ministry of the Civil Service and Labour).


Quarterly and annual.


Occupational accident reports submitted by employers, workers and their beneficiaries to the CNSS.

Objectives and users

Major users:

The Prevention Service of the CNSS, the ministries of labour and health, the International Labour Office (through the National Prevention Network).



Paid employees covered by the occupational risk compensation scheme, as defined by Article 1 of the current labour code.

At end 1994, 43,526 persons were insured.

Economic activities:

All economic activities and sectors governed by the interoccupational collective agreement.

Geographic areas:

The whole country.

Persons working outside the country are not included.

Persons normally resident outside the country who are involved in occupational accidents within the country are included.


All types and sizes of establishments.

Types of occupational accidents covered

The statistics relate to compensated injuries due to all types of occupational accidents, including commuting accidents.

Statistics on occupational diseases are also collected, but they are compiled and published separately.

Concepts and definitions

The terms used and their definitions follow the recommendations of the ILO, as contained in the Code of practice on recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases (ILO, 1994).

Minimum period of absence from work: one day.

Maximum period for death to be considered a fatal occupational injury: not applicable; a fatal injury is understood to mean any injury that leads to death, whether at the time of the accident or during treatment.

Types of information compiled

(a) personal characteristics of persons injured;

(b) amount of worktime lost;

(c) characteristics of accidents;

(d) characteristics of injuries;

(e) characteristics of employers or workplaces: economic activity; size.

Measurement of worktime lost

Worktime lost is measured in workdays for all occupational injuries, as follows:
  1. temporary incapacity for work: workdays lost until recovery or stabilization of the injured personks condition;
  2. permanent incapacity to work: according to a standard schedule;
  3. fatal injury: information not available.


(a) fatal or non-fatal accidents;

(b) extent of disability:

not applicable;

(c) economic activity:

according to the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 3;

(d) occupation:

occupational qualifications: managers, technicians, foremen; employees; apprentices; unskilled workers; skilled workers; professional workers; workers with unspecified qualifications; travelling salesmen, domestic personnel and professional athletes;

(e) type of injury:

part of body injured: head (excluding eyes), eyes, upper limbs (excluding hands), hands, trunk, lower limbs (excluding feet), feet, internal locations, multiple locations;

nature of injury: fracture, burn, amputation, wound (cut, abrasion, other wound) excluding puncture wound, puncture wound, contusion, inflammation, sprain, dislocation, asphyxia, concussion, presence of a foreign body, hernia, lumbago, poisoning, dermatitis, visual function disorder, hearing disorder, muscle or ligament tear, nerve injury, cardiac fibrillation, animal bite or sting;

(f) cause of accident:


(g) duration of absence from work:


(h) characteristics of workers:


(i) characteristics of accidents:

place of accident: on the regular route between home and work; journey made during working hours on behalf of employer; usual workplace; occasional workplace; workerks residence;

material agency: working areas and surfaces (fall of person on same level); working areas and surfaces (fall from higher level); objects being handled; object or substance moved accidentally; particles or substances; lifting, mooring, gripping machines or equipment; vehicles; transmission machinery; power transformers and prime movers; grinding, crushing, pulverizing or dividing machines; kneading and mixing machines using agitation or malaxation; shaking, sifting, screening or separating machines; impact power presses and pounders; pressing and molding machines; laminating, wiredrawing, stretching, smoothing or printing machines; cutting, slicing, unrolling, or fiber separating machines (excluding saws); saws; metal punching, drilling, rotating, reaming, polishing machines; punching, rotating, torpedoing or planing machines (wood and similar materials); filling, packing and riveting machines; sewing, stapling or eyeletting machines; filling, packing, wrapping, seasoning or nailing machines; rope tearers, openers, beaters; spinning, weaving, cable-making, finishing machines (not included in the previous item); machines and equipment for earth-moving and related jobs; miscellaneous machines (not falling under any of the previous categories); portable tools (electric, pneumatic or mechanically driven); hand tools; pressure vessels; furnaces, kilns, cooking appliances and other equipment or implements used for processing hot substances; refrigerating equipment and plants; equipment or implements for handling caustic, corrosive, or toxic substances; harmful vapours, gases and dusts; inflammable substances (on fire); explosive substances; electricity; ionizing radiations;

(j) characteristics of employers or workplaces:

not applicable;

(k) other:



Not applicable; however, cross tabulations may be produced.

Reference period

Quarter and year.

An injury is included in the statistics for the period in which the accident was reported and the initial medical certificate issued.

Worktime lost is included in the statistics for the period in which treatment was provided or in which the injury healed or became stabilized.



Percentage distributions.

Rates of fatal and non-fatal accidents.

Historical background of the series

Not available.


Series available:

Not available.

Bibliographic references:

The data are published in:

Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale: Rapport annuel.

Data published by ILO:

The following data are furnished regularly to the ILO for publication in the Yearbook of Labour Statistics relating to compensated occupational injuries (including commuting accidents), according to major division of economic activity: number of persons fatally injured, number of persons injured with lost workdays, total of these two groups; rates of fatal injuries; number of workdays lost by persons with lost workdays. The number of persons at risk (total number of insured employees) is also supplied and stored in the LABORSTA database.


Not available.

International standards

Not available.

Method of data collection


Decree 65-117 of 18 August 1965.

Occupational injuries must be reported by the employer within 48 hours of the occupational accident, or within two years following the accident for workers, staff representatives and beneficiaries in the event the employer fails to do so.


The primary responsibility for notifying occupational accidents to the CNSS and to the attending physician lies with the employer. In the event of the employerks failure to do so, the worker, or his or her representatives or beneficiaries, may report the accident. A standard form is used for notification.

Data reported:

The following information is provided in the report:
  1. information about the employer: employer name or firm name, exact address of establishment, economic activity, registration, number of employees at time of accident;
  2. information about the injured person: name, place of birth, date of birth, nationality (country of origin: France, North Africa, EU member state, foreign country), address, social security number, family situation (married, single, divorced, separated), job, category, date hired;
  3. information about the accident and the injury: date, time, number of hours between time the injured person started work or came back to work and the accident, injured person's work schedule the day of the accident, nature of injuries, accident leading to death, accident requiring the injured person to stop working, bodily location (including which side) of the injuries, detailed circumstances of the accident, place to which injured person was transported (hospital, dispensary, clinic, home, etc. and address), comments, probable outcome, type of work being performed at the time of the accident, number of previous accidents suffered by the injured person and their severity, name and address of witnesses, name, address and insurance company of the third party in the event the accident was caused by a third party;
  4. reference wage: wage received by the injured person 30 days before the accident: principal wages pertaining to reference period (date of payment, gross amount, benefits in kind and compensation paid at the same time as wages, professional expenses, comments) and deferred back pay, compensation and bonuses effectively paid out (transfer date, period corresponding to payment, amount).

Changes planned:
