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Organization -- all -- ACP Group - African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (3)AITIC - Agency for International Trade Information and Cooperation (4)BIPM - International Bureau of Weights and Measures (5)CAFRAD - African Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development (4)CCC - Customs Co-operation Council (1)CCP (SDN) - Pensions fund (League of Nations) (1)CDE - Centre for the Development of Enterprise (16)CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research (125)CIEPS - International Center for the Registration of Serials (1)CIPEC - Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries (9)CTA - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (10)CTBTO PrepCom - Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (35)ECC - Energy Charter Conference (16)EFTA - European Free Trade Association (10)EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory (43)EPO - European Patent Organisation (1,085)ESA - Surveillance Authority of the European Free Trade Association (3)ESO - European Southern Observatory (110)EUTELSAT - European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (1)Eurocontrol - European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (316)FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (411)GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (9)GCF - Green Climate Fund (3)GGGI - Global Green Growth Institute (1)Global Fund - Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (44)IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (164)ICATVT [ITCILO] - International Centre for Advanced Technical and Vocational Training (4)ICC - International Criminal Court (78)ICC (WHO) - International Computing Centre (World Health Organization) (1)ICCO - International Cocoa Organization (3)ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (2)ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (4)ICITO/GATT - Interim Commission for the International Trade Organisation/General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1)IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development (37)IFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (29)IIIC [UNESCO] - International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (5)ILCE - Latin American Institute for Educational Communication (1)ILO - International Labour Organization (403)INTERPOL - International Criminal Police Organization (67)IOC - International Olive Council (4)IOM - International Organization for Migration (70)IOOC - International Olive Oil Council (7)IPI - International Patent Institute (36)ISNAR - International Service for National Agricultural Research (3)ITCILO - International Training Centre of the International Labour Organisation (1)ITER Organization - ITER International Fusion Energy Organization (16)ITU - International Telecommunication Union (199)International IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (1)LON - League of Nations (33)Nansen - Nansen International Office for Refugees (1)OACPS - Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (7)OCTI [OTIF] - Central Office for International Railway Transport (1)OIE - International Office of Epizootics (9)OIML - International Organization of Legal Metrology (1)OIV - International Organisation of Vine and Wine (1)OPCW - Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (74)OTIF - Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (10)PAHO - Pan American Health Organization (117)PCA - Permanent Court of Arbitration (1)SPC - The Pacific Community (1)South Centre - South Centre (6)UIBPIP - United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (3)UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (299)UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (127)UNWTO - World Tourism Organization (29)UPOV - International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (10)UPU - Universal Postal Union (77)WCO (CCC) - World Customs Organization (Customs Co-operation Council) (13)WHO - World Health Organization (576)WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization (175)WMO - World Meteorological Organization (29)WTO - World Trade Organization (37)
Year of judgment -- all -- 2025 (91)2024 (176)2023 (157)2022 (136)2021 (76)2020 (161)2019 (147)2018 (157)2017 (181)2016 (161)2015 (167)2014 (149)2013 (93)2012 (101)2011 (97)2010 (92)2009 (96)2008 (99)2007 (98)2006 (89)2005 (105)2004 (104)2003 (103)2002 (89)2001 (76)2000 (112)1999 (107)1998 (111)1997 (112)1996 (97)1995 (87)1994 (76)1993 (97)1992 (72)1991 (77)1990 (68)1989 (35)1988 (73)1987 (78)1986 (79)1985 (74)1984 (51)1983 (53)1982 (78)1981 (23)1980 (54)1979 (20)1978 (37)1977 (45)1976 (21)1975 (17)1974 (23)1973 (27)1972 (11)1971 (15)1970 (28)1969 (15)1968 (13)1967 (19)1966 (6)1965 (11)1964 (12)1962 (11)1961 (5)1960 (12)1958 (9)1957 (6)1955 (9)1954 (4)1953 (1)1951 (3)1947 (7)1946 (16)1939 (2)1938 (1)1937 (3)1935 (2)1934 (1)1932 (8)1930 (1)1929 (3)
Session -- all -- 139th Session (91)138th Session (98)137th Session (78)136th Session (85)135th Session (77)134th Session (80)133rd Session (51)132nd Session (43)131st Session (70)130th Session (58)129th Session (66)128th Session (73)127th Session (77)126th Session (75)125th Session (87)124th Session (80)123rd Session (97)122nd Session (85)121st Session (72)120th Session (90)119th Session (77)118th Session (63)117th Session (25)116th Session (61)115th Session (50)114th Session (43)113th Session (47)112th Session (54)111th Session (49)110th Session (48)109th Session (44)108th Session (48)107th Session (47)106th Session (49)105th Session (48)104th Session (51)103rd Session (48)102nd Session (50)101st Session (42)100th Session (47)99th Session (53)98th Session (52)97th Session (51)96th Session (53)95th Session (58)94th Session (45)93rd Session (49)92nd Session (40)91st Session (35)90th Session (41)89th Session (55)88th Session (57)87th Session (48)86th Session (59)85th Session (50)84th Session (61)83rd Session (54)82nd Session (58)81st Session (60)80th Session (37)79th Session (43)78th Session (44)77th Session (40)76th Session (36)75th Session (49)74th Session (48)73rd Session (39)72nd Session (33)71st Session (35)70th Session (42)69th Session (39)68th Session (29)67th Session (1)66th Session (34)65th Session (36)64th Session (37)63rd Session (38)62nd Session (23)61st Session (17)60th Session (25)59th Session (27)58th Session (27)57th Session (38)56th Session (24)55th Session (12)54th Session (23)53rd Session (14)52nd Session (14)51st Session (35)50th Session (18)49th Session (33)48th Session (29)47th Session (16)46th Session (23)45th Session (24)44th Session (11)43rd Session (19)42nd Session (20)41st Session (18)40th Session (19)39th Session (18)38th Session (27)37th Session (10)36th Session (11)35th Session (7)34th Session (10)33rd Session (11)32nd Session (12)31st Session (13)30th Session (14)29th Session (6)28th Session (5)27th Session (8)26th Session (7)25th Session (8)24th Session (9)23rd Session (11)22nd Session (9)21st Session (6)20th Session (8)19th Session (5)18th Session (4)17th Session (15)16th Session (6)15th Session (5)14th Session (6)13th Session (3)12th Session (9)11th Session (6)10th Session (5)9th Session (5)8th Session (12)7th Session (9)6th Session (6)5th Session (9)4th Session (4)3rd Session (1)2nd Session (3)1st Session (7)Sessions of the Administrative Tribunal of the League of Nations (37)
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