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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Brussels, 13 December 2002 (Meeting of the Flemish Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization)

  TMr Paul Van Grembergen, the then Flemish Minister for Home Affairs, the Civil Service and Foreign Policy, decided in May 2002 to proceed to the creation of a temporary Flemish Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation, composed of representatives of the different departments of the Ministry of Flanders, the academic world, nongovernmental organisations and the social partners. This Flemish Commission was charged with drafting a document that would present an overview of the different visions that existed within Flanders concerning the social dimension of the globalisation, with a view to hand over this document to the World Commission on the Social Dimension of the Globalisation.

A contribution was made by the SERV, the Flemish Council for Science Policy, three universities (University of Ghent, the Catholic University Leuven and the Catholic University Leuven Campus Kortrijk), and three departments of the Ministry of Flanders (Economics, Employment, Home Affairs and Agriculture; Environment and Infrastructure; General Affairs and Finance). On the basis of these contributions, an underlying synthesis contribution was drawn up, that was discussed and approved on 13 December 2002 during the second meeting of the Flemish Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation. During this meeting the following were present: academics from four universities (Free University Brussels, Catholic University Leuven, Catholic University Leuven Campus Kortrijk and the University of Ghent), three departments (Environment and Infrastructure; General Affairs and Finance; Welfare, Health and Culture), the Flemish Council for Science Policy, the SERV and 11.11.11.

The Flemish contribution is based on the questionnaire on the social dimension of globalisation that was made available by the ILO.


Main conclusions of the questionnaire - PDF

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Established by the ILO
 Updated 11 December 2003