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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization


The Secretariat's tasks
A Secretariat was established by the ILO to support the work of the Commission.

The Secretariat is at the ILO's Geneva Headquarters. Its Executive Secretary is Mr. Padmanabha Gopinath, formerly counsellor to the ILO's Director-General. Mr. Gerry Rodgers, who heads the ILO's Policy Integration Department, is responsible for technical support to the Commission.

Among other tasks, the Secretariat has aimed to provide the Commission with the widest possible range of options and opinions in order to inform its choices.

To this end, it undertook a series of activities to compile information on different aspects of the social dimension of globalization.

The Secretariat's work involved preparation of:
Background data and documentation

Synthesis of research results

Arranging consultations with different actors in order to obtain their views and perspectives

Developing a "knowledge network" on a number of specific topics, which draw on analytical and policy expertise from around the world.

The Commission
How it works
The Secretariat
The Secretariat's tasks
Global consultations
Policy topics
The Social Dimension of Globalization
Press Releases

Established by the ILO
 Updated 24 February 2004