This collection includes data derived from national labour force surveys (LFS). Labour force surveys are one of the primary national household surveys conducted by countries. They are designed with the objective to produce official national statistics on the labour force, employment and unemployment for monitoring and planning purposes. LFS are the main source behind headline indicators of the labour market for short-term monitoring as well as more structural information on the number and characteristics of the employed, their jobs and working conditions, the job search activities of those without work, etc. They are a unique source of data on informal employment, and increasingly designed to produce statistics on unpaid forms of work and other related topics through add-on modules.

At the international level, LFS serve as the primary source for monitoring global commitments on the world of work, including under Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 5 (Gender Equality) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

LFS are typically conducted on a continuous or sub-annual basis to support short-term monitoring of labour markets and the economy. Where this is not feasible, LFS may be conducted on an annual or less frequent basis. LFS data nevertheless, generally provides a snap-shot picture of the labour market at a given point in time or over a given period.

To support monitoring and planning at national and subnational levels, LFS typically require large samples with complex sample designs. Analysis of LFS data thus generally requires the use of weights and evaluation of associated sampling errors.