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119th Session,

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Judgment No. Organization acronym Extracts Full text
As the first judgment concerning the complainant cannot be reopened, the complaint is summarily dismissed.
As the first judgment concerning the complainant cannot be reopened, the complaint is summarily dismissed.
3468 FAO EN, FR EN, FR
As the complaint does not raise issues over which the Tribunal has jurisdiction, it is irreceivable and is summarily dismissed.
As the complaint is out of time and therefore clearly irreceivable, it is summarily dismissed.
3466 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaint, which challenges a rule of general application, is clearly irreceivable and is summarily dismissed.
3465 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal summarily dismissed the complaint for failure to exhaust internal means of redress.
3464 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal summarily dismissed the complaint as the complainant cannot validly impugn a decision which was not a final decision.
3463 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaints are summarily dismissed because, by the time they were filed, there had been a decision on the complainants' claim, which precludes the challenging of an implied rejection of their requests for review.
3462 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaint, clearly irreceivable, is summarily dismissed.
3461 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaints are irreceivable and they are summarily dismissed.
3460 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal found that the Organisation properly exercised its discretion and it summarily dismissed the complaint.
3459 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal found that it was not competent to hear the complaint and summarily dismissed it.
3458 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaints, clearly irreceivable, are summarily dismissed.
3457 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal considered that the complaint was premature and summarily dismissed it.
3456 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaints, essentially identical and clearly irreceivable, were summarily dismissed.
3455 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal summarily dismissed the complaint as clearly irreceivable.
3454 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal summarily dismissed the complaints as irreceivable.
3453 WHO EN, FR EN, FR
The Tribunal summarily dismissed the complaint as clearly irreceivable.
3452 ITU EN, FR EN, FR
The application for review is summarily dismissed as clearly irreceivable.
3451 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complaint is dismissed for failure to exhaust internal remedies.

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