Civil Society and Workers' Security: Community, Women and Development (COWAD) Nigeria
J.O. Jeminiwa, A. Mordi C. O. Famro (MRS), J. O. Fayeye, T. A. Oyeniyi, E. C. Anisha November 2004
Viva Rio: Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
Beatriz Maria Alasia de Heredia, Thais Juvenal, Marcos Sá Correia, Marta Arretche, November 2004
Korean Construction Workers Job Centre Seoul, South Korea
Jin-Won Cho, Dong-Choon Kim, Byoung-Hoon Lee, Hyewon Chong, November 2004
Combating Labour Insecurity in Egypt Do "NGOs" have a Significant Role to Play?
S. Eliesh, November 2004
Non-Standard Forms of Labour Contract in the Consolidação das leis do Trabalho (CLT)
and the Flexibility of the Brazilian Labour Market
José Paulo Zeetano Chahad, November 2004
- The Decent Work Enterprise:
Worker Security and Dynamic Efficiency
Guy Standing, Mayo 2003
- Workers' Representation Insecurity in Brazil: Global Forces, Local Stress
Adalberto Moreira Cardoso, Julio 2002
- Innovaciones en materia de seguimiento de la seguridad en el trabajo: estudio de caso de los refugiados de Asia sudoriental en Lowell, Massachussets
Lenore Azaroff y Charles Levenstein, Abril 2002
- Modes of Control:
A Labour-Status Approach to Decent Work
Guy Standing, Noviembre 2000
- Unemployment Benefits and Income Security (Prestaciones de des empleo y seguridad de ingreso)
- Documento de trabajo, Ginebra 2000, Seguimiento de la Cumbre Mundial sobre Desarrollo Social
Guy Standing, Junio de 2000
- Combining Compensatory and Redistributive Benefits: The Challenge of Social Policies in Brazil
Lena Lavinas, 1999
- The Appeal of Minimum Income Programmes in Latin America
Lena Lavinas, 1999