...ILO LOGO...


Governing Body 

273rd Session
Geneva, November 1998

Record of Decisions


This document is a preliminary working paper for the use of the Governing Body and officials of the Office. It records only the Governing Body's decisions, and not the circumstances of their adoption, except where they were the result of a formal vote. The comments or reservations by individual members or groups subject to which the decisions were made will be found in the minutes of the session.

Where an Office publication or paper refers to a Governing Body decision, the source given should be the relevant Governing Body document and minutes, and not this Record of Decisions.

The Record of Decisions is arranged in the order of the items on the Governing Body's agenda. All decisions relating to a particular paper or section of a paper are grouped together. After the decision the sitting at which it was taken is indicated in brackets together with the basis on which it was taken, including appropriate references to Governing Body papers. The decisions are reproduced in full, with the exception of those relating to reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, where a simple reference is made to the paragraphs of the report which form the basis of the decision.

The table of contents is in the form of a detailed agenda showing for each item the number of the relevant Governing Body paper and that of the relevant paragraph in the Record of Decisions.


Table of contents




Title of agenda item




Approval of the minutes of the 271st and 272nd Sessions




Proposals for the agenda of the 89th Session (2001) of the International Labour Conference




Follow-up action on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up




Follow-up on the report of the Director-General to the 85th Session (1997) of the International Labour Conference (Part II)



and report of
the Commission
of Inquiry

Report of the Commission of Inquiry established to examine the complaint concerning the observance by Myanmar of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), made by delegates to the 83rd Session (1996) of the Conference under article 26 of the Constitution of the ILO





Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association
311th report
312th report: Case No. 1958 (Denmark)




Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee


First report: Financial and general questions


Programme and Budget for 1998-99: Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund as at 31 October 1998
Financial questions relating to the International Institute for Labour Studies: Authorization to accept contributions and gifts
International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin


Report of the Building Subcommittee


Cooperation between the ILO and multi-bilateral donors
Information technology in the ILO


Other financial and general questions

Follow-up on the reports of the Joint Inspection Unit
Regional meetings: Proposed new arrangements



Second report: Personnel questions


Statement by the Staff Union representative
Amendments to the Staff Regulations
Exceptions to the Staff Regulations
Pensions questions
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Special Payments Fund
Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund


Report of the International Civil Service Commission


Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal

Apportionment of the costs of the ILO Administrative Tribunal
Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies



Other personnel questions
Mobility of staff between the field and headquarters



Third report: Preparation of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01



Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards


First report: Legal issues

Revision of the procedure for the examination of representations submitted under article 24 of the Constitution


Agreement with the Inter-Parliamentary Union



Second report: International labour standards and human rights

I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the revision of Standards


II. Standard-setting policy: the ratification and promotion of fundamental ILO Conventions




III. Review of the activities of the multidisciplinary teams in relation to standards


IV. Choice of Conventions on which reports should be requested in 2000 and 2001 under article 19 of the Constitution


V. Special reports on unratified Conventions
(article 19 of the Constitution)




VI. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997




VII. Other questions




Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy

World Employment Report 1998-99:
Employability in the global economy -- How training matters:
(a) General discussion and policy implications
(b) Implications for ILO activities
Job creation programmes in the ILO
(a) Employment-intensive programmes
(b) Job creation through enterprise and cooperative development
Relations with the Bretton Woods institutions




Report of the Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues


I. Programme of sectoral meetings, 2000-01


II. First Session of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Working Group on Fishermen's Training and Certification


III. Report of the Joint IMO/ILO Working Group on the Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention, 1996 (No. 180) (London, 19-23 January 1998)


IV. Effect to be given to the recommendations of sectoral meetings

(a) Tripartite Meeting on Employment and Industrial Relations Issues in Oil Refining (Geneva, 23-27 February 1998)


(b) Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Dimension of Structural and Regulatory Changes and Globalization in Postal and Telecommunications Services (Geneva, 20-24 April 1998)


(c) Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment in the Food and Drink Industries (Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)


V. Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on liability and compensation regarding claims for death, personal injury and abandonment of seafarers


VI. Invitation of intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations

(a) Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries (Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)


(b) Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and Restructuring of Public Utilities (Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)


(c) Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines (Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)


VII. Report of the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)


VIII. Other questions

(a) Report of the Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing Zone-Operating Countries (Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)


(b) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998): Invitation of a non-governmental international organization


(c) Resources of the Sectoral activities programme




Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

I. The ILO's technical cooperation programme, 1997-98
III. Further developments concerning operational activities in the United Nations system


II. Report of the Working Party on the Evaluation of the
Active Partnership Policy




Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions of the Liberalization of International Trade




International Institute for Labour Studies




Report of the Director-General

& GB.273/14/6

I. Obituary


II. Composition of the Governing Body


III. Progress in international labour legislation
IV. Internal administration
V. Publications and documents



First Supplementary Report:
ILO activities in response to the financial crisis in East and South-East Asia



Second Supplementary Report:
Incomplete delegations at tripartite meetings



Third Supplementary Report:
Promotion of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up



Fourth Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Peru of the Indigenous and Tribal People's Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP)


Fifth Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation made by the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) and the Latin American Federation of Trade Workers (FETRALCOS) under article 24 of the ILO Constitution alleging non-observance by Venezuela of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122)



Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body


First report:
Observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98): Report on the direct contacts mission to Nigeria (17-21 August 1998)



Second report:
Complaint concerning the non-observance by Colombia of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), made by delegates to the 86th (1998) Session of the Conference under article 26 of the Constitution of the ILO



Third report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina


Fourth report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35), the Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No. 36), the Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37) and the Invalidity Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No.38), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by a number of national trade unions of workers of the Private Sector Pension Funds (AFP)


Fifth report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Ethiopia of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) and the Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 (No. 158), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW)


Sixth report:
Representation alleging non-observance by Mexico of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Radical Trade Union of Metal and Associated Workers



Seventh report:
Child-care facilities in the ILO




Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace
(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries
(Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and Restructuring of Public Utilities
(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)


International Symposium on the Future of Employers' Organizations
(Geneva, 19-21 April 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines
(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)


Fourteenth American Regional Meeting
(Lima, August 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour
(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools
(Geneva, 4-14 October 1999)


International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development
(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)


Second ILO Enterprise Forum
(Geneva, 5-6 November 1999)


Ninth African Regional Meeting
(Abidjan, December 1999)


Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives affecting Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries (Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and Restructuring of Public Utilities (Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines (Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)



Matters on which the Officers of the Governing Body took decisions on its behalf


Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1998 and for 1999



Symposia, seminars and similar meetings



Requests from non-governmental international organizations wishing to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference


Other questions


Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th Session (1999) of the International Labour Conference


First item on the agenda

Approval of the minutes of the 271st and 272nd Sessions

1. Subject to the corrections received, the Governing Body approved the minutes of its 271st and 272nd Sessions. (First sitting; GB.273/1)

* * *

Second item on the agenda

Proposals for the agenda of the 89th Session (2001)
of the International Labour Conference

2. The Governing Body requested law and practice reports or more detailed proposals on the following subjects to be submitted to it at its 274th Session (March 1999):

  1. New measures concerning discrimination in employment and occupation.
  2. Investment and employment.
  3. Youth employment.
  4. Promotion of cooperatives.
  5. Alternative forms of labour conflict resolution.
  6. Recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases.
  7. Use of hazardous substances -- Revision of Conventions Nos. 13 and 136.
  8. Social security -- Issues and prospects.
  9. Employment of women.

(First sitting; GB.273/2, para. 308)

Third item on the agenda

Follow-up action on the ILO Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work and its follow-up

3. The Governing Body --

(a) decided, in the light of the explanations given in the Office paper, to embark on the procedure for the annual reviews from 1999 onwards and to discontinue the cycle of special reports after the report on freedom of association currently in preparation;

(b) decided to produce the first global report on freedom of association for the year 2000;

(c) decided to carry out the necessary coordination of the reporting periods of reports required under article 22 to ensure that they were in line with the global report cycle;

(d) requested the Office to submit to the Governing Body at its next session, through the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, as appropriate, specific proposals to settle the outstanding questions referred to in the Office paper, taking due account of the observations made and ideas put forward on the matter and of consultations with constituents to be held before the Governing Body's 274th Session.

(Third sitting; GB.273/3, paragraphs 13 and 33 [amended])

* * *

Fourth item on the agenda

Follow-up on the discussion of the Report of the Director-General to the 85th Session (1997) of the International Labour Conference (Part II)

4. The Governing Body decided to place an item on possible improvements in the standard-setting activities of the ILO on the agenda of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards in November 1999 in order to leave sufficient time to carry out the relevant preparatory work and consultations. (Fifth sitting; GB.273/4, paras. 9(e) and 13, and para. 31 of document GB.270/3/2, reproduced in the Appendix to Office paper GB.273/4)

* * *

Fifth item on the agenda

Report of the Commission of Inquiry established to examine
the complaint concerning the observance by Myanmar of
the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), made by
delegates to the 83rd Session (1996) of the Conference
under article 26 of the Constitution of the ILO

5. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the report of the Commission and of the reply by the Government of Myanmar;

(b) requested the Office to submit a progress report to the Governing Body at its 274th Session (March 1999) on the measures taken by the Government of Myanmar to implement the recommendations contained in the report of the Commission of Inquiry.

(Fourth sitting; GB.273/5, para. 5 [amended])

* * *

Sixth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association

311th report

6. The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the report. (Fourth sitting; GB.273/6/1, paras. 1-96).

7. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 110 (Case No. 1873: Barbados); 132 (Case No. 1934: Cambodia); 150 (Case No. 1969: Cameroon); 169 (Case No. 1943: Canada/Ontario); 234 (Case No. 1951: Canada/Ontario); 271 (Case No. 1942: China/Hong Kong); 292 (Case No. 1787: Colombia); 339 (Case No. 1865: Republic of Korea); 365 (Case No. 1966: Costa Rica); 411 (Case No. 1954: Côte d'Ivoire); 429 (Case No. 1961: Cuba); 461 (Case No. 1950: Denmark); 479 (Cases Nos. 1851 and 1922: Djibouti); 504 (Case No. 1968: Spain); 514 (Case No. 1956: Guinea-Bissau); 524 (Case No. 1869: Latvia); and 547 (Case No. 1944: Peru).

(Fifth sitting; GB.273/6/1)

312th report: Case No. 1958 (Denmark)

8. The Governing Body decided that the case did not call for further examination. (Fifth sitting; GB.273/6/2, para. 77)

* * *

Seventh item on the agenda

Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee

First report: Financial and general questions

Programme and Budget for 1998-99

Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund
as at 31 October 1998

Financial questions relating to the
International Institute for Labour Studies

Authorization to accept contributions and gifts

International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin

9. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/1, paras. 2-19)

Report of the Building Subcommittee

10. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized an additional amount of $290,000 for the construction of the ILO premises in Islamabad, to be financed by the Building and Accommodation Fund;

(b) decided that any compensation recovered by the ILO from the contractor be credited to the Building and Accommodation Fund.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/1 para. 30)

Cooperation between the ILO and multi-bilateral donors

Information technology in the ILO

11. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/1, paras. 31-74)

Other financial and general questions

Follow-up on the reports of the Joint Inspection Unit

12. The Governing Body deferred consideration of the proposals set out in the JIU annual report for July 1996 to June 1997 until after it had received the report of the United Nations General Assembly on this issue. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/1, para. 82.)

Regional meetings: Proposed new arrangements

13. The Governing Body noted that the Committee had decided to defer decision on this matter until the 274th Session of the Governing Body (March 1999). (Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/1, para. 100)

Second report: Personnel questions

Statement by the Staff Union representative

Amendments to the Staff Regulations

Exceptions to the Staff Regulations

Pensions questions

Report of the Board of Trustees of the Special Payments Fund

Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund

14. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (GB.273/7/2, paras. 2-13)

Report of the International Civil Service Commission

15. The Governing Body --

(a) accepted the recommendations of the ICSC, subject to their approval by the United Nations General Assembly, on the following entitlements:

(b) noted that, if approved, the proposed changes to the language incentive/language allowance arrangements would be the subject of consultation with the Staff Union and other common system organizations;

(c) authorized the Director-General to give effect in the ILO, through amendments to the Staff Regulations (as necessary), to the measures referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b), subject to their approval by the General Assembly.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/2, paras. 9-13, and GB.273/PFA/11, para. 12, omitted in error from the report)

Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal

Apportionment of the costs of the
ILO Administrative Tribunal

16. The Governing Body took note that the Office would submit to the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee, at the Governing Body's 274th Session (March 1999), proposals to improve the apportionment of the costs of the Tribunal. (GB.273/7/2, paras. 14-20)

Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the
International Federation of Red Cross and
Red Crescent Societies

17. The Governing Body approved the recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, with effect from 1 January 1999. (GB.273/7/2, para. 24)

Other personnel questions

Mobility of staff between the field and headquarters

18. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (GB.273/7/2, paras. 25-31)

Third report:

Preparation of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-2001

19. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/7/3)

* * *

Eighth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and
International Labour Standards

First report: Legal issues

Revision of the procedure for the examination of representations
submitted under article 24 of the Constitution

20. The Governing Body requested the Office to submit to it, at the 274th Session (March 1999) or 276th Session (November 1999) of the Governing Body, a document reflecting the guidance given by its members, which should be structured along the lines of the three questions stated in paragraph 4 of the report (Why was it necessary to make certain adjustments to the procedure for dealing with article 24 representations? What might be the objectives of the required revision? What solutions could be envisaged?)

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/1, para. 58)

Agreement with the Inter-Parliamentary Union

21. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/1, para. 59)

* * *

Second report: International labour standards and human rights

I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards

22. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards,(1)  and of the opinions expressed during the meeting of the Committee;

(b) approved the proposals set out in the relevant paragraphs of the report on which a consensus was reached in the Working Party and the Committee.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/2, para. 7)

II. Standard-setting policy: The ratification and promotion of fundamental ILO Conventions

III. Review of the activities of the multidisciplinary teams in relation to standards

23. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/2, paras. 8-30)

IV. Choice of Conventions on which reports should be requested in 2000
and 2001 under article 19 of the Constitution

24. The Governing Body decided that governments should be invited to submit reports under article 19 of the Constitution on the following instruments:

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/2, para. 34)

V. Special reports on unratified Conventions
(article 19 of the Constitution)

VI. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of
Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997

VII. Other questions

25. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/8/2, paras. 35-42)

Ninth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy

World Employment Report 1998-99:

Employability in the global economy -- How training matters

(a) General discussion and policy implications

(b) Implications for ILO activities

Job creation programmes in the ILO

(a) Employment-intensive programmes

(b) Job creation through enterprise and cooperative development

Relations with the Bretton Woods institutions

26. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/9)

* * *

Tenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Sectoral
and Technical Meetings and Related Issues

I. Programme of sectoral meetings, 2000-01

27. The Governing Body decided that the following twelve sectoral meetings should be included in the Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01 for major programme 100 (Sectoral activities):

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 25)

II. First Session of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Working Group on
Fishermen's Training and Certification

28. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the progress of the First Session of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Working Group on Fishermen's Training and Certification (London, 12-16 January 1998);

(b) authorized the holding of a Second Session of the Joint FAO/ILO/IMO Working Group on Fishermen's Training and Certification, with a composition of four ILO participants (two Employer and two Worker representatives), two FAO participants and two IMO representatives, with the four ILO participants to be selected in consultation with the Employers' and Workers' groups of the Governing Body;

(c) requested the Director-General to communicate its decision to the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 28)

III. Report of the Joint IMO/ILO Working Group on the
Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of
Ships Convention, 1996 (No. 180)

(London, 19-23 January 1998)

29. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the report of the Joint IMO/ILO Working Group on the Seafarers' Hours of Work and the Manning of Ships Convention, 1996 (No. 180), including its attached guidelines and model formats;

(b) authorized the Director-General to consult with the Secretary-General of the IMO regarding the joint publication of the guidelines for the development of tables of seafarers' shipboard working arrangements and the formats of records of seafarers' hours of work or hours of rest, the model format for a table of shipboard working arrangements and the model format for records of hours of work or hours of rest of seafarers;

(c) requested the Director-General to communicate its decision to the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 32)

IV. Effect to be given to the recommendations of sectoral meetings

Tripartite Meeting on Employment and Industrial Relations
Issues in Oil Refining (Geneva, 23-27 February 1998)

30. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 11-12 of the conclusions and in the relevant parts of the resolutions.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 37)

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Dimension of
Structural and Regulatory Changes and Globalization in
Postal and Telecommunications Services

(Geneva, 20-24 April 1998)

31. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 22-23 of the conclusions and in the relevant parts of the resolutions.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 40)

Tripartite Meeting on Technology and Employment in the

Food and Drink Industries

(Geneva, 18-22 May 1998)

32. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 17-19 of the conclusions and in the relevant parts of the resolutions.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 43)

V. Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on liability and compensation regarding claims for death, personal injury and abandonment of seafarers

33. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the holding of a Joint IMO/ILO Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on liability and compensation regarding claims for death, personal injury and abandonment of seafarers, in London if agreed by the IMO, with a maximum duration of five working days and a composition of eight ILO participants (four Shipowner and four Seafarer representatives) and eight IMO representatives;

(b) requested the Director-General to communicate the decision to the Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 47)

VI. Invitation of intergovernmental and non-governmental international organizations

(a) Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting
Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment
in the Chemical Industries

(Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)

34. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries:

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, paras. 48-49)

(b) Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and
Restructuring of Public Utilities

(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)

35. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and Restructuring of Public Utilities.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, paras. 50-51)

(c) Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines

(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

36. The Governing Body took note that the Director-General intended to invite the Southern African Development Community to be represented by an observer at the above Meeting.

37. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental international organizations to be represented by observers at the Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines:

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, paras. 52-53)

VII. Report of the Sixteenth International Conference of Labour Statisticians

(Geneva, 6-15 October 1998)

38. The Governing Body took note of the report of the Conference and requested the Director-General to distribute it --

(a) to the governments of member States and, through them, to the national employers' and workers' organizations concerned, drawing particular attention to the three resolutions appended to the report and to the two sets of guidelines; and

(b) to the United Nations and the other intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations represented at the Conference.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 58)

VIII. Other questions

(a) Report of the Tripartite Meeting of Export Processing
Zone-Operating Countries (Geneva, 28 September-2 October 1998)

39. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the proceedings to:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 30-32 of the conclusions.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 62)

(b) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998): Invitation of a non-governmental international organization

40. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations to be represented by an observer at the Meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 64)

(c) Resources of the Sectoral activities programme

41. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/10, para. 65)

Eleventh item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

I. The ILO's technical cooperation programme, 1997-98

III. Further developments concerning operational activities in
the United Nations system

42. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/11)

II. Report of the Working Party on the Evaluation of the

Active Partnership Policy

43. The Governing Body took note that the Committee had requested its Officers, together with the Deputy Director-General, to develop proposals for the 274th Session (March 1999) of the Governing Body concerning follow-up on the report, the establishment of an evaluation methodology for the APP, and a system for ongoing monitoring of the APP by the Governing Body. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/11, announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)

* * *

Twelfth item on the agenda

Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions
of the Liberalization of International Trade

44. The Governing Body took note of a statement by the Chairperson of the Working Party. (Seventh sitting; oral report by Mr. Lyne, Chairperson of the Working Party)

* * *

Thirteenth item on the agenda

International Institute for Labour Studies

45. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/13)

* * *

Fourteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Director-General

I. Obituary

46. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to convey its sympathy --

(a) to the family of Mr. Yvon Chotard and to the Government of France;

(b) to the family of Mr. Edward Leemans and to the Government of Belgium;

(c) to the family of Mr. Abdoulaye Diallo, the Government of Guinea, the Government of Mali and the Organization of African Trade Union Unity.

(First sitting: GB.273/14/6, para. 7; and fifth sitting: GB.273/14, paras. 6 and 12)

II. Composition of the Governing Body

47. The Governing Body took note of the appointments made by the Governments of Brazil and Japan, and noted that, in accordance with article 5, paragraph 5, of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body, the Employers' group has appointed Mr. Bernard Boussat (France) to succeed Mr. Jean-Jaques Oechslin as a regular member of the Governing Body. Mr. Boussat would replace Mr. Oechslin on the committees of which he had been a member. (Fifth sitting; GB.273/14, paras. 13-15)

III. Progress in international labour legislation

IV. Internal administration

V. Publications and documents

48. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report (Fifth sitting; GB.273/14, paras. 16-36)

First Supplementary Report

ILO activities in response to the financial crisis in
East and South-East Asia

49. The Governing Body decided to include an item on the agenda of its 274th Session (March 1999) and to devote a symposium during that session to a discussion of the issue. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/14/1 and proposal by Mr. Brett)

Second Supplementary Report

Incomplete delegations at tripartite meetings

50. The Governing Body took note of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/14/2)

Third Supplementary Report

Promotion of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up

51. The Governing Body took note of the report (Third sitting; GB.273/14/3)

Fourth Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee set up to examine
the representation alleging non-observance by Peru
of the Indigenous and Tribal People's Convention,
1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the
ILO Constitution by the
General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP)

52. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in the report and declared closed the procedure resulting from the representation. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/14/4, para. 32)

Fifth Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation made by the Latin American Central of Workers (CLAT) and the Latin American Federation of Trade Workers (FETRALCOS) under article 24 of the ILO Constitution alleging non-observance by Venezuela of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122)

53. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in the report and declared closed the procedure resulting from the representation. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/14/5, para. 25)

* * *

Fifteenth item on the agenda

Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report

Observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and

Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98): Report on the direct contacts mission to Nigeria (17-21 August 1998)

54. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the report of the direct contacts mission;

(b) endorsed the concluding remarks and requested the Government of Nigeria to take all appropriate action in that light;

(c) in particular, requested the Government of Nigeria to communicate full information on the matters raised in Cases Nos. 1793 and 1935 in due time for examination by the Committee on Freedom of Association at its next meeting (March 1999);

(d) requested the Director-General to transmit the report of the direct contacts mission to the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations, for examination at its November-December 1998 session in connection with the application by Nigeria of relevant ratified Conventions;

(e) suspended the work of the Commission of Inquiry pending such examinations and until such time as the Governing Body may decide otherwise.

(Third sitting; GB.273/15/1, para. 3)

Second report

Complaint concerning the non-observance by Colombia of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), made by delegates to the 86th (1998) Session of the Conference under article 26 of the Constitution of the ILO

55. The Governing Body decided that --

(a) the Government of Colombia, as the Government against which the complaint has been filed, should be requested by the Director-General to communicate its observations on the complaint so as to reach him not later than 15 January 1999;

(b) at its 274th Session, the Governing Body should decide, in the light of: (i) the information provided by the Government of Colombia in connection with the complaint; and (ii) the recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association regarding the complaint and the cases which are still pending, whether they should be referred as a whole to a Commission of Inquiry.

(Fifth sitting; GB.273/15/2, para. 9)

Third report

Representation alleging non-observance by Bosnia and Herzegovina
of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Convention, 1958 (No. 111), made under article 24 of
the ILO Constitution by the
Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina

56. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/15/3, para. 6 and announcements by the groups)

Fourth report

Representation alleging non-observance by Chile
of the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35),
the Old-Age Insurance (Agriculture) Convention, 1933 (No. 36),
the Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933
(No. 37) and the Invalidity Insurance (Agriculture) Convention,
1933 (No.38), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by a number of national trade unions of workers of
the Private Sector Pension Funds (AFP)

57. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/15/4, para. 5 and announcements by the groups)

Fifth report

Representation alleging non-observance by Ethiopia
of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Convention, 1958 (No. 111) and the
Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 (No. 158),
made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the
National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW)

58. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/15/5, para. 6 and announcements by the groups)

Sixth report:

Representation alleging non-observance by Mexico of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Radical Trade Union of Metal and Associated Workers

59. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Sixth (private) sitting; GB.273/15/6, para. 5 and announcements by the groups)

Seventh report:

Child-care facilities in the ILO

60. The Governing Body decided to include an item concerning this question on the agenda of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee at its next session (March 1999). (Seventh sitting; GB.273/15/7 and proposal by the Chairperson.)

* * *

Sixteenth item on the agenda

Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace

(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)


61. The Governing Body took note that, as this meeting would be held in the very near future, in order to allow the participants to be contacted sufficiently in advance, the Officers of the Governing Body had approved the following nominations on behalf of the Governing Body. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 3)

Nominations made after consultations with Governments

Mr. B. Seshagiri (Canada), Industrial Hygiene Engineer, Human Resources Development Canada;

Mr. D. B. Deb (India), Deputy Director General, Directorate Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes.

Nominations made after consultations with the Employers' group

Dr. Leonardo Greco (Brazil), Coordinator, Working Group on Occupational Health, Confederação Nacional da Indústria;

Mr. Jean-Claude Aubrun (France), Conseiller, Conseil National du Patronat Français;

Mr. Seichi Horie (Japan), General Manager, Keihin NKK Corporation;

Ms. Anne Knowles (New Zealand), Deputy Chief Executive, New Zealand Employers' Federation;

Mr. Christopher D. Money (United States), Industrial Hygiene Advisor (Europe), EXXON Chemicals Ltd; accompanied by Mr. Matthew Winokur, Director, Worldwide Regulatory Affairs, Philip Morris International, as personal advisor.

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 3)

62. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:Nominations made after consultations with the Workers' group

Mr. D. Bennett (Canada), CLC

Ms. S. Pennecuik (Australia), ACTU

Mr. J.L. Gogorno (Uruguay), Acción Sindical

Mr. F. Cavariani (Italy), CGIL

Dr. E. Malekia (United Republic of Tanzania), TFFTU.

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

63. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the General Confederation of Trade Unions and the International Federation of University Women to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 4)


Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting Training and Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries

(Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)

64. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with the Employers' group

Mr. H. Fumagalli (Argentina), Director Ejecutivo, Cámara de Industrias Químicas

Mr. J. Smith (Australia), Director, Safety, Environment and Sustainability, Plastics and Chemicals Industries Association

Mr. S. Chimkovitch (Belgium), Conseiller aux relations internationales, Solvay S.A.

Mr. R. Mowling (Canada), Vice-President, Legal and Public Affairs, Monsanto Canada Inc.

Mr. F. Hrobsky (Czech Republic), Senior Specialist, Department of Health, Safety & Environment, CHEMOPETROL AS

Mr. E. Kiaergaard (Denmark), Dansk Industri

Mr. F. Gaschka (France), Directeur, Affaires sociales, Union des Industries Chimiques

Mr. H. Richter (Germany), Advisor -- BDA, TH Aachen

Mr. N. Messina (Italy), Directeur des Relations Industrielles, FEDERCHIMICA (Fédération Nationale de l'Industrie Chimique)

Mr. N. Nishiyama (Japan), Managing Director, Mitsubishi Chemical Co.

Mr. A. Salamah (Kuwait), Chemical Engineer, Operations Manager, Petrochemical Industries Co.

Mr. H.L. Chuck Choo (Mauritius), Technical Manager, Mauritius Chemical Fertilisers Industry Ltd.

Mr. V. Angüis Terrazas (Mexico), Presidente, Comisión Nacional de Seguridad, Protección e Higiene, COPARMEX

Mr. N. Wensveen (Netherlands), Head of Department for the Process Industry, General Employers' Association AWVN

Mr. B. Jacobsen (Norway), Chief Negotiator, Federation of Norwegian Process Industries (PIL)

Mrs. L. Penedo (Portugal), Directora General, Associação Portuguesa das Empresas Químicas (APEQ)

Mr. J.P. Hanks (South Africa), AECI Ltd.

Mr. A. Donday Fernández (Spain), Asesor Internacional, Federación Empresarial de la Indústria Química Española (FEIQUE)

Mr. G. Trogen (Sweden), Director General, ALMEGA Industrial & Chemical Association

Mr. C. Rollini (Switzerland), Secrétaire général, Association des Industries Chimiques Genevoises

Dr. A.R.B. Büyükuslu (Turkey), Adviser, Industrial Relations & Human Resources Management, Chemicals, Petroleum, Rubber & Plastics Industry Employers' Association of Turkey

Mr. V. Harris (United Kingdom), Director, Education, Innovation & Employment Affairs, Chemical Industries Association

Mr. D. Bausano (United States), Marketing Manager, Huntsman Corporation


Mr. J. Acquaviva (Argentina), Secretario, Comisión de Medio Ambiente de la Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA)

Mr. P. Tomek (Austria), Director, Personnel and Law, Bender Wien

Mr. C. Hunt (Bahamas), Human Resources Manager, Bacardi & Company Ltd.

Mr. A. Jawahary (Bahrain), Plant Manager, Gulf Petrochemicals Industries Co. (BSC)

Mr. P. Clerinx (Belgium), Conseiller technique, Directeur du Département social, FEDICHEM

Mr. C. Arze (Bolivia), Director, Proyecto de Prevención de la Contaminación Ambiental

Ms. G.M. Christova (Bulgaria), Computer Engineering Expert, Shoumen Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Mr. G. Vassilev Georgiev (Bulgaria), Head of Gas-Protection Service, Agropolichim plc

Mr. D. Georgiev Krosnev (Bulgaria), Chief Expert, Consortium Devnia plc

Mr. J. Gurov Gurov (Bulgaria), Head of Department, Steam Power Station Devnia plc

Mr. R.M. Avaria Larrañaga (Chile), Secretario Ejecutivo, Comisión Medio Ambiente

Mr. T.-G. Anticic (Croatia), ECO-PER, d.o.o.

Mr. M. Niskanen (Finland), Deputy Director-General, Chemical Industry Federation of Finland

Ms. C. Lequime (France), Département technique en charge du Responsible Care, Union des Industries Chimiques

Mr. M. Charamba (Ghana), Technical Director, UNILEVER Ghana Ltd.

Mrs. A.S. Abarca (Honduras), Sub-Directora Ejecutiva, Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada (COHEP)

Mr. S. Gopal Kale (India), Head, Corporate Safety & Environment, Novartis India Ltd.

Mr. Harjono (Indonesia), Executive Member, Occupational Health and Safety Department, Employers' Association of Indonesia (APINDO)

Mr. B.R. Al-Hajeri (Kuwait), General Superintendent -- Loss Prevention, Petrochemical Industries Co.

Mr. C.C. Zambezi (Malawi), City Engineer

Mr. D. Yong Min Tet (Malaysia), Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Officer, Malaysian Employers' Federation (MEF)

Mr. R.A. Lorea Hernández (Mexico), Director de Medio Ambiente, Seguridad e Higiene, Asociación Nacional de la Indústria Química A.C.

Mr. L. Hurelbaatar (Mongolia), President, Monos Corporation

Mr. H.E. Masodje (Nigeria), Management Development and Training Manager, Academy Press plc

Mr. S. Høstmark (Norway), Assistant Director, Federation of Norwegian Process Industries (PIL)

Mr. U. Rasool (Pakistan), Chemical Engineer, Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd.

Ms. F.T. Palileo (Philippines), Corporate Officer, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines

Mr. A. Grant (Russian Federation), Head of Department, Institute of Reagent

Mr. Y. Diop (Senegal), Directeur général, SEGECA

Mr. J. López-Cózar Navarro (Spain), Asesor, Departamento Socio-Laboral, FEIQUE

Mr. K. Brodowsky (Sweden), Director, ALMEGA, Industrial & Chemical Association

Mr. I. Lundström (Sweden), Master of Science Civ. Eng., Association of Swedish Chemical Industries

Mr. S. Cholprance (Thailand), Stewardship & Safety Specialist, Rhône-Poulenc Agro (Thailand) S.A.

Mr. I. Novikov (Ukraine), Executive Director, Union of Chemists of Ukraine (UCU)

Mr. C.J. Beckett (United Kingdom), Health, Safety & Environment Advisor, BP Chemicals

Mr. J. Whiston (United Kingdom), Chairman, CEFIC "Responsible Care" Coordinating Group

Ms. G. De Pulido (Venezuela), Directora Ejecutiva, Asociación Venezolana de la Industria Química y Petrochímica

Nominations made after consultations with the Workers' group

Mr. M. Mersman (Germany), IGBCE

Mr. F. Higgs (United Kingdom), TGWU

Mr. U. Lavenius (Sweden), Industrifacket

Mr. T. Hubert (Netherlands), CNV

Mr. J. Kheliff (France), FCE

Mr. R. Conus (Switzerland), SIB

Mr. K. Hnatio (Poland), SPCH

Mr. T. Lukusa (Democratic Republic of the Congo), CSC

Mr. P. Lootens (Belgium), FGTB

Mr. L. Föcze (Hungary), VDSZ

Mr. V. Stanin (Russian Federation), RCWU

Mr. C.R. Gaitan (Argentina), FLATI

Mr. P. Magane (South Africa), CWIU

Mr. N. Kpoh (Ghana), ICWU

Mr. B. Kohler (Canada), CEP

Mr. R E. Wages (United States), OCAW

Mr. N. Freitas (Brazil), CUT

Mr. G. Brown Young (Costa Rica), SITRAPEQUIA

Mr. H. Iwasaki (Japan), KAGAKU SOREN

Mr. K. Yun-Bae (Republic of Korea), FKCU

Mr. B. Chandrasek (Sri Lanka), CMU

Mr. U.H. Gabdushev (Kazakhstan), CMWK

Mr. A. Hasan (Malaysia), NUPCIW


Mr. J. Van't Veld (Netherlands), FNV (Bondgenoten)

Mr. M. Decayeux (France), FO

Mr. J. Urrutia (Spain), FIA-UGT

Mr. F. Wyckmans (Netherlands), LBC-NVK

Mr. L. Makov (Bulgaria), FNTCI

Mr. Z. Cerny (Czech Republic), OS CHEMIE

Mr. M. Wright (United States), USWA

Mr. M. Sprinker (United States), ICWUC

Mr. J. Gonsalez Muntadas (Spain), FITEQA-CC.OO

Mr. O. de Toni (Italy), FLERICA-CISL.


Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and
Restructuring of Public Utilities

(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)

65. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with the Employers' group

Mr. M.A. Di Leo (Argentina), Director, Staff Recursos Humanos, SOCMA AMERICANA

Mr. A.K. Daij Al Khalifa (Bahrain), Manager, Employee Relations, Bahrain Telecommunication Company (BSC)

Mr. T.I. Goldie (Canada), Vice-President, Human Resources, Ontario Hydro Services Company

Mrs. G. Lucic (Croatia), Leader, "Hrvatska Elektroprivreda" Croatian Electric Power Industry

Mr. H. Hietala (Finland), Director-General, PT Employers' Association

Mr. F. Asante (Ghana), Director of Operations, Electricity Company of Ghana Ltd.

Ms. V.S. De Fonseca (Honduras), Directora Ejecutiva, Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada (COHEP)

Mr. M.A. Hakeem (India), Secretary-General, Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE)

Mr. U. Courtney (Ireland), Industrial Relations Executive, Irish Business & Employers Confederation

Mr. E.O. Nyamunga (Kenya), Managing Director, Kenya Railways Corporation

Mr. W. Laymore Dambuleni (Malawi), Adviser, Employers' Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM)

Mr. O. Carvajal Bustamante (Mexico), Presidente, Comisión de Trabajo y Previsión Social, Confederación de Cámaras Industriales de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (CONCAMIN)

Mr. M. French (New Zealand), Manager, Labour Relations, Employers & Manufacturers Association

Mr. A.J. Etukudo (Nigeria), Director-General, Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (NECA)

Mr. M. Amante (Philippines), Consultant on HRD & Industrial Relations, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines

Mr. L. Karwowski (Poland), Member of Employers' Association of Low Silesi, WPO Association

Mr. I. Shkurov (Russian Federation), Vice-President, JS "Russian Union of Public Utilities Enterprises"

Mr. T. Bunyarataphan (Thailand), Assistant Director-General, Human Resources Division, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Mr. F. Natera (Venezuela), Presidente, Federación de Cámaras y Asociaciones de Comercio y Producción de Venezuela (FEDECAMARAS)

Mr. M. Nxele (Zimbabwe), General Manager, Group Human Resources, Posts & Telecommunications Corporation


Mr. S. Shepherd (Australia), Director, Policy and Communications, Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Mrs. V.T. Burrows (Bahamas), Executive Director, Human Resources Training & Administration, BaTelCo

Mr. O. Aguirre (Bolivia), c/o Confederación de Empresarios de Bolivia (CEPB)

Mr. K. Kolev (Bulgaria), Executive Director, Privatization & Investment Centre of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA)

Mr. A. Romm (Israel), Vice-President for Human Resources & Information Systems, Israel Chemicals Ltd.

Mr. A.S.A. Al Humaidhi (Kuwait), Board Member, Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Advocate T. Makeka (Lesotho), Executive Director, Association of Lesotho Employers (ALE)

Mr. H.A.A. Bin Abdul Manan (Malaysia), Senior Vice-President (Operations), SIRIM Berhad

Mr. D. Jantsan (Mongolia), Vice-President, Mongolian Employers' Federation

Mr. A. Seck (Senegal), Membre de la Commission sociale du Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal (CNP)

Mr. O. Cszanda (Slovakia), Primator, Mestsky urad, Nové Zámky

Mr. A. Itchayapruks (Thailand), Assistant Governor, Human Resources Policies and Management Development, Head Office, Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT)

Mr. M. Akbay (Turkey), Director-General, Chairman of the Governing Body of The Public Industries Employers' Association of Turkey (KAMU-)

Mr. L. Rubanenko (Ukraine), President"Kharkov Perspective" Joint Stock Company.

Nominations made after consultations with the Workers' group

Mr. V.J. Weschenfelder (Brazil), CUT-FNU/CUT

Mr. R. Gal (Hungary), VDSZSZ

Mr. Kwon Won Pyo (Republic of Korea), KNEWU

Mr. T. Lee (Australia), ASU

Ms. J. Darcy (Canada), CUPE

Mr. H. Pinchema (Chile), CATE

Mr. J. Bouilly (France), CFDT

Mr. L. Nizamani (Pakistan), PWHECLU

Mr. K. Rens (South Africa), SAMWU

Ms. K. Regnér (Sweden), SKTF

Mr. M. Charni (Tunisia), Fédération Nationale de l'Electricité et du Gaz

Mr. S. Mead (United Kingdom), UNISON

Mr. S. Fantauzzo (United States), AFSCME

Mr. J. Romero (Colombia), Sintraelecol

Mr. F. Yao (Côte d'Ivoire), Synaseg

Mr. I. bin Ismail (Malaysia), KPP Tenaga Nasional

Mr. L. Mironov (Russian Federation), ROGWU

Mr. J. Frade (Spain), FIA-UGT

Mr. G. Garcia (Argentina), FATLYF

Mr. P.Oyola Paloma (Colombia), UTRADEC


Mr. V. Kuzichev (Russian Federation), Electroprofsoyuz

Mr. G. Gamboa (Colombia), Sintraelecol

Mr. J.A. Cid (Spain), FIA-UGT

Mr. R. Muthusamy (Malaysia), KPP Tenaga Nasional

Mr. A. Bolito (Brazil), CUT-FNU/CUT

Mr. Osama Tariq (Pakistan), PWHECLU

Mr. C. Rezgui (Tunisia), Fédération Nationale de l'Electricité de du Gaz

Mr. A. Mancuso (Argentina), FATLYF

Mr. M. Cruciani (France), FCE-CFDT

Mr. S.A. Romero (El Salvador), ATCEL/STSEL.

International Symposium on the Future of
Employers' Organizations

(Geneva, 19-21 April 1999)


66. The Governing Body approved the following agenda: "The Future of Employers' Organizations". (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 8)


67. The Governing Body decided that the symposium should be attended by 24 representatives of employers' organizations, nominated after consultations with the Employers' group of the Governing Body, from the following countries:

Argentina Croatia Cameroon Australia

Brazil Czech Republic Kenya India

Colombia Germany Mauritius Japan

Mexico Ireland Senegal Pakistan

Suriname Norway South Africa Singapore

United States Spain Tunisia United Arab Emirates

(Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, paras. 9-10)

Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines

(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

68. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with the Employers' group

Mr. S. Knott (Australia), Executive General Manager, Australian Mines & Metals Association

Mr. G. Eneas (Bahamas), Vice-President Corporate Affairs, Marcona Oceans Industries Ltd.

Mr. J. Riesco Valdivieso (Chile), Secretario General, Sociedad Nacional de Minería

Mr. R.K. Sharma (India), Secretary-General, Federation of Indian Mineral Industries

Mr. S. Hadipoetro (Indonesia), Environment & Health Safety Consultant, Pertamina Co.

Mr. M.N. Muhammad (Malaysia), Executive Director, Malaysian Chamber of Mines

Mr. A. Sanoussi Daffe (Mali), Président, Union des Exploitants miniers du Mali

Mr. B. Nyamtaishir (Mongolia), President, Mongol alt Corporation

Mr. M. Falomo (Nigeria), Chairman/Chief Executive Officer, DBC Ltd.

Mr. S.G. Ahmed (Pakistan), Resident Manager, Bolan Mining Enterprises

Mr. J.Z. Costa (Peru), Vicepresidente, Comité Asuntos Laborales, Confederación Nacional de Instituciones Empresariales Privadas (CONFIEP)

Mr. V. Mišt (Slovakia), Secretary General, Association of Metallurgy, Mining Industry and Geology of the Slovak Republic

Mr. R. Fernández Aller (Spain), Director General, Asociación Nacional Española de Fabricantes Áridos (ANEFA)

Mr. R. Schön (Sweden), Assistant Director, Metallgruppen

Mr. A.A. Petrov (Ukraine), Director General of LLC, Donetskshakthtospettsstroj

Mr. B.J. Jackson (United States), Vice-President, Human Resources, National Mining Association

Mr. G. Sánchez (Venezuela), Presidente, Cámara Minera de Venezuela

Mr. J. Hasson (Zambia), Chief Industrial Relations Secretary, Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd.


Mr. C.N. Sapag (Argentina), Secretario, Cámara Argentina de Empresarios Mineros

Mr. M.K. Antoniou (Cyprus), Industrial Relations & Labour Legislation Officer, Employers & Industrialists Federation (OEB)

Mr. J.L.L. Moreno (Mexico), Director General, Cámara Minera de México

Mr. B. Jacobsen (Norway), Assistant Director, Federation of Norwegian Process Industries (PIL)

Mr. G.S. Imperial, Jr. (Philippines), Vice-President, Employers' Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)

Mr. R. Faizoulline (Russian Federation), Director-General, JSC Zapolyarnaya

Dr. W. Plodpradista (Thailand), Chief, Mineral Economics Section, Technical and Planning Division, Department of Mineral Resources.

Fourteenth American Regional Meeting

(Lima, August 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

69. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations to be represented by an observer at the Meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 12)


Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour

(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)


70. On behalf of the Governing Body, the Officers of the Governing Body approved the following agenda for the meeting :

(a) the role of labour inspectors in combating child labour,

(b) best practices and approaches in this area;

(c) recommendations for future national and international action.


71. On behalf of the Governing Body, the Officers of the Governing Body approved the following composition: the meeting should be attended by 20 experts nominated after consultations with governments, ten after consultations with the Employers' group, and ten after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body.

72. The Officers of the Governing Body took note that, in order to obtain the government nominations, account being taken of the need for geographical distribution and to reflect available experience, the Director-General intended to consult the Governments of Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Jordan, Kenya, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Portugal, Tanzania, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. Should any of those governments be unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General intended to approach the Governments of Colombia, Italy, Nepal or Spain.

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

73. The Officers of the Governing Body took note that the Director-General intended to invite the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be represented at the meeting.

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

74. On behalf of the Governing Body, the Officers of the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the General Confederation of Trade Unions and the International Association of Labour Inspection (IALI) to be represented by observers at the meeting.

Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools

(Geneva, 4-14 October 1999)

75. The Governing Body took note that, in order to obtain the government nominations, the Director-General intended to approach the Governments of the following countries: France, Germany, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine and the United States. Should any of these governments prove unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General would approach the Governments of Chile, Japan, Kazakhstan and Sweden. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 16)

International Consultation concerning Follow-up
on the World Summit for Social Development

(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)

76. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the General Confederation of Trade Unions, the International Council of Nurses, the International Federation of University Women, the Public Services International and the World Movement of Christian Workers to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 18)

Second ILO Enterprise Forum

(Geneva, 5-6 November 1999)

77. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the General Confederation of Trade Unions, the International Christian Union of Business Executives, the International Council of Nurses and the International Federation of University Women to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 20)

Ninth African Regional Meeting

(Abidjan, December 1999)

78. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Federation of University Women and the World Movement of Christian Workers to be represented by observers at the Meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 22)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives on various bodies

Tripartite Meeting on Voluntary Initiatives Affecting Training and
Education on Safety, Health and Environment in the Chemical Industries

(Geneva, 22-26 February 1999)

79. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Simanjuntak (Government, Indonesia) as its representative, who would also chair the above meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 23 and announcement by the group)

Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and
Restructuring of Public Utilities

(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)

80. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Pierides (Employer member) as its representative, who would also chair the above meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 24 and announcement by the group)

Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines

(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

81. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Sibanda (Worker member) as its representative, who would also chair the above meeting. (Seventh sitting; GB.273/16, para. 25 and announcement by the group)

* * *

Matters on which the Officers of the
Governing Body took decisions on its behalf

Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1998 and for 1999

82. The Officers of the Governing Body approved the programme of meetings for the remainder of 1998 and for 1999 as set out in document GB.273/Inf.1.

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings

83. The Officers of the Governing Body approved proposals for a number of symposia, seminars and similar meetings. (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.273/Inf.2)

Requests from non-governmental international organizations
wishing to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session
of the International Labour Conference

84. The Officers of the Governing Body authorized the Director-General --

(a) to invite the organizations listed below to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference, it being understood that it would be for the Selection Committee of the Conference to consider their requests to participate in the work of the Committees dealing with the agenda items in which they had stated a special interest;

(b) to inform the organizations concerned that they may nominate one person only for each of the agenda items in respect of which their interest has been recognized.

Employers' organizations

International Christian Union of Business Executives

Workers' organizations

General Confederation of Trade Unions

Other organizations

International Council of Women

International Federation for Alternative Trade

International Federation Terre des Hommes


World Organization against Torture

Zonta International.

(Communicated to the Governing Body in GB.273/Inf.3)

* * *

Other questions

Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th Session (1999) of the International Labour Conference

85. The Governing Body decided to include an item on the agenda of its 274th Session (March 1999) entitled: "Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th Session (1999) of the International Labour Conference". (Seventh sitting; GB.273/D.1)

1.  GB.270/LILS/4(Rev.1), reproduced in Appendix I to the report.

For further information, please contact the Official Relations Branch at Tel: +41.22.799.7732, Fax: +41.22.799.8944 or by e-mail: dale@ilo.org

Copyright ® 1999 International Labour Organization (ILO)
This page was created by HK. It was approved by NdW. It was last updated on 20 January 1999.