124th Session,
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Judgment No. |
Organization acronym |
Extracts |
Full text |
3894 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant considers that there has been an implied decision to reject his internal appeal and he bases his complaint on Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute. |
3893 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant, who was suffering from invalidity, impugns the decision to reject his internal appeal against the decision to remit his case to the Medical Committee. |
3892 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant contends that no final decision has yet been taken on her internal appeal. |
3891 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainants impugn the final decision of the EPO Administrative Council rejecting their requests for review of the Council’s decision CA/D 10/14. |
3890 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the decision to reject his internal appeal. |
3889 |
Eurocontrol |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns what she considers to be an implied rejection of her internal complaint challenging the “negative consequences” of an amendment to a Rule of Application concerning the terms and conditions governing leave. |
3888 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss her with immediate effect for misconduct. |
3887 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to dismiss him, for misconduct, with immediate effect and with reduction of pension entitlements. |
3886 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to reject his request for a job grading review. |
3885 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision to defer the promulgation of the revised post adjustment multiplier for staff of the UN system working in New York. |
3884 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant impugns the decision not to extend her appointment beyond the mandatory retirement age. |
3883 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainants contest the implementation of new salary scales as from March 2012 in Bangkok. |
3882 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss him with immediate effect for misconduct. |
3881 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to grant him sick leave after his dismissal for misconduct. |
3880 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the Director-General’s finding of misconduct and the imposition of the disciplinary measure of suspension without pay for two weeks, and claims excessive delay in the disciplinary and internal appeal proceedings. |
3879 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision not to revise the “unsatisfactory” overall rating of his performance. |
3878 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant contests the decision not to reimburse him for his FAO-derived income taxes, interest charges and penalties paid to the United States tax authorities. |
3877 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the date on which her retroactive promotion took effect. |
3876 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant requests the payment, after his death, of a pension for a surviving spouse to his wife and of an orphan’s pension to two children of whom he claims to be the biological father. He also claims allowances for dependent children. |
3875 |
EN, FR |
EN, FR |
| The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss him on disciplinary grounds. |
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