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  1. ICJ (13 references)
        [see also: Advisory opinion of ICJ]
  2. ICSC decision (47 references)
  3. ICSC Statute (7 references)
  4. Identical claims (22 references)
  5. Identical facts (17 references)
  6. Ignorance of the rules (21 references)
        [see also: Duty to know the rules]
  7. Illness (272 references)
  8. ILO Instruments (3 references)
  9. ILOAT (63 references)
  10. ILOAT Statute (190 references)
  11. Impartiality (15 references)
  12. Implied decision (117 references)
  13. Implied powers (1 reference)
  14. Implied rejection of internal appeal (5 references)
  15. Impugned decision (184 references)
  16. In dubio pro reo (3 references)
  17. Inadmissible grounds for review (123 references)
  18. Incapacity (43 references)
  19. Increase (23 references)
  20. Increment (34 references)
  21. Increment withheld (15 references)
  22. Independence (82 references)
  23. Individual decision (89 references)
  24. Information note (9 references)
  25. Inherent power (1 reference)
  26. Injunction (10 references)
  27. Injury (782 references)
  28. Inquiry (143 references)  
        [see also: Investigation]
  29. Installation allowance (2 references)
  30. Institutional harassment (13 references)
  31. Insubordination (93 references)
  32. Insurance (389 references)
  33. Insurance benefits (11 references)
        [see also: Medical expenses]
  34. Intention of parties (39 references)
  35. Inter-agency agreement (2 references)
  36. Interest of the service (2 references)
  37. Interest on arrears (2 references)
  38. Interest on damages (20 references)
  39. Interest on termination entitlements (1 reference)
  40. Interlocutory order (38 references)
  41. Internal appeal (537 references)  
  42. Internal appeals body (803 references)
  43. Internal candidate (26 references)
  44. Internal competition (5 references)
  45. Internal complaint - see Internal appeal (537 references)
  46. Internal procedure (28 references)
  47. Internal remedies (2,289 references)
  48. Internal remedies exhausted (379 references)
  49. Internal remedies not exhausted (29 references)
        [see also: Failure to exhaust internal remedies]
  50. International civil service principles (67 references)
  51. International instrument (27 references)
  52. Interpretation (190 references)
  53. Interpretation of rules (26 references)
  54. Interveners (3 references)
  55. Intervention (85 references)
  56. Intervention by an individual (2 references)
  57. Intervention by an individual not admitted (2 references)
  58. Intranet webpage (1 reference)
  59. Invalidity (68 references)
  60. Investigation (205 references)
        [see also: Inquiry]
  61. Investigation report (18 references)
        [see also: Confidential evidence; Confidentiality]
  62. Investigative body (1 reference)
  63. Irreparable injury (1 reference)

Last updated: 13.02.2025 ^ top