ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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Governing Body Collection

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ILO Conventions: background and preparatory work

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ILO Library brochure
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ILO and today′s global challenges (Part 2: 1999-)

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  1. Key documents

Launch of the Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work

In the 1980s, ILO worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) to stem the spread of the AIDS virus. As such, it took part in the WHO Global Programme on AIDS, headed at the time by Dr. Jonathan Mann. In November 1988, at its 241st Session, the ILO Governing Body discussed ongoing partnership projects with WHO, specifically consultations on AIDS and the workplace, and the protection of workers from discrimination.

Today, ILO is determined to continue fighting HIV/AIDS. In November 2000, in cooperation with UNAIDS and pursuant to the resolution adopted at the 88th Session of the International Labour Conference (June 2000), it launched the Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work - ILO/AIDS. The programme′s objective is to take advantage of ILO′s resources and specific structure to promote prevention in the workplace, fight discrimination against infected workers and mitigate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic, together with ILO′s constituents. It includes awareness-raising and promotion activities, the preparation of directives and standards, and capacity-building for the social partners through technical cooperation. ILO contributes to international action by making available:

  • a tripartite structure that serves to mobilize and support government, employer and worker efforts to fight HIV/AIDS;
  • nearly a century of experience in helping governments draft labour legislation and standards to protect worker rights and improve their working conditions;
  • Ua global network of external offices that provide optimal conditions for the implementation and management of technical cooperation projects;
  • vast expertise in various areas related to HIV/AIDS, such as employment, occupational health and security and social security;
  • solid foundations for research, education and training, knowledge management and communication.

  1. 1999-:
    ILO and today's global challenges (Part 2: 1999-)
    1. 1999
    2. 2000
    3. 2001
    4. 2002
    5. 2003
    6. 2006
    7. 2008
  2. 1919-1939
  3. 1940-1945
  4. 1946-1959
  5. 1960-1988
  6. 1989-1998

ILO Century Project

ILO Century Project Timeline

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

Video: The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

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Last update: 23.02.2015 ^ top