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Judgment No. 2940


1. The ILO shall pay the complainant 1,000 Swiss francs in compensation for the injury suffered.
2. It shall also pay her costs in the amount of 500 francs.
3. All other claims are dismissed.

Consideration 3(b)


"In accordance with the right to due process, which calls for transparent procedures, a staff member is entitled to be apprised of all items of information material to the outcome of his or her claims. The composition of an advisory body is one such item, since the identity of its members might have a bearing on the reasoning behind and credibility of the body's recommendation or opinion. The staff member is therefore at least entitled to comment on its composition (see Judgment 2767, under 7(a))."


ILOAT Judgment(s): 2767


grounds; advisory body; recommendation; settlement out of court; general principle; right to reply; due process; equity; duty to inform; advisory opinion; consequence; effect; elements; right; composition of the internal appeals body

Last updated: 14.08.2020 ^ top