ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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Library brochure
Governing Body Collection

Library brochure
ILO Conventions: background and preparatory work

Library brochure
Services & Digital Collections
(pdf 139 KB)

ILO Library brochure
(pdf 135 KB)

ILO activities in the post-war world: Key Documents

Launch of the ILO Manpower Programme

  • ILO. 1949: The ILO Manpower Programme, International Labour Review, Vol. 59, No. 4, (Geneva), pp. 367-393 - [522.64 Kb]
  • ILO. 1949: Manpower problems, Third Report of the International Labour Organisation to the United Nations, Submitted in pursuance of Article V, paragraph 2 (a), of the Agreement between the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation, signed on 30 May 1946, (Geneva), pp. 6-22 - [265.36 Kb]
    See also: Full text of document - [3.01 Mb]

Freedom of Association and the Right to Organize Convention, 1948 (No. 87)

  1. 1946-1959:
    ILO activities in the post-war world (Part 1: 1946-1959)
    1. 1946
    2. 1947
    3. 1948
    4. 1949
    5. 1950
    6. 1951
    7. 1952
    8. 1953
    9. 1955
    10. 1957
    11. 1958
  2. 1919-1939
  3. 1940-1945
  4. 1960-1988
  5. 1989-1998
  6. 1999-

ILO Century Project

ILO Century Project Timeline

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

Video: The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

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Last update: 23.02.2015 ^ top