...ILO LOGO...


Governing Body 

271st Session
Geneva, March 1998

Record of Decisions


This document is a preliminary working paper for the use of the Governing Body and officials of the Office. It records only the Governing Body's decisions, and not the circumstances of their adoption, except where they were the result of a formal vote. The comments or reservations by individual members or groups subject to which the decisions were made will be found in the minutes of the session.

Where an Office publication or paper refers to a Governing Body decision, the source given should be the relevant Governing Body document and minutes, and not this Record of Decisions.

The Record of Decisions is arranged in the order of the items on the Governing Body's agenda. All decisions relating to a particular paper or section of a paper are grouped together. After the decision the sitting at which it was taken is indicated in brackets together with the basis on which it was taken, including appropriate references to Governing Body papers. The decisions are reproduced in full, with the exception of those relating to reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, where a simple reference is made to the paragraphs of the report which form the basis of the decision.

The table of contents is in the form of a detailed agenda showing for each item the number of the relevant Governing Body paper and that of the relevant paragraph in the Record of Decisions.


Table of contents



Title of agenda item




Appointment of the Director-General




Approval of the minutes of the 270th Session




Draft of a possible Declaration of principles concerning fundamental rights and its appropriate follow-up for consideration at the 86th Session (1998) of the International Labour Conference




Date, place and agenda of the 88th Session (2000) of the International Labour Conference




Preliminary consultation on the Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-2001



and Add.1

Report and Conclusions of the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting (Bangkok, 9-11 December 1997)




Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 86th (1998) Session of the International Labour Conference




Developments in the United Nations in 1997-98




Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association
309th report




Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee


First report: Financial and general questions

Programme and Budget for 1996-97:
Regular Budget Account and Working Capital Fund as at 31 December 1997


Programme and Budget for 1998-99:
Collection of contributions from 1 January 1998 to date


Report of the Building Subcommittee


Follow-up on the report of the Chief International Auditor for the year ended 31 December 1996


Report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the year ended 31 December 1997


Delegation of authority under article 18 of the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference


Other financial and general questions:

Amendments to the Financial Regulations: Additional terms of reference governing external audit


Financial arrangements for the sending of a tripartite mission of the Governing Body to the Republic of Korea within the framework of the examination of a complaint pending before the Committee on Freedom of Association


Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations on its activities for the period from 1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997


Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations: "Strengthening field representation of the United Nations system"


Increasing interpretation resources for meetings of groups


Proposals by the Director-General for expenditure from the Programme Flexibility Reserve


Addressing the year 2000 problem in the ILO


Cooperation between the ILO and the European Commission (EC)


Financial arrangements for a Commission of Inquiry concerning the observance of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), by the Government of Nigeria


Additional funds for the Working Party on the Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy



Second report: Personnel questions

Statement by the staff representative


Composition and structure of the staff


Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on the report of the International Civil Service Commission


Pensions questions:

Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on administrative expenses of the United Nations Joint Staff Pensions Fund


Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal:

Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by two intergovernmental organizations


Possible amendment to article II, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the ILO Administrative Tribunal regarding the nature of international organizations entitled to recognize the competence of the Tribunal


Composition of the Tribunal


Other personal questions:
Consultations on human resources management and development: Progress report



Report of the Government members of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee on Allocations Matters

Scales of assessment of contributions to the budget for 1999


Procedure for the possible continuation of the work of the Government members of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee in relation to allocation matters during the International Labour Conference



Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards


First report: Legal issues

I. Amendment of article II, paragraph 5, of the statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization


II. Evaluation of the reforms in the functioning of the International Labour Conference: Legal aspects


III. Revision of the procedure for the examination of representations submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution


IV. Proposed amendment of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body concerning the publication of documents in advance of Governing Body sessions



Second report: International labour standards and human rights

I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the revision of Standards


II. Standard-setting policy: The ratification and promotion of fundamental ILO Conventions


III. General status report on ILO action concerning discrimination in employment and occupation


IV. Report of the meeting of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (CEART)


V. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997


VI. Forms for reports on unratified Conventions (article 19 of the Constitution)


Other questions




Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises


Promotional activities, technical advisory services, completed studies and current research by the Office
Request for interpretation of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy



Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy


World Labour Report, 1997-98: Industrial relations, democracy and social stability
Progress report on preparations for the Second ILO Enterprise Forum
Preparations for the 1999 International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development:
(a) Further discussion of the recommendations concerning the key areas for future action at the national level identified in the Synthesis Report of the ACC Task Force on Full Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods
(b) Progress report on the implementation of the ILO country employment reviews
(c) Agenda of the International Consultation and participation
ILO participation in major international conferences on employment issues



Report of the Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues

I. Follow-up activities on sectoral meetings held in 1996-97


II. Report of the Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics (Geneva, 14-23 October 1997)


III. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Tripartite Meeting on the Iron and Steel Workforce of the Twenty-first Century (Geneva, 27-31 October 1997)


IV. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Tripartite Meeting on Breaking through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management (Geneva, 15-19 December 1997)


V. Report of the ILO/WHO Consultation on Guidelines for Conducting Pre-sea and Periodic Medical Fitness Examinations for Seafarers
(Geneva, 25-27 November 1997)


VI. Invitation of non-governmental international organizations:

(a) Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms (Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)


(b) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)


(c) Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment in the Food and Drink Industries (Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)


VII. Other questions:
Progress in the elaboration of a Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals




Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation


I. Operational aspects of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
II. Information on the development of new global programmes
III. Impact assessment/evaluation paper on ILO technical cooperation: Projects and programmes on the development of micro-enterprises, including cooperatives
IV. Status of the country objectives
V. Implementation of the resource mobilization strategy
VI. Report of the Working Party on the Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy



Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions of the Liberalization of International Trade



and Add.1

Report of the Director-General



First Supplementary Report: Appointment of Assistant Director-General



Second Supplementary Report: Activities of the Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS), 1996-97



Third Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations



Fourth Supplementary Report: Participation of non-metropolitan territories as observers in the 86th Session (June 1998) of the International Labour Conference



Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body


First report: Representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35) and of the Invalidity Insurance(Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37), submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, by the College of Teachers of Chile A.G.



Second report: Representation alleging non-observance by Denmark of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), and the Employment Policy Convention, 1964(No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by Dansk Magisterforening



Third report: Representation alleging non-observance by Venezuela of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) and the Latin American Federation of Commerce (FETRALCOS)



Fourth report: Appointments to the ILO Staff Pension Committee (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board)



Fifth report: Possible implementation of the procedure set out in article 26.4 of the ILO Constitution and appointment by the Governing Body of a Commission of Inquiry




Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

ILO Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms (Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)


Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries(Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)


Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)


Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace (Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)


Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Dimension of Structural and Regulatory Changes and Globalization in Postal and Telecommunications Services (Geneva, 20-24 April 1998)


Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment in the Food and Drink Industries (Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)


Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms (Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)


Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour Market Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries (Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)



Matters on which the Officers of the Governing Body took decisions on its behalf


Programme of meetings for 1998-1999



Symposia, seminars and similar meetings



Requests from non-governmental international organizations wishing to be represented at the 86th (1998) Session of the International Labour Conference


Amendments to the Appendix to the Financial Regulations

First item on the agenda

Appointment of the Director-General

1. A secret ballot was taken in accordance with the rules adopted by the Governing Body at its 240th Session (May-June 1988), with the following result. The required majority being 29 votes, Mr. Juan Somavía received 44 votes, Ms. Maria Nieves Roldan-Confesor received 12 votes; there were 0 blank papers and 0 void. Mr. Juan Somavía was accordingly declared elected to the post of Director-General of the International Labour Office, for a five-year term of office in accordance with the provisions of the ILO Staff Regulations, to take effect on 4 March 1999. (First sitting; GB.271/1)

* * *

Second item on the agenda

Approval of the minutes of the 270th Session

2. Subject to the corrections received, the Governing Body approved the minutes of its 270th Session. (First sitting; GB.271/2)

* * *

Third item on the agenda

Draft of a possible Declaration of principles concerning fundamental rights and its appropriate follow-up for consideration at the 86th Session (1998) of the International Labour Conference

3. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to prepare a draft of a possible Declaration of principles concerning fundamental rights and its follow-up mechanism for the 86th Session (1998) of the International Labour Conference taking into account all the views presented in the debate in the Government Body. In order to arrive at the most acceptable solutions, these proposals should be prepared in close consultation with the tripartite constituents. The draft should be distributed to the constituents at the earliest possible date and in any case no later than during the first week of May 1998. (Fourth sitting; GB.271/3/1 and statement by the Chairperson)

* * *

Fourth item on the agenda

Date, place and agenda of the 88th Session (2000)
of the International Labour Conference

4. The Governing Body decided that the 88th Session (2000) of the Conference should open on Tuesday, 6 June 2000, and that it should be held in Geneva. (First sitting; GB.271/4/1, paras. 1 and 2)

5. The Governing Body decided that, in addition to the standing items which the Conference would have before it, the following items should be placed on its agenda:

  1. Human Resources Training and Development: Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training (general discussion).
  2. Safety and health in agriculture (double-discussion procedure).
  3. Withdrawal of Conventions Nos. 31, 46, 51, 61 and 66.

(First sitting; GB.271/4/1, para. 274 and GB.271/4/2, para. 11)

6. The Governing Body noted that, as a result of the above decisions, and having regard to the standing items that would necessarily be before the Conference and the item likely to be carried over from the 87th Session (1999), the agenda of the session would be as follows:

Standing items

  1. Reports of the Chairperson of the Governing Body and the Director-General.
  2. Programme and budget and other financial questions.
  3. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations.

Items placed on the agenda by the
Conference or the Governing Body

  1. Revision of the Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952 (No. 103) and Recommendation, 1952 (No. 95) (second discussion).
  2. Human Resources Training and Development: Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training (general discussion).
  3. Safety and health in agriculture (first discussion).
  4. Withdrawal of Conventions Nos. 31, 46, 51, 61 and 66.

(Fifth sitting; GB.271/4/1 paras. 3-4 and 273; GB.271/4/2, para. 11)

* * *

Fifth item on the agenda

Preliminary consultation on the Programme
and Budget proposals for 2000-2001

7. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Fifth and sixth sittings; GB.271/5)

* * *

Sixth item on the agenda

Report and Conclusions of the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting
(Bangkok, 9-11 December 1997)

8. The Governing Body requested the Director-General --

  1. to draw the attention of the governments of member States in Asia and the Pacific and, through them, that of the national employers' and workers' organizations, to the conclusions concerning ILO activities in the region;
  2. to bear the conclusions in mind in executing ongoing programmes and in preparing future programme and budget proposals;
  3. to transmit the text of the conclusions:
    1. to the governments of all member States and, through them, to the national employers' and workers' organizations;
    2. to the international organizations concerned.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/6, para. 41)

9. The Governing Body took note of an Office paper reporting on action taken to follow up on the Twelfth Asian Regional Meeting, and requested that the report of the High-Level Meeting on Social Responses to the Financial Crisis in East and South-East Asian Countries (Bangkok, 22-24 April 1998) be submitted to the Governing Body at its 272nd Session (June 1998). (Ninth sitting; GB.271/6(Add.1))

* * *

Seventh item on the agenda

Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of
workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 86th (1998) Session
of the International Labour Conference

10. The Governing Body --

  1. decided in favour of the proposal for the holding of a special sitting at the 86th Session (1998) of the International Labour Conference for the consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories;
  2. invited the Director-General to submit to the Selection Committee -- provided that the condition mentioned in paragraph 4(a) of the Office paper was met -- proposals relating to the holding of a special sitting at the 86th Session (1998) of the International Labour Conference for the consideration of his report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories, based on the arrangements approved at the 82nd Session (June 1995) of the Conference.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/7, para. 8)

* * *

Eighth item on the agenda

Developments in the United Nations in 1997-98

11. The Governing Body took note of the Office papers. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/8/1 and GB.271/8/2)

* * *

Ninth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association

309th report

12. The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the report. (Sixth sitting; GB.271/9, paras. 1-44).

13. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 55 (Case No. 1924: Argentina); 68 (Case No. 1945: Chile); 91 (Case No. 1787: Colombia); 105 (Case No. 1916: Colombia); 119 (Case No. 1925: Colombia); 160 (Case No. 1865: Republic of Korea); 185 (Case No. 1938: Croatia); 223 (Case No. 1933: Denmark); 251 (Cases Nos. 1851 and 1922: Djibouti); 261 (Case No. 1876: Guatemala); 272 (Case No. 1936: Guatemala); 288 (Case No. 1940: Mauritius); 307 (Case No. 1913: Panama); 342 (Case No. 1852: United Kingdom); 370 (Case No. 1912: United Kingdom/Isle of Man); 386 (Case No. 1843: Sudan); 403 (Case No. 1812: Venezuela); 420 (Case No. 1828: Venezuela); and 452 (Case No. 1937: Zimbabwe). (Seventh sitting; GB.271/9)

* * *

Tenth item on the agenda

Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee

First report: Financial and general questions

Programme and Budget for 1996-97
Regular Budget Account and
Working Capital Fund as at
31 December 1997

Programme and Budget for 1998-99
Collection of contributions from 1 January 1998 to date

Report of the Building Subcommittee

Follow-up on the report of the Chief Internal Auditor
for the year ended 31 December 1996

Report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the
year ended 31 December 1997

14. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, paras. 1-74 and GB.271/10(Corr.))

Delegation of authority under article 18 of the
Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference

15. The Governing Body took note that the Committee had delegated to its Officers (the Chairperson and the spokespersons for the Employer and Worker members of the Committee), for the period of the 86th Session (June 1998) of the Conference, the authority to carry out its responsibilities under article 18 of the Standing Orders of the Conference in relation to proposals involving expenditure in the 66th financial period ending 31 December 1999, and made a similar delegation of authority to its Officers under Article 18 of the Standing Orders of the Conference. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, paras. 76-77)

Other financial and general questions

Amendments to the Financial Regulations:
Additional terms of reference governing
external audit

16. The Governing Body approved the amendments to the Financial Regulations set out in the Appendix to this Record of Decisions and decided to submit the following draft resolution for adoption by the Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998):

(Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, para. 81)

Financial arrangements for the sending of
a tripartite mission of the Governing Body
to the Republic of Korea within the framework
of the examination of a complaint pending
before the Committee on Freedom of Association

17. The Governing Body decided that the travel costs of the tripartite mission to the Republic of Korea, estimated at US$15,000, be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 1998-99, on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, para. 87)

Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the
United Nations on its activities for the
period from 1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997

Report of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations:
"Strengthening field representation of the
United Nations system"

18. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, paras. 88-107)

Increasing interpretation resources
for meetings of groups

19. The Governing Body decided that the additional cost referred to in the Office paper,(1)  estimated at US$351,000, should be financed primarily through savings in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 1998-99, it being understood that if this were to prove impossible, the Director-General would submit proposals for other means of finance during the biennium. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, para. 123)

Proposals by the Director-General for expenditure
from the Programme Flexibility Reserve

20. The Governing Body decided that the additional amount of US$480,000 to strengthen headquarters' support for the operational activities of IPEC, should be financed through savings in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 1998-99. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, para. 147)

Addressing the year 2000 problem in the ILO

21. The Governing Body decided that the cost of ensuring that computer-based systems in the ILO would function properly at the year 2000, estimated at US$5.6 million, be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 1998-99, on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, para. 159)

Cooperation between the ILO and the European Commission (EC)

22. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report, and noted that the Committee had decided that further discussion of this issue should be postponed until the 86th Session (June 1998) of the Conference, and had asked the Office to prepare a paper containing the information requested during the course of its discussion. The Office was also asked to ensure that the Employers and Workers were given an opportunity to address the Finance Committee of Government Representatives on this issue. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/1, paras. 160-178 and GB.271/10(Corr.))

Financial arrangements for a Commission of Inquiry concerning the observance
of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
Convention, 1948 (No. 87) and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining
Convention, 1949 (No. 98), by the Government of Nigeria

23. The Governing Body decided that, for the Commission of Inquiry concerning Nigeria --(2) 

  1. an honorarium at the rate of $300 per day be paid to each member of the Commission of Inquiry;
  2. the cost of the Commission in 1998-99, estimated at $520,000, be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the budget, on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium.

(Seventh sitting; oral report of the Chairperson on behalf of the Committee, referring to GB.271/PFA/7/9)

Additional funds for the Working Party on the
Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy

24. The Governing Body decided that the additional expenditure for the continuation of the work of the Working Party between March and November 1998, estimated at a maximum of $28,000, should be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the budget on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium. (Seventh sitting; oral report of the Chairperson on behalf of the Committee, referring to GB.271/PFA/7/10)

* * *

Second report: Personnel questions

Statement by the staff representative

Composition and structure of the staff

Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on the report
of the International Civil Service Commission

Pensions questions

Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on
administrative expenses of the United Nations
Joint Staff Pension Fund

25. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/2, paras. 2-18)

Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal

Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction
by two intergovernmental organizations

26. The Governing Body --

  1. approved the recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the International Hydrographic Organization with effect from 1 July 1998;
  2. authorized its Officers to approve the recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the Energy Charter Conference as soon as --
    1. the Energy Charter Treaty had entered into force; and
    2. the decisions of the provisional Energy Charter Conference accepting the jurisdiction of the Administrative Tribunal and approving the Energy Charter Secretariat's Staff Regulations and Rules had been endorsed by the Energy Charter Conference.

(Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/2, para. 24)

Possible amendment to article II, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the
ILO Administrative Tribunal regarding the nature of international
organizations entitled to recognize the competence of the Tribunal

27. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/2, para. 25)

Composition of the Tribunal

28. The Governing Body decided to submit to the International Labour Conference, for adoption at its 86th Session (June 1998), the following resolution:

(Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/2, para. 27)

Other personnel questions

Consultations on human resources management
and development: Progress report

29. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/2, paras. 28-31)

* * *

Report of the Government members of the
Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee
on Allocations Matters

Scales of assessment of contributions
to the budget for 1999

30. The Governing Body decided --

  1. that the adoption of the scale of assessments for 1999 should be deferred to the 86th Session of the International Labour Conference, and that the Government members of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee should meet by delegation of the Governing Body to prepare a draft scale of assessments for 1999 during the Conference, taking into account any relevant developments which may take place and to submit it direct to the Finance Committee of Government Representatives at the Conference;
  2. that on that occasion the Office should provide full details of the 1998 UN scale of contributions as compared with the ILO scale for 1998;
  3. that the Office should also make proposals as to possible methods of avoiding or remedying discrepancies in the ILO scale as compared with the UN scale of contributions.

(Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/3, para. 38)

Procedure for the possible continuation of the work of the Government
members of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee in
relation to allocation matters during the International Labour Conference

31. The Governing Body authorized the Government members of the Committee to continue their work, if necessary, after the Governing Body had concluded its work at its 271st Session and to submit their report direct to the Finance Committee of Government Representatives at the Conference. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/10/3, para. 40)

* * *

Eleventh item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and
International Labour Standards

First report: Legal issues

I. Amendment of article II, paragraph 5, of the
Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of
the International Labour Organization

32. The Governing Body decided to propose to the 86th Session (June 1998) of the International Labour Conference that it adopt a resolution to amend article II, paragraph 5, and the Annex of the Statute of the ILO Administrative Tribunal in the following terms:

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,


  1. to amend article II, paragraph 5, of the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization to read as follows:

    5. The Tribunal shall also be competent to hear complaints alleging non-observance, in substance or in form, of the terms of appointment of officials and of provisions of the Staff Regulations of any other international organization meeting the standards set out in the Annex hereto which has addressed to the Director-General a declaration recognizing, in accordance with its Constitution or internal administrative rules, the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for this purpose, as well as its Rules of Procedure, and which is approved by the Governing Body.

  1. to replace the introductory paragraph of the Annex to the said Statute by the following paragraphs:

    To be entitled to recognize the jurisdiction of the Tribunal in accordance with paragraph 5 of article II of the Statute, an international organization must either be intergovernmental in character, or fulfil the following conditions:

    1. it shall be clearly international in character, having regard to its membership, structure and scope of activity;
    2. it shall not be required to apply any national law in its relations with its officials, and shall enjoy immunity from legal process as evidenced by a headquarters agreement concluded with the host country; and
    3. it shall be endowed with functions of a permanent nature at the international level and offer, in the opinion of the Governing Body, sufficient guarantees as to its institutional capacity to carry out such functions as well as guarantees of compliance with the Tribunal's judgments.

    The Statute of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization applies in its entirety to such international organizations subject to the following provisions which, in cases affecting any one of these organizations, are applicable as follows:


(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/1, para. 9)

II. Evaluation of the reforms in the functioning of the
International Labour Conference: Legal aspects

33. The Governing Body --

  1. confirmed that all the measures adopted at its 267th Session (November 1996), with the exception of that relating to the in-session publication of the Provisional Record, be maintained at the 86th Session (June 1998) of the Conference;
  2. decided to propose that the Conference again make the necessary derogations from articles 4, paragraph 2; 9(a) ; 14, paragraph 6; and 56, paragraph 9, of the Conference Standing Orders, so as to implement the above measures at that session;
  3. requested the Office to revert to the matter on the basis of further experience.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/1, para. 19)

III. Revision of the procedure for the examination of
representations submitted under article 24
of the ILO Constitution

34. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/1, paras. 20-23)

IV. Proposed amendment of the Standing Orders of the
Governing Body concerning the publication of
documents in advance of Governing Body sessions

35. The Governing Body adopted the following amendment to article 14, paragraph 5, of its Standing Orders:(3) 

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/1, para. 34)

Second report: International labour standards and human rights

I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the
Revision of Standards

36. The Governing Body --

  1. took note of the report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards,(4)  and of the opinions expressed during the meeting of the Committee;
  2. approved the proposals set out in the relevant paragraphs of the report on which a consensus was reached in the Working Party and the Committee.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, para. 15)

II. Standard-setting policy: The ratification and promotion
of fundamental ILO Conventions

III.General status report on ILO action concerning
discrimination in employment and occupation

37. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, paras. 16-48)

IV. Report of the meeting of the Joint ILO/UNESCO
Committee of Experts on the Application of the
Recommendation concerning the Status of
Teachers (CEART)

38. The Governing Body --

  1. took note of the report on the Fourth Special Session of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers;
  2. authorized the Director-General to communicate the report to the governments of member States and, through them to the employers' and workers' organizations concerned, as well as to concerned intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and to invite them to continue and to intensify their efforts to apply all provisions of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation, notably in the light of the Joint Committee's proposals on a strategy for improving teachers' status;
  3. authorized the Director-General to communicate the relevant part of Annex 2 containing the Joint Committee's analysis of the allegations before it to the Governments of Albania, Bolivia, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Ethiopia, Senegal and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and to the teachers' organizations concerned, including the United Kingdom teachers' union, and where appropriate, to invite them to take the necessary follow-up action as recommended in the report;
  4. decided to forward the report to the International Labour Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998) for examination in the first instance by the Committee on the Application of Standards;
  5. requested the Director-General to take into consideration, where appropriate in consultation with the Director-General of UNESCO, the Joint Committee's proposals for future action by the ILO and UNESCO contained in paragraphs 84-88 of its report, in planning and implementing future ILO activities, due account being taken of available resources.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, para. 56)

V. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of
Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997

39. The Governing Body --

  1. took note of the adoption of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel by the 29th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO;
  2. invited the Director-General to continue consultations with the Director-General of UNESCO with a view to submitting to the Executive Board of UNESCO at one of its future sessions a proposal concerning the legal and practical aspects of monitoring of the Recommendation by the Joint ILO-UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (CEART);
  3. invited the Director-General to submit a report to the Governing Body at its 273rd Session (November 1998) on the outcome of those consultations and any action taken by the Executive Board of UNESCO.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, para. 60)

VI. Forms for reports under article 19
of the Constitution

Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111)
Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100)

40. The Governing Body approved the draft report forms for the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), and the Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100), attached to the report in Appendix III. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, para. 67)

Other questions

41. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/11/2, paras. 68-71)

* * *


Twelfth item on the agenda

Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises

Promotional activities, technical advisory services,
completed studies and current research by the Office

Request for interpretation of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles
concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy

42. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/12)

* * *

Thirteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy

World Labour Report, 1997-98: Industrial relations, democracy and social stability

Progress report on preparations for the Second ILO Enterprise Forum

Preparations for the 1999 International Consultation concerning follow-up
on the World Summit for Social Development

(a) Further discussion of the recommendations concerning the key areas for future action at the national level identified in the Synthesis Report of the ACC Task Force on Full Employment and Sustainable Livelihoods

(b) Progress report on the implementation of the ILO country employment reviews

(c) Agenda of the International Consultation and participation

ILO participation in major international conferences on employment issues

43. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/13)

* * *

Fourteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Sectoral
and Technical Meetings and Related Issues

I. Follow-up activities on sectoral meetings held in 1996-97

44. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, paras. 2-8)

II. Report of the Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics
(Geneva, 14-23 October 1997)

45. The Governing Body took note of the report, in particular the recommendations in paragraphs 48, 49 and 100. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 13)

III. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Tripartite Meeting on
the Iron and Steel Workforce of the Twenty-first Century
(Geneva, 27-31 October 1997)

46. The Governing Body --

  1. authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the Proceedings:
    1. to governments, requesting them to communicate the texts to the employers' and workers' organizations concerned;
    2. ) to the international employers' and workers' organizations concerned;
    3. ) to the international organizations concerned;
  1. requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 26 to 28 of the conclusions.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 18)

IV. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Tripartite Meeting on
Breaking through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management
(Geneva, 15-19 December 1997)

47. The Governing Body --

  1. authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the Proceedings:
    1. to governments, requesting them to communicate the texts to the employers' and workers' organizations concerned;
    2. to the international employers' and workers' organizations concerned;
    3. to the international organizations concerned;
  1. requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 34 to 37 of the conclusions and in the relevant parts of the resolutions.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 22)

V. Report of the ILO/WHO Consultation on Guidelines for Conducting
Pre-Sea and Periodic Medical Fitness Examination for Seafarers
(Geneva, 25-27 November 1997)

48. The Governing Body --

  1. took note of the report;
  2. authorized the Director-General, in consultation with the Director-General of the World Health Organization, to publish the Guidelines.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 26)

VI. Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

(a) Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions
in Health Sector Reforms
(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

49. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental organizations to be represented by observers at the Meeting:

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, paras. 27 and 29)

(b) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service
in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition
(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

50. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental organizations to be represented by observers at the Meeting:

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, paras. 30-31)

(c) Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment
in the Food and Drink Industries
(Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)

51. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the Trade Unions International of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce, Textiles and Allied Industries to be represented by observers at the Meeting. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 33)

VII. Other questions

Progress in the elaboration of a Globally Harmonized System
for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)

52. The Governing Body --

  1. took note of the significant progress made to date in the elaboration of a Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals;
  2. endorsed the establishment of a Working Group for the Harmonization of Chemical Hazard Communication under the leadership of the ILO, as recommended by the IOMC Co-ordinating Group for the Harmonization of Chemical Classification System;
  3. requested the Office to report regularly to it on progress made toward a Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/14, para. 43)

* * *

Fifteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

I. Operational aspects of the International Programme on the
Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)

II. Information on the development of new global programmes

III. Impact assessment/evaluation paper on ILO technical cooperation:
Projects and programmes on the development of micro-enterprises,
including cooperatives

IV. Status of the country objectives

V. Implementation of the resource mobilization strategy

VI. Report of the Working Party on the Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy

53. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/15)

* * *

Sixteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions
of the Liberalization of International Trade

54. The Governing Body took note of a statement by the Chairperson of the Working Party. (Sixth sitting; oral report by Ms. Hartwell, Chairperson of the Working Party)

* * *

Seventeenth item on the agenda

Report of the Director-General

I. Obituary

55. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to convey its sympathy --

  1. to the family of Dr. Aurelio Periquet, Jr. and to the Employers' Confederation of the Philippines.
  2. to the family of Mr. Bertil Axel Bolin and the Swedish Trade Union Confederation.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/17, para. 7 and GB.271/17(Add.1), para. 7)

II. Composition of the Governing Body

56. The Governing Body took note that, in accordance with article 5, paragraph 5, of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body, the Workers' group had appointed Mr. Ebrahim Patel (South Africa) as a deputy member of the Governing Body. Mr. Patel would replace the late Ms. Mokgalo on the committees of which she had been a member. (Fourth sitting; announcement by Mr. Brett)

III. Progress in international labour legislation

IV. Internal administration

V. Publications and documents

57. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report (Ninth sitting; GB.271/17, paras. 13-41)

First Supplementary Report:
Appointment of Assistant Director-General

58. The Governing Body took note of the appointment of Mr. Ibrahim Souss as Assistant Director-General with effect from 1 January 1998. (First sitting; GB.271/17/1)

Second Supplementary Report:
Activities of the Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre
(CIS), 1996-97

59. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/17/2)

Third Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application
of Conventions and Recommendations

60. The Governing Body took note of the report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (Ninth sitting; GB.271/17/3, para. 4)

Fourth Supplementary Report:
Participation of non-metropolitan territories
as observers in the 86th Session (June 1998) of the
International Labour Conference

61. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands, through the Government of the United Kingdom, to send a tripartite observer delegation to the 86th Session (June 1998) of the International Labour Conference. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/17/4, para. 3)

* * *

Eighteenth item on the agenda

Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Old-Age
Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35) and of the
Invalidity Insurance(Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37),
submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, by the College of
Teachers of Chile A.G.

62. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Eighth (private) sitting; GB.271/18/1, para. 5 and announcements by the groups)


Second report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Denmark of the Freedom of
Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948
(No. 87), the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention,
1949 (No. 98), and the Employment Policy Convention, 1964
(No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution
by Dansk Magisterforening

63. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it, referring the allegations relating to trade union rights to the Committee on Freedom of Association. (Eighth (private) sitting; GB.271/18/2, para. 6 and announcements by the groups)


Third report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Venezuela of the
Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), made under article 24
of the ILO Constitution by the Latin American Central of Workers
(CLAT) and the Latin American Federation of Commerce

64. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Eighth (private) sitting; GB.271/18/3, para. 5 and announcements by the groups)


Fourth report:
Appointments to the ILO Staff Pension Committee
(United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board)

65. The Governing Body decided to submit the following resolution to the Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998):

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/18/4, para. 5)

66. The Governing Body delegated to its Officers the responsibility to nominate the two remaining substitute members, with a view to having all nominees identified within the next few weeks. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/18/4, para. 4)

Fifth report:
Possible implementation of the procedure set out in article 26.4
of the Constitution and appointment by the Governing Body
of a Commission of Inquiry

67. The Governing Body decided, in the light of the situation described in the request by the Workers' group of the Governing Body(5)  and after hearing the comments made by the Government of Nigeria, to institute the procedure provided for in article 26.4 of the Constitution and to proceed to appoint a Commission of Inquiry to consider the allegations made in the complaints against that Government which were currently before the Committee on Freedom of Association as Cases Nos. 1793 and 1935. (Seventh sitting; GB.271/18/5, para. 5)

* * *

Nineteenth item on the agenda

Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

ILO Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and
Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms
(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

68. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultation with the Workers' group

Ms. Mauerhofer (Austria), GDB
Mr. T.N. Oucheva (Bulgaria), Medical Federation
Mr. J. Schlanger (Czech Republic), TUHSSC
Mr. M. Kuzmenko (Russian Federation), HWU
Ms. J.L. Pesola (Finland), UHSCS
Mr. B. Abberley (United Kingdom), UNISON
Mr. Hassoumi Djibo (Niger), SUSAS
Mr. A.B. Belgacem (Tunisia), FGS
Ms. M.L. Kamondi (Uganda), MWU
Mr. S. Shezi (South Africa), NEHAWU
Ms. V. Agbogbe (Togo), Syndicat des Sages Femmes
Ms. E. Cruz (Brazil), CNTSS
Ms. J. Darcy (Canada), CUPE
Dr. A. Rosado (Mexico), SNTSS
Mr. W. Lucy (United States), AFSCME
Mr. E. Maturana (Chile), CONFUSAM
Ms. F. Jimenez (Dominican Republic), ATE/CASC
Mr. C.W. Ocampo (Argentina), FATSA
Mr. A. Langenus (Belgium), SETCA
Ms. A. Khoo Kim See (Malaysia), MNU
Mr. M.W. Cheng (Singapore), AUPE
Ms. K.P.S. Vijayalakshmi (Sri Lanka), PSUNU
Mr. Y. Yoneda (Japan), JICHIRO
Ms. B.B. Cruz (Philippines), UERMEA/FFW
Ms. Q. Peng (China), MHTUS


Ms. E. Schmidt (Brazil), CNTSS
Mr. P. Chaodumrong (Thailand), PMHLU
Mr. D. Repas (Slovakia), TUHSS
Mr. G.A. Moultrie (South Africa), HPTUSA
Mr. A. Martinez (Paraguay), UNTE/CNT
Mr. P. Ford (United States), SEIU
Mr. A. Jacyna (Poland), NSZZ.

Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries
(Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)

69. The Governing Body approved the following agenda for the meeting:

  1. Evaluation of the performance of EPZs from a social, labour and economic perspective.
  2. Identification of priorities for improving social and labour relations in EPZs.
  3. Guidelines for improved social and labour relations in EPZs.

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, paras. 2-3)

70. The Governing Body decided that the meeting should be attended by ten national tripartite delegations. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, paras. 4-5)

71. The Governing Body took note that, in order to obtain the nominations, the Director-General intended to approach Bangladesh, Barbados, China, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mauritius, Mexico, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Tunisia. Should any of those countries prove unable to nominate participants, then the Director-General intends to approach the Governments of Kenya, Malaysia or Trinidad and Tobago. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 6 and proposal by Mr. Brett)

72. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 7)

73. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the meeting:

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 8 and announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)

Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians
(Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)

74. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with the Workers' group

Mr. K. Hayes (Canada), CLC
Mr. G. Binvelle (France), CGT-Force ouvrière
Ms. H.J. Jorgensen (United States), AFL-CIO
Mr. A. Muweku (Zambia), ZCTU
Ms. Ng Yuen Jiuan (Singapore), SNTUC
Ms. M.-H. Ska (Belgium), CSC.

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)

75. The Governing Body approved the following agenda for the meeting: Examination and adoption of a code of practice on ambient factors at the workplace. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, paras. 10-11)

76. The Governing Body decided that the meeting should be attended by five experts nominated after consultations with governments, five after consultations with the Employers' group, and five after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, paras. 12-13)

77. The Governing Body noted that, in order to obtain the government nominations, account being taken of the need for geographical distribution and to reflect available experience, the Director-General intended to consult the Governments of Brazil, Canada, India, Poland and South Africa. Should any of those governments be unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General would approach the Governments of Mexico, the United Kingdom or Zimbabwe. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 14)

78. The Governing Body took note that the Director-General intended to invite the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Commission of the European Communities to be represented at the meeting. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 15)

79. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to the meeting, all of which had been invited to ILO meetings in the past:

(Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, paras. 16-17)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Dimension
of Structural and Regulatory Changes and Globalization
in Postal and Telecommunications Services
(Geneva, 20-24 April 1998)

80. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Pierides (Employer member) to represent it at the meeting, which he would chair. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 18)

Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment
in the Food and Drink Industries
(Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)

81. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Khurshid Ahmed (Worker member) to represent it at the meeting, which he would chair. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 19)

Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and
Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms
(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

82. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Willers (Government, Germany) to represent it at the meeting, which he would chair. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 20)

Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour Market
Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries
(Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)

83. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Arbesser-Rastburg (Employer member) to represent it at the meeting, which he would chair. (Ninth sitting; GB.271/19, para. 21).

* * *

Matters on which the Officers of the
Governing Body took decisions on its behalf

Programme of meetings for 1998-99

84. The Officers of the Governing Body approved the programme of meetings for 1998-99 as set out in document GB.271/Inf.1.

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings

85. The Officers of the Governing Body approved proposals for a number of symposia, seminars and similar meetings. (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.271/Inf.2)

Requests from non-governmental international organizations
wishing to be represented at the 86th (1998) Session
of the International Labour Conference

86. The Officers of the Governing Body authorized the Director-General --

  1. to invite the organizations listed below to be represented at the 86th (1998) Session of the International Labour Conference, it being understood that it would be for the Selection Committee of the Conference to consider their requests to participate in the work of the Committees dealing with the agenda items in which they had stated a special interest;
  2. to inform the organizations concerned that they may nominate one person only for each of the agenda items in respect of which their interest has been recognized.

Workers' organizations

African Organization of Mines, Metal, Energy, Chemical and Allied Trade Unions (formerly African Federation of Miners, Energy, Chemical & Allied Trade Unions)
Commonwealth Trade Union Council
Communications International
Education International
European Trade Union Confederation
International Federation of Transport Executives
International Confederation of Executive Staff
International Energy and Mines' Organization
International Entertainment Alliance
International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations
International Federation of Building & Woodworkers
International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions
International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional & Technical Employees
International Metalworkers' Federation
International Textile, Garment & Leather Workers' Federation
International Transport Workers' Federation
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Worker' Associations
Latin American Central of Workers
Latin American Union of Municipal Workers
Public Services International
Trade Unions International of Public & Allied Employees
Trade Unions International of Workers in Agriculture, Food, Commerce, Textiles & Allied Industries
Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building, Wood & Building Materials Industries
World Confederation of Teachers
World Federation of Scientific Workers
World Federation of Teachers' Unions

Other organizations

Amnesty International
Anti-Slavery International
Defence for Children - International (DCI)
Friends World Committee for Consultation
Interamerican Partnership for Environment Education and Training
International Association of Universities of the Third Age
International Construction Institute (ex Hassan Fathy Institute for Construction Workers)
International Council of Nurses
International Council on Social Welfare
International Federation of Social Workers
International Federation of University Women
International Movement ATD Fourth World
International Movement of Apostolate of Children
Soroptimist International
Union of International Associations
Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF)
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises
World Council of Churches
World Organization Against Torture
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
World Veterans Federation
World Vision International (WVI)
World Young Women's Christian Association

(Communicated to the Governing Body in GB.271/Inf.3)


Amendments to the Appendix to the Financial Regulations
of the International Labour Organization

(Additions are shown in bold type; deletions are indicated by square brackets)

Additional terms of reference governing external audit ...

[5. The external auditor shall express and sign an opinion in the following terms: "I have examined the financial statements numbered ... to ... and relevant schedules of the Organisation for the financial period ended 31 December .... My examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of the accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances." The external auditor's opinion shall state, as appropriate, whether:

  1. the financial statements present fairly the financial position as at the end of the period and the results of the operations for the period;
  2. the financial statements were prepared in accordance with the stated accounting principles;
  3. the accounting principles were applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding financial period;
  4. transactions were in accordance with the Financial Regulations and legislative authority.]

5. The external auditor shall express and sign an opinion on the financial statements of the Organization. The opinion shall include the following basic elements:

  1. the identification of the financial statements audited;
  2. a reference to the responsibility of the entity's management and the responsibility of the auditor;
  3. a reference to the audit standards followed;
  4. a description of the work performed;
  5. an expression of opinion on the financial statements as to whether:
  1. an expression of opinion on the compliance of transactions with the Financial Regulations and legislative authority;
  2. the date of the opinion;
  3. the external auditor's name and position; and
  4. should it be necessary, a reference to the report of the External Auditor on the financial statements.

1.  GB.271/PFA/7/3.

2.  See below, para. 67.

3.  The changes are in italics.

4.  GB.270/LILS/5(Rev.1), reproduced in Appendix I to the report.

5.  Set out in the Appendix to the report.

For further information, please contact the Official Relations Branch at Tel: +41.22.799.7732, Fax: +41.22.799.8944 or by e-mail: dale@ilo.org

Copyright ® 1998 International Labour Organization (ILO)
This page was created by HK and updated by AD. It was approved by NdW. It was last updated on 25 June 1998.