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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Barbados , 9 April 2003 (Sub-regional Dialogue)

    The Caribbean consultation of the World Commission was opened by Prime Minister of Barbados, H.E. Mr. Owen Arthur.

"There is a need to civilize globalization. The entire Caribbean therefore welcomes the establishment of the World Commission as a necessary means by which an international consensus can be devised as to how a human face and a human outcome can be given to the global development" the Prime Minister addressed to the audience. "The Caribbean unique contribution to the development of the global society has to date, taken the form of the products of the creative imagination of its people and its contribution to good global governance, drawing upon its superior example of political stability and maturity. It is vital that in a world where cultural homogeneity is fast becoming the norm, the Caribbean should not yield and iota in expressing our confidence in the value of our cultural norms and essential aspects of the Caribbean way of life which have made us, despite our smallness and vulnerability, such a resilient and resourceful people."


Opening address by Prime Minister of Barbados, H.E. Mr. Owen Arthur - PDF 1,503 kb

Report of the meeting- PDF

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Established by the ILO
 Updated 12 May 2003