ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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Governing Body Collection

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ILO Conventions: background and preparatory work

Library brochure
Services & Digital Collections
(pdf 139 KB)

ILO Library brochure
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ILO and today′s global challenges (Part 2: 1999-)

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  1. Key documents

ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization

On 10 June 2008, the 97th Session of the International Labour Conference adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, which will be implemented in the framework of the Decent Work Agenda and its four strategic objectives.

“Following the ILO Constitution of 1919, this is the third major statement of principles and policies adopted by the International Labour Conference in the ILO’s history. It follows the Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 1998”.

“The Declaration is a strong reaffirmation of ILO values. It:
  • recalls that the ILO has the constitutional mandate to pursue the universal aspiration for social justice through its activities in the world of today;
  • acknowledges the ILO’s particular responsibility to promote a fair globalization in order to better reach the goals the constituents have set in creating the ILO;
  • institutionalizes the Decent Work Agenda as the key policy and operational concept to attain the ILO’s constitutional objectives and service efficiently and effectively its constituents”.
(Source: ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, Director-General’s announcement, p. 1)

  1. 1999-:
    ILO and today's global challenges (Part 2: 1999-)
    1. 1999
    2. 2000
    3. 2001
    4. 2002
    5. 2003
    6. 2006
    7. 2008
  2. 1919-1939
  3. 1940-1945
  4. 1946-1959
  5. 1960-1988
  6. 1989-1998

ILO Century Project

ILO Century Project Timeline

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

Video: The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

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Last update: 23.02.2015 ^ top