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Governing Body Collection

Library brochure
ILO Conventions: background and preparatory work

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ILO Library brochure
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ILO activities in the post-war world (Part 2: 1960-1988)

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  1. Key documents

Launch of the International Programme for the Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment (PIACT)

ILO started dealing extensively with the problem of working conditions and the working environment in the early 1970s, when it adopted two resolutions relating thereto (Contribution of the International Labour Organisation to the Protection and Enhancement of the Environment Related to Work, 1972, and The Working Environment, 1974).

At its 60th Session, the International Labour Conference took another step, adopting a resolution on ILO′s future action in the field of working conditions and environment. The resolution stated that “the improvement of working conditions and the protection of the physical and mental health of workers constitute an essential and permanent mission of the International Labour Organisation”. After officially consulting the Member States and national employers′ and workers′ organizations, the ILO Governing Body approved the general outline of the PIACT at its session in November 1976. The Programme had five main objectives:

  • to encourage the Member States to set a number of specific objectives aimed at improving working conditions and environment;
  • to promote the adoption by the Member States of the objectives already established in the international labour standards;
  • to set new objectives, if required, for national action;
  • to provide governments, employers′ and workers′ organizations and research and training institutions with the help needed to prepare and implement programmes to improve working conditions and environment in accordance with their possibilities;
  • periodically to evaluate the progress made in implementing the PIACT and national programmes.

Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning multinational enterprises and social policy

This Declaration, which was adopted by the Governing Body at its 204th Session (November 1977), was the outcome of a long institutional process started in 1972 with the first tripartite consultative meeting on the relationship between multinational enterprises and social policy.

Its aim is to steer and inspire the practices of multinational enterprises and their relations with the governments and workers′ and employers′ organizations of the countries in which they have set up business. The principles set out in the Declaration constitute a good code of conduct and best practices in areas such as employment, training, working conditions, occupational health and security and industrial relations.

As Director-General Francis Blanchard recalled in the foreword to the Declaration: “The guidelines contained in the Declaration should serve to enhance the positive contribution which multinational enterprises can make to economic and social progress and to reducing or resolving the difficulties to which their operations may give rise" (see the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning multinational enterprises and social policy, p. 4).

  1. 1960-1988:
    ILO activities in the post-war world (Part 2: 1960-1988)
    1. 1960
    2. 1964
    3. 1965
    4. 1968
    5. 1969
    6. 1970
    7. 1973
    8. 1974
    9. 1977
    10. 1982
    11. 1986
  2. 1919-1939
  3. 1940-1945
  4. 1946-1959
  5. 1989-1998
  6. 1999-

ILO Century Project

ILO Century Project Timeline

The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

Video: The ILO and the Quest for Social Justice

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