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Governing Body 

272nd Session
Geneva, June 1998

Record of Decisions


This document is a preliminary working paper for the use of the Governing Body and officials of the Office. It records only the Governing Body's decisions, and not the circumstances of their adoption, except where they were the result of a formal vote. The comments or reservations by individual members or groups subject to which the decisions were made will be found in the minutes of the session.

Where an Office publication or paper refers to a Governing Body decision, the source given should be the relevant Governing Body document and minutes, and not this Record of Decisions.

The Record of Decisions is arranged in the order of the items on the Governing Body's agenda. All decisions relating to a particular paper or section of a paper are grouped together. After the decision the sitting at which it was taken is indicated in brackets together with the basis on which it was taken, including appropriate references to Governing Body papers. The decisions are reproduced in full, with the exception of those relating to reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, where a simple reference is made to the paragraphs of the report which form the basis of the decision.

The table of contents is in the form of a detailed agenda showing for each item the number of the relevant Governing Body paper and that of the relevant paragraph in the Record of Decisions.


Table of contents




Title of agenda item




Election of the Officers of the Governing Body for 1998-99




Questions arising out of the 86th Session of the International Labour Conference




Report of the Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics: Occupational Injuries (Geneva, 30 March-3 April 1998)




Report of the High-Level Meeting on Social Responses to the Financial Crisis in East and South-East Asian Countries (Bangkok, 22-24 April 1998)




Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association:
310th report




Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises



Report of the Director-General


First Supplementary Report: Observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98): appointment by the Governing Body of a Commission of Inquiry in accordance with article 26(4) of the Constitution of the ILO: Composition of the Commission of Inquiry



Second Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Mexico of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Trade Union Delegation, D-III-57, section XI of the National Trade Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Radio Education



Third Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Spain of the Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97), the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), and the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the General Confederation of Labour of Argentina (CGT)



Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body


First Report: Representation alleging non-observance by Bolivia of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB)



Second Report: Representation alleging non-observance by Denmark of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, submitted by the Association of Salaried Employees in the Air Transportation Sector and the Association of Cabin Crew at Maersk Air




Report of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee




Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings


Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations


Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms (Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)


Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries (Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)


Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)


Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour Market Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries (Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)


Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)


Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace (Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)


Fourteenth American Regional Meeting (Lima, April 1999)


International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector (Geneva, 26-30 April 1999)


Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies:
Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)



Matters on which the Officers of the Governing Body
took decisions on its behalf


Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1998 and for 1999



Symposia, seminars and similar meetings



First item on the agenda

Election of the Officers of the Governing Body
for 1998-99

1. The Governing Body elected its Officers as follows:

Employer Vice-Chairman:
Worker Vice-Chairman:

Mr. N. Akao (Japan)
Mr. R. Thüsing (Germany)
Mr. W. Brett (United Kingdom).

(First sitting; GB.272/1)

* * *

Second item on the agenda

Questions arising out of the 86th Session
of the International Labour Conference

2. The Governing Body took note of statements by various speakers concerning, inter alia, the implementation of the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work and its follow-up. (First and second sittings)

* * *

Third item on the agenda

Report of the Meeting of Experts on Labour Statistics:
Occupational Injuries
(Geneva, 30 March-3 April 1998)

3. The Governing Body took note of the report, and in particular the conclusions in paragraphs 80 and 81. (First sitting; GB.272/3, para. 4)

* * *

Fourth item on the agenda

Report of the High-Level Meeting on Social Responses to the
Financial Crisis in East and South-East Asian Countries
(Bangkok, 22-24 April 1998)

4. The Governing Body took note of the report of the meeting and the Conclusions appended to it. (First sitting; GB.272/4, para. 63)

* * *

Fifth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association

310th report

5. The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the report, and adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 89 (Case No. 1867: Argentina); 106 (Case No. 1887: Argentina); 122 (Case No. 1939: Argentina); 133 (Case No. 1957: Bulgaria); 184 (Case No. 1928: Canada/Manitoba); 242 (Case No. 1943: Canada/Ontario); 254 (Case No. 1941: Chile); 270 (Case No. 1946: Chile); 367 (Case No. 1930: China); 392 (Case No. 1888: Ethiopia); 431 (Case No. 1929: France/Guiana); 473 (Case No. 1773: Indonesia); 507 (Case No. 1931: Panama); 516 (Case No. 1932: Panama); 544 (Case No. 1880: Peru); 556 (Case No. 1906: Peru); 575 (Case No. 1914: Philippines); 591 (Case No. 1884: Swaziland); and 608 (Case No. 1952: Venezuela).

(First and second sittings; GB.272/5)

* * *

Sixth item on the agenda

Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises

6. The Governing Body endorsed the interpretations of paragraphs 8, 10, 25, 26 and 51 of the Declaration given respectively in paragraphs 21, 26, 29, 33 and 36 of document GB.272/MNE/1 in direct response to the specific questions addressed by the Government of Belgium. (Second sitting; GB.272/6, para. 19)

Seventh item on the agenda

Report of the Director-General

First Supplementary Report:
Observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and
Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98): appointment by the Governing Body of a Commission of Inquiry in accordance with article 26(4) of the Constitution of the ILO -- Composition of the Commission of Inquiry

7. The Governing Body decided to appoint the following to serve on the Commission of Inquiry:


Mr. Justice Rajsoomer Lallah (Mauritius), former Chief Justice of Mauritius, member and former Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.


Ms. Janice Bellace (United States), Member of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations; Deputy Dean and Professor of Legal Studies and Management at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
 Sir John Wood (United Kingdom), CBE, LLM; FRC Psych (Hon.); Barrister and Chairman of the Central Arbitration Committee; former Member of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

(Second sitting; GB.272/7/1, para. 3)

8. The Governing Body decided that the commencement of the work of the Commission of Inquiry should be delayed for 60 days in order to allow the Government of Nigeria to admit the outstanding ILO direct contacts mission to its territory. If the mission had not been so admitted within 60 days of the appointment of the Commission of Inquiry, the latter would then commence its work. If, however, the mission was admitted to Nigeria, the Office would report on the situation to the Governing Body at its 273rd Session (November 1998).

(Second sitting; proposal by Mr. Brett)

* * *

Second Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Mexico of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Trade Union Delegation, D-III-57, section XI of the National Trade Union of Education Workers (SNTE), Radio Education

9. The Governing Body approved the report, adopted the Committee's recommendations, and declared closed the procedure initiated before the Governing Body. (Third (private) sitting; GB.272/7/2, para. 45)

* * *

Third Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Spain of the Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97), the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), and the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the General Confederation of Labour of Argentina (CGT)

10. The Governing Body approved the report, adopted the Committee's recommendations, and declared closed the procedure initiated before the Governing Body. (Third (private) sitting; GB.272/7/3, para. 40)

* * *

Eighth item on the agenda

Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First Report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Bolivia of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Central Obrera Boliviana (COB)

11. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it: (Third (private) sitting; GB.272/8/1, para.5 and proposals by the groups)

* * *

Second Report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Denmark of the
Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, submitted by the Association of Salaried Employees in the Air Transportation Sector and the
Association of Cabin Crew at Maersk Air

12. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and referred it for examination to the Committee on Freedom of Association. (Third (private) sitting; GB.272/8/2, para. 7)

* * *

Ninth item on the agenda

Report of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee

Financial implications of the Conference
resolution concerning contract labour

13. The Governing Body decided that, in view of the request by the Conference for meetings of experts to be held to examine issues arising out of the deliberations of the Conference Committee on Contract Labour at the 86th Session of the International Labour Conference, the cost of the preparatory work to be incurred in 1998-99, estimated at $395,000, be financed in the first instance from savings in Part I of the budget on the understanding that, should this subsequently prove impossible, the Director-General would propose alternative methods of financing at a later stage in the biennium. (First sitting; GB.272/PFA/1 and oral report of the Chairperson [Mr. El Amawy])

Tenth item on the agenda

Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Committee of Experts on the Application of
Conventions and Recommendations


14. The Governing Body reappointed, for a period of three years, the following members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations:

New appointments

15. In order to fill three of the seats vacated by Ms. Al-Awadi (resigned), Sir John Wood (resigned), Professor Livshitz (deceased) and Mr. Uribe Restrepo (resigned), the Governing Body appointed the following persons as members of the Committee for a period of three years:

16. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to convey its gratitude to Ms. Al-Awadi, Sir John Wood, and Mr. Uribe Restrepo for their work on the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

(Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 1-3)

Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and
Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms

(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

17. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. R. Caviedes Dupra (Chile), Presidente Ejecutivo, Asociación Gremial de Isapres
Mr. L. Serfaty (France), Président, Fédération Inter-Syndicale des Etablissements d'Hospitalisation
Mr. M. Rvalds (Latvia), Chairman, Health Insurance Association of Latvia
Mr. F. Iraqui (Morocco), Président, Association nationale des Cliniques Privées
Mr. D. Wearing (New Zealand), General Manager Support Services, HealthCare Otago
Mr. N. Surani (Pakistan), Personnel Director, The Aga Khan University Hospital
Mr. J.M. Domínguez (Venezuela), Presidente, Cámara Venezolana de Farmacia


Mr. G. Djilali (Algeria), Chef du Service universitaire de chirurgie générale, Confédération Générale des Opérateurs Economiques
Mr. K. Foster (Barbados), Senior Industrial Relations Officer, Barbados Employers' Confederation
Ms. A. Encheva (Bulgaria), Director, Industrial Relations, Bulgarian Industrial Association
Mrs. A. Bogadi-Šare (Croatia), Occupational Health Specialist, Croatian Institute of Occupational Health
Mr. A. Fernández de Castro (Dominican Republic), Vicepresidente, Servicios Dominicanos de Salud, CXA (SDS)
Mr. I.A. Abu-Shreija (United Arab Emirates), Deputy Director of Ras Al-Khaimah Chamber of Commerce
Mr. D. Aryee Anum (Ghana), Senior Medical Officer-in-Charge, Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority Clinic
Mr. Wadhera (India), Chief Administrative Officer, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
Mr. Harjono (Indonesia), Executive Member, Occupational Health and Safety Department, APINDO
Mr. Lee Choong Hing (Malaysia), Medical Superintendent, Assunta Hospital
Mr. S. Ezzouine (Morocco), Président, CCIS de Benimellal
Mr. R. Khadka (Nepal), Manager, Chirag Foam Industries (P) Ltd.
Mr. N. Anuruo Okere (Nigeria), Medical Director, Nigerite Limited
Mr. G. Imperial, Jr. (Philippines), Vice-President, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines
Mr. J. N. Van Charante (Suriname), Managing Director, Foundation on Occupational Health
Mr. P. Wangpanish (Thailand), Foreign Affairs Director, Employers' Confederation of Thailand
Mr. Ó. Magurno Souto (Uruguay), Presidente, Comisión de Salud Pública.

(List supplied by the Employers' group)

Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries

(Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)

18. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. Hyder (Bangladesh), Secretary-General, Bangladesh Employers' Association
Ms. M. Simmons (Barbados), Senior Industrial Relations Officer, Barbados Employers' Confederation
Dr. Chen Enhua (China), Director, Research Office, Shanghai Jinqiao Group Ltd.
Mr. E. Montoya (Costa Rica), Gerente, Recursos Humanos, Manufacturera de Cártago, S.A.
Mr. L.M. Pellerano (Dominican Republic), Presidente, Asociación Dominicana de Zonas Francas (ADOZONA)
Mrs. D. Wong (Mauritius), Director, Mauritius Export Processing Zone Association
Mr. F.F. Díaz González (Mexico), Director General, Maquilas Kino, S.A. de C.V.
Mr. S. Ortiz-Luis, Jr. (Philippines), President, Philippine Exporters' Confederation Inc. (PHILEXPORT)
Mr. Dasanaya (Sri Lanka), Deputy Director General, Employers' Federation of Ceylon
Mr. A. M'Kaissi (Tunisia), Conseiller, Directeur Central du Social, UTICA.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. N.I. Khan (Bangladesh), BJSD
Ms. V. Griffith (Barbados), BWU
Mr. Chang Muchang (China), ACFTU
Mr. F. Salmerón Montero (Costa Rica), CTRN/CMTC
Ms. M. Batista (Dominican Republic), CNTD/FENAIRASONAS
Mr. J. Lollbeeharry (Mauritius), MLC
Mr. S. Medina Torres (Mexico), CTM
Mr. A. Hamroumi (Tunisia), UGTT
Mr. C.R. Bagtas (Philippines), TUCP
Ms. S. Wijesekera (Sri Lanka), NWC


Ms. M. Arias (Costa Rica), CTRN

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

19. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees (FIET) and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to be represented by observers at the meeting.

(Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 4-5 and lists submitted by the groups)

Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians

(Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)

20. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. B.G. Pückler (Germany), BDA
Mr. S. Kates (Australia), Chief Economist, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. J.G. Almeida dos Reis (Brazil), Chefe do Departamento Econômico, Confederação Nacional da Indústria
Mr. A.J. Al-Gaizi (United Arab Emirates), Deputy Director of Economics Department, Federation of UAE Chambers of Commerce & Industry
Mr. T. M. Waithaka (Kenya), Research Officer, Federation of Kenya Employees
Mr. O. Magnussen (Norway), NHO.


Mr. O. Kacef (Argentina), Experto en Estadísticas del Trabajo, Instituto para el Desarrollo Industrial
Mr. Ho-Sung Lee (Republic of Korea), Team Leader, Social Welfare and Employment Policy Team, Korea Employers' Federation
Mr. M. Crkvenac (Croatia), Director in Chief, Centre for Economy and Policy Development, Faculty of Economics
Mr. F. Herrero Roa (Dominican Republic), Primer Vicepresidente, COPARDOM
Mr. B. Ament (United States), USCIB
Mr. P. Sauvain (France), Chef du service statistique, Union des industries métallurgiques et minières
Mr. D. Koumba (Gabon), Chargé d'études statistiques, Office national de l'Emploi
Mr. Asiedu (Ghana), Training Consultant, Ghana Employers' Association
Mr. H. Satoto (Indonesia), Executive Secretary, APINDO
Ms. P. Minott (Jamaica), Research Officer, Jamaica Employers' Federation
Mrs. I. Pkaine (Latvia), Assistant Director-General, Latvian Employers' Confederation
Mr. A.P. Bernard (Madagascar), Vice Président de la Commission Economique, Groupement des Entreprises de Madagascar
Mr. Wong Chee Mun (Malaysia), Research Officer, Malaysian Employers' Federation
Mr. H. Aguelim (Morocco), Expert Comptable, CCIS de Kénitra
Mr. J. Awotunde (Nigeria), Director, Economics, Research and Statistics, Nigeria Employers' Consultative Association
Mr. D. James (New Zealand), Policy Analyst, New Zealand Employers' Federation
Mr. U. Usmani (Pakistan), Director, Personnel and Administration, Singer Pakistan Limited
Mr. E. Devoto Achá (Peru), Comité de Asuntos Laborales, CONFIEP
Mr. E. Rondain (Philippines), Adviser, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines
Mr. Secretary (United Kingdom), Labour Statistics Panel, Confederation of British Industry
Mr. P.M. Coly (Sénégal), Membre de la Commission Sociale, Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal
Mr. R.G. Simons (Suriname), Managing Director, Institute for Research and Development
Mr. Sutthi Tre-Atthaboon (Thailand), Executive Director, Triathaboon International and Industry
Mr. F. Ilter (Turkey), Research Expert, Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations
Mr. J.M. Quijano (Uruguay), Asesor Económico, Cámara de Industrias del Uruguay
Mr. S. Díaz Miranda (Venezuela), Presidente, Comisión de Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, FEDECAMARAS.

(Lists submitted by the groups)

Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour
Market Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and
Electronic Industries

(Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)

21. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. V. F. von Wangenheim (Germany), Director, International Department, Gesamtmetall (Federation of the Metal and Electrical Industry Employers' Associations)
Mr. E. Mantilla (Argentina), Vicepresidente, Comisión de Política Laboral, Unión Industrial Argentina
Mr. R. Hamilton (Australia), Manager, Labour Relations, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Ms. M-L. Storm (Belgium), International Social Adviser, Fabrimétal
Mr. D. Brankov (Bulgaria), Director, Bulgarian Industrial Association
Ms. K. Breeden (Canada), Director of Employee and Labour Relations, Northern Telecom Ltd.
Mr. D. Cvjetko (Croatia), Vice-President, Croatian Electronics Industry Employers' Association
Mr. R. Greff (United States), Vice-President, Human Resources, European Operations, TRW Inc.
Mr. R. Jaccard (France), Conseiller, Union des Industries Métallurgiques et Minières

Mr. Rao (India), Executive Director (P&A & MSX), Power Sector (HQ), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
Mr. Gusti Made Suyadnya (Indonesia), Board Member, APINDO DKI Jakarta Chapter
Mr. M. Mondini (Italy), Responsable des Relations Internationales, FEDERMECCANICA
Mr. H. Dasuki (Malaysia), Personnel Manager, Furukawa Electrical Cables (M) Sdn Bhd
Mr. C. Soumbounou (Mali), Président, Commission d'Energie, Fédération Nationale des Employeurs du Mali
Mr. J. A. Ogundiran (Nigeria), Executive Secretary, Precision Electrical & Related Equipment
Mr. J. Meyland (New Zealand), Senior Employment Relations Consultant, Employers' and Manufacturers' Association (Northern) Inc.
Mr. R. Cristobal (Philippines), Vice-President for Employment and Productivity, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines
Ms. M. Adsley (United Kingdom), Senior European Affairs Adviser, Senior Executive, Engineering Employers' Federation
Mr. M.L. Petrovich (Russian Federation), Counsellor, Russian Union of Industrialists and Employers
Mr. D.D. Diagne (Senegal), Directeur, Inter-Technique, Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal
Mr. K.O. Stenqvist (Sweden), Senior Vice-President, Association of Swedish Engineering Industries
Mrs. G. Wyss (Switzerland), Avocate, ASM, Association patronale suisse de l'industrie des machines
Mr. M. J. Kopinsky (Suriname), General Manager, N.V. Elgawa
Mrs. C. Pisambutra (Thailand), Executive Director, National Thai Co. Ltd.


Mr. A. Elcock (Barbados), Senior Projects Manager, Everson R. Elcock & Co. Ltd.
Mr. A.M. Holztratner (Brazil), Gerente de Relaciones Industriales, c/o CNI
Mr. C.A. Astudillo Hernández (Chile), Confederación de la Producción y del Comercio
Mr. J.A. Vanderhorst (Dominican Republic), Asesor Administrativo, Complejo Metalúrgico Dominicano (METALDOM)
Mr. I.A. Abu-Shreija (United Arab Emirates), Deputy Director, Ras Al-Khaimah Chamber of Commerce
Ms. P. Palmer (Jamaica), Work-North American Energy Services (Jamaica) Ltd.
Mr. J. Luste (Latvia), President, VEF-REC
Mr. A. Zouhir (Morocco), President, CCIS de Mohammedia
Mr. Y. Derraz (Morocco), Responsable du Département de Formation, Fédération des Industries Métalliques, Métallurgiques, Electriques et Electroniques
Mr. P.D. Thapa (Nepal), Full-Time Consultant, Corporate Affairs, Pepsi Cola Nepal (P) Ltd.
Mr. Sehraee (Pakistan), Deputy General Manager (P & A), Heavy Electrical Complex (Pvt) Ltd.
Mr. A. Ba (Senegal), Directeur, Alphacad Sarl
Ms. D. Kubiková (Czech Republic), Head, International Social Policy Affairs, Department of Social Policy and Industrial Relations, Confederation of Industry
Mr. M. Oliveros (Uruguay), Comisión de Relaciones Sociolaborales, Cámara de Industrias del Uruguay
Mrs. E. Fermín (Venezuela), Gerente, Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales, FEDECAMARAS.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. B. Jakobson (Sweden), Svenska Metallindustrias Betarefärabundet
Mr. R. Ambrosetti (Switzerland), FTMH
Mr. B. Fenelon (United Kingdom), AEEU
Mr. O.E. Herrnstadt (United States), IAM
Mr. V. Gopal (Malaysia), EIWU
Ms. J. Chim Fong Ying (Singapore), UWEEI
Mr. E.M. Monage (South Africa), NUMSA
Mr. A. Fernandez Felix (Spain), UGT-Metal
Mr. S.S. Rao (India), Steel, Metal and Engineering Workers' Federation of India
Mr. G. Ferrante (Italy), Federazione Lavotatori Metalmeccanica -- FLM
Mr. M. Hattori (Japan), Zenkin Rengo
Mr. Jong-Eun Choi (Republic of Korea), FKMTU
Ms. S. Pratt (Canada), CAW
Mr. J. Uhlir (Czech Republic), Metalworkers Federation of the Czech Republic
Mr. J.-M. Bilguez (France), Fédération de la Métallurgie-FO
Mr. R. Steiert (Germany), International Department IG METALL
Ms. A. Donnellan (Australia), AMWU
Mr. R. Nurnberger (Austria), Gewerkschaft Metall
Ms. N. Goulart (Brazil), CNTM
Ms. Liu Shuang (China), NDIWU
Mr. G. Troudov (Russia), Engineering Workers' Union of Russia
Mr. J. Adonay Espinoza (Colombia), CGTD
Ms. T. Punzalan (Philippines), Federation of Free Workers
Mr. E. Oulaïzehe (Côte d'Ivoire), Dignité

(Lists submitted by the groups)

Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development
in the Public Service in the Context of
Structural Adjustment and Transition

(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

22. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Ms. C. Spassova (Bulgaria), National Services Union
Ms. I. Ihas (Croatia), Trade Union of State and Local Government Employees
Ms. J. Schmidt (Germany), ÖTV
Mr. R. Gal (Hungary), VDSZSZ
Ms. V. Kuzmova (Slovakia), Trade Union of Workers in Services
Mr. L.A. Almquist (Sweden), Kommunal
Ms. N. Semenenko (Russia), United Union of Workers in Services
Ms. K. Gubitzer (Austria), Gewerkschaft Offentlicher Dienst
Mr. M. Degla Vodongnon (Benin), SYNTRAJAB
Ms. M.B. Mohamed (Egypt), GTUHS
Mr. R. Ronnie (South Africa), SAMWU
Ms. M. Opoi (Uganda), Uganda Electricity and Allied Workers' Union
Mr. D. Chingoni (Zambia), National Union of Public Service Workers
Ms. A. Sossah (Togo), FPSSP
Mr. W. McDonald (Bahamas), Public Service Union
Mr. J. Clancy (Canada), National Union of Public and General Employees
Mr. Ricardo Diaz (Colombia), FUTEC
Mr. L. Avila (Panama), FENASEP
Ms. J. Batiste (Trinidad and Tobago), Public Service Association
Mr. B. Lucy (United States), AFSCME
Mr. B. Fernandez (Argentina), CLASEP
Mr. R. Gutierrez (El Salvador), SITNPEP
Mr. S.V. Angappan (India), TNEBAESU
Mr. Choi Kyoung Sook (Republic of Korea), KFHWU
Ms. Annie Geron (Philippines), PSLINK
Ms. W. Caird (Australia), CPSU
Mr. Banyat Klunsuwan (Thailand), NHASEA


Mr. J. Wielgus (Poland), Public Service Secretariat
Mr. T. Lekang (Dominica), CSA
Mr. A. Papapolyvirou (Cyprus), Pancyprian Federation of Labour
Mr. S.O.Z. Ejiofoh (Nigeria), National Union of Public Corporation, Civil Service, Technical and Recreational Services Employees

(List submitted by the Workers' group)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

23. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Alliance of Women to be represented by an observer at the meeting. (Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 6-7)

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace

(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)Composition

24. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with governments

Dr. R. Ayala Mares (Mexico), Area Subdirector, Labour Studies and Working Environment Unit, General Safety and Health Directorate;
Ms. I.C. Baumecker (Brazil), Engineer, Ministry of Labour;
Mr. E. Khambula (South Africa), Deputy Director, OHS, Department of Labour;
Ms. D. Koradecka (Poland), Director, Central Institute for Labour Protection.


Mr. A.G. Mangwiro (Zimbabwe), Hazardous Substances Control Officer, Ministry of Health.

(Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 9-10)

Fourteenth American Regional Meeting

(Lima, April 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

25. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to be represented by an observer at the meeting. (Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 11-12)

International Symposium on
Trade Unions and the Informal Sector

(Geneva, 26-30 April 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

26. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees (FIET) and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, paras. 13-14)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives
on various bodies

Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development
in the Public Service in the Context of Structural
Adjustment and Transition
(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

27. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Brett (Worker member) as its representative, who would also chair the meeting. (Fourth sitting; GB.272/10, para. 15)

* * *

Matters on which the Officers of the
Governing Body took decisions on its behalf

Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1998 and for 1999

28. The Officers of the Governing Body approved the programme of meetings, which was communicated to the Governing Body in GB.272/Inf.1.

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings

29. The Officers of the Governing Body approved proposals for a number of symposia, seminars and similar meetings, which were communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.272/Inf.2.

For further information, please contact the Official Relations Branch at Tel: +41.22.799.7732, Fax: +41.22.799.8944 or by e-mail: dale@ilo.org

Copyright ® 1998 International Labour Organization (ILO)
This page was created by HK. It was approved by NdW. It was last updated on 2 September 1998.