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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Argentina-Uruguay 2 December 2002 (National Dialogue)

    The National Dialogue on the Social Dimension of Globalization in Argentina and Uruguay was held in Montevideo. Over 20 people participated in the dialogue, including Mr. Julio María Sanguinetti, former President of Uruguay, Mr. Daniel Funes de Rioja (both members of the World Commission), high-level public officials from Argentina and Uruguay, employer and trade union leaders, representatives from the academic world and officials from the United Nations system.

The agenda focused on two main issues: (a) perspectives on globalization, and (b) its socio-economic impact in the Southern Cone and the way the lives of the inhabitants of the River Plate region are affected.

Both themes were presented and observations were made by a number of stakeholders. The question of social dialogue provided the broad framework within which to examine the need to strengthen MERCOSUR and to assess the social impact of globalization.


Keynote address by Mr. Julio Marķa Sanguinetti - PDF

Report of the meeting - PDF

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 Updated 27 Febrary 2003